Aurora and I played last night and enjoyed a nice anty piece of log.
It's June 1st! You know that that means. You have one month to decide what to get me for my birthday(July 1st). It's the big one-0. I like roses, artichokes, champagne, fine cheeses, ants and other insects, rotten logs, tomatoes, chia seeds, and roses. Edit: and coconut
Sleepy Pua
That pot of dirt was fun to dig in but it was kind of hard to reach hanging on the wall like that and the flower got in my way. But why do you have it hanging from the ceiling now?
(oddly enough the flower seems to be thriving despite her ripping at least 2/3rds of the roots off.)
In the washer
Aurora: Went out and sun bathed for awhile then had a slow stroll around the yard.
Aurora at the front door
Aurora: I found a cup of buttermilk on the desk while the human was out with the dogs. Was nice of her to leave that for me.
So tired
Lights went off. Time to play!
Big log time
Are there ants in here?
Aurora: Had a nice sun bath then explored the yard. All seems well in my kingdom.
Yogurt face in the sun
I hear dogs barking
I think it's time for a sun bath
The sun makes me sleepy
Nap attack
Time to explore
Silly Aurora
Open up I want in
Aurora: I went out for an evening stroll as well. The garden is nice at night.
Two anteaters emerging from the washer
forgot to remove Aurora's cocktail bowl from the washer last night. I
decided to sleep in the washer with Aurora today. When mom peeked in I
was hugging the bowl. I like to hug something while I sleep. I usually
just hug my toy(the washer's fabric dispenser). When I used to sleep
with mom I'd hug her hand.
Due to the rude disturbance I got up for a snack and have headed to the closet. There's a nice fresh blanket waiting for me!
Aurora: I missed Pua so went to join her in the closet.
Aurora: First Pua steals half of my cocktail then she sprawls out and covers two-thirds of the closet nest. So rude.
Pua: It's called sharing, Aurora!
Aurora: It's a nice evening for a stroll
It happened. Mom forgot to latch the fridge so Aurora and I had a fridge raid but when I dropped the soaked flax seed container it woke mom. She said something about it being inappropriate and Aurora must have been insulted as she just walked off.
I was straddling the top shelf and the door and it took some work for mom to unwrap my tail and remove me.
Later Aurora kept coming when the fridge was opened. First time mom got me a treat and bumped into Aurora's nose as she was standing on two legs wanting a treat too. Mom had to apologize for not being able to see in the dark and then got her a little cocktail.
Aurora: I had an evening stroll then I had an evening run. All together I was out a couple hours.
Those balls with a hole in top were ice forms? I thought they were treat balls. I guess that's why I found nothing when I poked holes in the bottom of half of them.
Aurora: What a lovely day to soak up some rays
I was in the washer and Aurora tried to come in. I jumped out and grabbed her. I thought it would be funny but she got upset and started making spitty hisses at me and left to do a lap around the room. (+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++cxd98070yuio)- "oops she wrote that"
She's rejoined me in the washer now. - nope she left to pace some more.
Mom tried putting Aurora's new harness on to prepare for a real walk but then she really got in a snit and was racing around the room. I came out of the washer and we are playing in the closet nest now. Mom will remove the harness in a bit.
Aurora was leery but a couple renditions of the her treat song and she came out of the nest for a cocktail and allowed the harness to be removed. Of course I am sharing the cocktail.
Aurora: Pua went back to the washer so I got back up and ran around for hours but got locked in eventually when the servant went to hang more clothes outside so I'm finally resting. I dug in the compost and even climbed in the dogwood a bit but she didn't let me run around the neighborhood due to no harness on.
Aurora taking a stroll
I found some earwigs
Aurora: I got up at 8 and started running around the yard and house. I kept going till about 10:30 and talked myself into a treat of yogurt and am now having a rest.
I got an avocado
Yummy avocado
Aurora: I went out for an evening stroll. Even went in the front yard some. This wound up meaning a lot of handling by the human but it wasn't so bad. I only got really mad when she pulled me out of the dogwood. She says if I go to high I could fall in the neighbor's yard or get on the roof. The neighbor's dogs are killers.
Now I came in and woke Pua and we played on the cage and now in the play hammock. I don't even care that the human is still up. She's not really so scary. Well, a little. I peek now and then to be sure she's not about to try anything, like sneak a photo.
Sniffing the night air
Aurora out at night
Taking a night time stroll
Inspecting the wood for termites
This wood isn't buggy enough.
Aurora coming off the logs
Aurora enjoying her cocktail
I'd put it in a glass but she doesn't so well with those.
Some little anteater poked holes in my berry and lemon tea packages
Aurora: I was napping away in the washer when I heard the treat bell so peeked out. The servant says, "Sorry, I was just taking it down to clean it." This is unacceptable. We have rules. I ding the bell for treats and I ding it to say thanks. Pua dings it for treats or jingles the heck out of it. And YOU only ding it when you have treats!
I was in the play hammock last night when the corner let loose and dumped me onto the cage top. I'm pretty sure this incident has nothing to do with the fact I like picking at the corners of the hammock.
Aurora and I are sharing the washer today.
Aurora: It was an odd day. Pua got up in the afternoon and went to the closet. I decided to follow her. Then I decided to go out for a short walk and a lady like pause behind the shed. I came in after that. I rested with Pua for a bit. Later I got up, had my cocktail and paced a bit before settling back in to the washer for the rest of the day.
Enjoying the compost aroma
Aurora: I went out to relax and just when I laid down a Beaker dog came running up to me. I stood and showed him my claws and he left. But then I heard clanging in the kitchen. I'm currently pacing trying to decide if I will try again.
You're wearing that wrong
Dude that was clean laundry before you pulled it out of the pile and started chewing things on it.
Aurora: fresh blanket in the closet. That will do. Pua is hogging the washer.
I have my period so snuggled with mom a lot last night. Maybe Aurora is starting hers too cuz she wouldn't get out of the washer. So I was mopey. Finally around 5 am she got up. She passed me while I was having a treat so I immediately followed her but she didn't want to play and mopped on the shelf awhile before she finally ate.
That's fine I went and took the washer but later we switched to normal, she has the washer and I have the closet nest to sprawl out in.
I don't wanna ring the bell
Just bring me my treat
Fine one ding
Tail ringing
If I ring it with my tail as I'm eating the treats should keep flowing
We had a nicer night. Aurora got up early for her cocktail and food. She tried my supplement cup but said the cheese had a funny after taste and left them for me.
Aurora was all sprawled out in the washer when mom peeked but she saw the cocktail bowl was under her butt so removed it. Aurora was not pleased. I have decided to join her in the washer, as long as the AC keeps it cool enough.
Nah too stuffy and she's a washer hog. I'm back to the closet. It's closer to the AC.
Tried the washer again but it's not working well. So I'm having a vinegar bath. That should cool me off and make everything smell lovely.
I'm back in the washer. I want some company today.
Back in the closet with a fresh blanket. I think I'll stay here.
Aurora: I went out for a stroll and went under the shed like I've done a million times before but this time I stopped under there. It was nice and cool. A great place to take a nice long nap. The servant started started poking boards under there.
I sniffed at them. "That's a nice thought but there's no bugs in these. I'll just rest my eyes a bit"
Then she picked some long weeds and started rattling them around behind me. I didn't like that but I moved along slowly, so she wouldn't think she had won.
Any bugs in that wood?
The sun feels so good
Aurora: Took a 4 o'clock walk but it's still a bit hot out there. Came from the washer but now I'm in the closet.
Aurora: 8PM I'd like another cocktail. 10PM blue cheese please.
Aurora: Had a cocktail then went out and had a nice long sunbath and a short walk.
Aurora: OMG What's your problem lady?
Pua: Did you bring a treat for us. A treat is the only acceptable reason for such disturbances. All I see is a camera.
Aurora: I had a morning cocktail then went out for a sunbath then a stroll after. I came back in to ask for another cocktail but the servant said there's a two a day limit from now on due to what comes out of my rear if I have too much buttermilk. Excuse me but what comes out of my rear is my own private business.
She gave me soup instead. I was not amused. I had a nap in the washer then gave in and had some soup. Then I went out for a bit longer. I can't decide where to settle yet. Washer. closet under the bed, so many choices.
Aurora: Went back out and explored the front yard a bit. Got snatched up and put back in the back yard when the neighbors dog came out. I'm in the washer now. The servant is now complaining about the heat though and says she will just close the door on me if I get up again. I never asked you to follow me around, though I do appreciate you opening doors for me.
Aurora prowling around
I want to visit the chickens next door
Aurora: Darn she meant it about the door. Back in the washer then.
It's June 1st! You know that that means. You have one month to decide what to get me for my birthday(July 1st). It's the big one-0. I like roses, artichokes, champagne, fine cheeses, ants and other insects, rotten logs, tomatoes, chia seeds, and roses. Edit: and coconut
Sleepy Pua
That pot of dirt was fun to dig in but it was kind of hard to reach hanging on the wall like that and the flower got in my way. But why do you have it hanging from the ceiling now?
(oddly enough the flower seems to be thriving despite her ripping at least 2/3rds of the roots off.)
In the washer
Aurora: Went out and sun bathed for awhile then had a slow stroll around the yard.
Aurora at the front door
Aurora: I found a cup of buttermilk on the desk while the human was out with the dogs. Was nice of her to leave that for me.
So tired
Lights went off. Time to play!
Big log time
Are there ants in here?
Aurora: Had a nice sun bath then explored the yard. All seems well in my kingdom.
Yogurt face in the sun
I hear dogs barking
I think it's time for a sun bath
The sun makes me sleepy
Nap attack
Time to explore
Silly Aurora
Open up I want in
Aurora: I went out for an evening stroll as well. The garden is nice at night.
Two anteaters emerging from the washer

Aurora: I missed Pua so went to join her in the closet.
Aurora: First Pua steals half of my cocktail then she sprawls out and covers two-thirds of the closet nest. So rude.
Pua: It's called sharing, Aurora!
Aurora: It's a nice evening for a stroll
It happened. Mom forgot to latch the fridge so Aurora and I had a fridge raid but when I dropped the soaked flax seed container it woke mom. She said something about it being inappropriate and Aurora must have been insulted as she just walked off.
I was straddling the top shelf and the door and it took some work for mom to unwrap my tail and remove me.
Later Aurora kept coming when the fridge was opened. First time mom got me a treat and bumped into Aurora's nose as she was standing on two legs wanting a treat too. Mom had to apologize for not being able to see in the dark and then got her a little cocktail.
The rest of the times she just saw it was mom who opened it and not me and left in disappointment.
Aurora: I had an evening stroll then I had an evening run. All together I was out a couple hours.
Those balls with a hole in top were ice forms? I thought they were treat balls. I guess that's why I found nothing when I poked holes in the bottom of half of them.
Aurora: What a lovely day to soak up some rays
I was in the washer and Aurora tried to come in. I jumped out and grabbed her. I thought it would be funny but she got upset and started making spitty hisses at me and left to do a lap around the room. (+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++cxd98070yuio)- "oops she wrote that"
She's rejoined me in the washer now. - nope she left to pace some more.
Mom tried putting Aurora's new harness on to prepare for a real walk but then she really got in a snit and was racing around the room. I came out of the washer and we are playing in the closet nest now. Mom will remove the harness in a bit.
Aurora was leery but a couple renditions of the her treat song and she came out of the nest for a cocktail and allowed the harness to be removed. Of course I am sharing the cocktail.
Aurora: Pua went back to the washer so I got back up and ran around for hours but got locked in eventually when the servant went to hang more clothes outside so I'm finally resting. I dug in the compost and even climbed in the dogwood a bit but she didn't let me run around the neighborhood due to no harness on.
Aurora taking a stroll
I found some earwigs
Neighbors comments on Hyzzie's cooling jacket today.
"I see you got your spaceman suit on"
"You look like you belong on the Jetsons"
"I see you got your spaceman suit on"
"You look like you belong on the Jetsons"

Aurora: I got up at 8 and started running around the yard and house. I kept going till about 10:30 and talked myself into a treat of yogurt and am now having a rest.
I got an avocado
Yummy avocado
Aurora: I went out for an evening stroll. Even went in the front yard some. This wound up meaning a lot of handling by the human but it wasn't so bad. I only got really mad when she pulled me out of the dogwood. She says if I go to high I could fall in the neighbor's yard or get on the roof. The neighbor's dogs are killers.
Now I came in and woke Pua and we played on the cage and now in the play hammock. I don't even care that the human is still up. She's not really so scary. Well, a little. I peek now and then to be sure she's not about to try anything, like sneak a photo.
Sniffing the night air
Aurora out at night
Taking a night time stroll
Inspecting the wood for termites
This wood isn't buggy enough.
Aurora coming off the logs
Aurora enjoying her cocktail
I'd put it in a glass but she doesn't so well with those.
Some little anteater poked holes in my berry and lemon tea packages
Aurora: I was napping away in the washer when I heard the treat bell so peeked out. The servant says, "Sorry, I was just taking it down to clean it." This is unacceptable. We have rules. I ding the bell for treats and I ding it to say thanks. Pua dings it for treats or jingles the heck out of it. And YOU only ding it when you have treats!
I was in the play hammock last night when the corner let loose and dumped me onto the cage top. I'm pretty sure this incident has nothing to do with the fact I like picking at the corners of the hammock.
Aurora and I are sharing the washer today.
Aurora: It was an odd day. Pua got up in the afternoon and went to the closet. I decided to follow her. Then I decided to go out for a short walk and a lady like pause behind the shed. I came in after that. I rested with Pua for a bit. Later I got up, had my cocktail and paced a bit before settling back in to the washer for the rest of the day.
Enjoying the compost aroma
Aurora: I went out to relax and just when I laid down a Beaker dog came running up to me. I stood and showed him my claws and he left. But then I heard clanging in the kitchen. I'm currently pacing trying to decide if I will try again.
You're wearing that wrong
Dude that was clean laundry before you pulled it out of the pile and started chewing things on it.
Aurora: fresh blanket in the closet. That will do. Pua is hogging the washer.
I have my period so snuggled with mom a lot last night. Maybe Aurora is starting hers too cuz she wouldn't get out of the washer. So I was mopey. Finally around 5 am she got up. She passed me while I was having a treat so I immediately followed her but she didn't want to play and mopped on the shelf awhile before she finally ate.
That's fine I went and took the washer but later we switched to normal, she has the washer and I have the closet nest to sprawl out in.
I don't wanna ring the bell
Just bring me my treat
Fine one ding
Tail ringing
If I ring it with my tail as I'm eating the treats should keep flowing
We had a nicer night. Aurora got up early for her cocktail and food. She tried my supplement cup but said the cheese had a funny after taste and left them for me.
Aurora was all sprawled out in the washer when mom peeked but she saw the cocktail bowl was under her butt so removed it. Aurora was not pleased. I have decided to join her in the washer, as long as the AC keeps it cool enough.
Nah too stuffy and she's a washer hog. I'm back to the closet. It's closer to the AC.
Tried the washer again but it's not working well. So I'm having a vinegar bath. That should cool me off and make everything smell lovely.
I'm back in the washer. I want some company today.
Back in the closet with a fresh blanket. I think I'll stay here.
Aurora: I went out for a stroll and went under the shed like I've done a million times before but this time I stopped under there. It was nice and cool. A great place to take a nice long nap. The servant started started poking boards under there.
I sniffed at them. "That's a nice thought but there's no bugs in these. I'll just rest my eyes a bit"
Then she picked some long weeds and started rattling them around behind me. I didn't like that but I moved along slowly, so she wouldn't think she had won.
Any bugs in that wood?
The sun feels so good
Aurora: 8PM I'd like another cocktail. 10PM blue cheese please.
Aurora: Had a cocktail then went out and had a nice long sunbath and a short walk.
Aurora: OMG What's your problem lady?
Pua: Did you bring a treat for us. A treat is the only acceptable reason for such disturbances. All I see is a camera.
Aurora: I had a morning cocktail then went out for a sunbath then a stroll after. I came back in to ask for another cocktail but the servant said there's a two a day limit from now on due to what comes out of my rear if I have too much buttermilk. Excuse me but what comes out of my rear is my own private business.
She gave me soup instead. I was not amused. I had a nap in the washer then gave in and had some soup. Then I went out for a bit longer. I can't decide where to settle yet. Washer. closet under the bed, so many choices.
Aurora: Went back out and explored the front yard a bit. Got snatched up and put back in the back yard when the neighbors dog came out. I'm in the washer now. The servant is now complaining about the heat though and says she will just close the door on me if I get up again. I never asked you to follow me around, though I do appreciate you opening doors for me.
Aurora prowling around
I want to visit the chickens next door
Aurora: Darn she meant it about the door. Back in the washer then.