Snuggled with mom last night in bed. I like when we rub our snouts together. Played a bit too. Clawed at the door, why can't I got out at 3AM when it's freezing out, huh? Then I got up on the fridge but couldn't get down as there was no tail-hold and had to be rescued but I knocked a bunch of stuff down.
Computer trouble
I am Queen of my domain
Playtime on the cat tree
Climbing the walls
Hiding Hyzzie
Beaker torture
He thinks a sweater is cruel and unusual punishment, but he was shivering so I had too
Trying to pull his head away from the sweater
He looks good though
Woke mom for a treat and to get Aurora some soup. To help illustrate the point the more braining one of us programed the microwave and it was flashing the word FOOD.
Got up. Had to have some vinegar then went back to bed.
I was deep asleep twitching when mom came to test my my blood. I slept through it and only woke to give her a dirty look when it beeped at the end. 131 YAY This is oat free food now but we haven't been using cinnamon like we were when the vet test was done before so think the fasting could get lower if we add that back and if I am still willing actually eat the swill called supplements. Mom was going for as flavor free as she could curcumin, coq10 and chitosan since I had not been wanting to take it with more icky things in it, like grape seed extract.
The other night my blood glucose was 209 after just waking up. I was in mild non-clinical torpor* when I was 131 in the evening. Mom tested me just now mid day and I'm 109 which is inline with the 107 the vet got when tested similar time of day. I may need to break my supplements up from twice a day to 4 times. Well we'll find out. Mom didn't realize I only had half my morning supplements but after my test and snack for the poke I went and finished the rest for my morning supplements. I guess that means I get poked again tonight to see if my waking values are less having gotten a dose mid-daay.
*Tamandua go into torpor when sleeping torpor is an almost hybernative
state where our body temp, heart rate and metabolism drop significantly.
What mom calls clinical torpor is when it goes beyond normal and it is
hard to bring one back out of that. I was non-clinical meaning normal.
Anyway the lowered metabolism would explain the lower sugar compared to
tested at the same time when awake and responsive.
OH higher glucose level. Guess maybe I was just licking an empty cup and did eat it all. Well, we'll start with 4 times supplements tonight and see how that goes.
Aurora peeked out of the washer but had her eye closed so mom brought her a treat of yogurt and looked to be sure her eye was okay and they were both open then. So after her snack she came out hoping a whole bowl full of yogurt would be waiting for her on the feeding shelf but she was disappointed and had to pace a bit before joining me in the nest.
Having been awoken I asked where my treat was and have been given my noon time supplement dose a few minutes early.
Ugh, why waking me at 6pm?? Oh blue cheese topped supplements, well since it smells tasty okay then but I'm not opening my eyes more than a squint.
PS Aurora snuck back to the washer at some point.
Darn tested since my next dose would be at midnight and it's 248. Frustrating. My glucose is nicely low when taken just a few hours post supplements. Not sure we can manage every 4 hours but every 6 wasn't enough. Time to put the thinking cap back on the drawing board I guess. Get too it mom.
I came down onto the desk to wake mom last night and stood tall on the computer behind her. When she moved to get to get a treat up she wasn't fast enough so I joined her and crawled onto her leg to nap. Eventually she moved her leg cuz it was cramping since I caught her in an odd position so I got offended and left. She shouldn't move while playing mattress for me.
Aurora and I played wildly last night.
So mom is giving 3 full doses a day a try instead of breaking the 2 doses up into 4. She is also researching lemongrass. It has shown to lower over all sugar gradually to a significant amount by 4 weeks. This should mean long term effects instead of a drop then climb up a few hours later like we are currently getting. Also it said it can sometimes help herbs or drugs stay in the system longer so could help the effects of my current herbs last longer as we may still need a combination to get a big enough drop.
Anyway she gave me my 3rd dose now and I was kind of meditating at the moment rather than sleeping deep anyway.
182 and mom was late with my supplement a bit(but I don't want to eat it yet) and with testing so 3 times is working. She couldn't reach my foot cuz Aurora and I were both wrapped in the blankets tight so she poked my hand.
OMG mom just realized she forgot to add the cinnamon. So we will have even better results tomorrow.
Was offended and went off to my princess hammock but mom came and snuggled with me and I had a nap so having my supplements now.
It was sunny today so the humans ventured into the woods to find some rotten buggy wood. This is more difficult than it sounds. It needs to be rotten and buggy but not so rotten it falls apart or can be easily broken apart by mere human hands but not so hard that claws can't do the job over time. But also easy to break up by human foot at least, the right length to fit the hatchback or well it would have helped to have a saw or hatchet but humans are forgetful but they managed a load all the same.
On thing is certain, cinnamon is nasty. I wont touch my supplements with microscopic amounts of cinnamon but I devour them otherwise. My nose can smell that mom, cut it out.
Yesterday actually
Aurora pacing around after being USDA inspected today.
I have decided I love lemongrass. I found the container of powdered lemongrass and poked holes in it and licked some. Then I worked to get the lid off so I could get more than just a lick but it fell into the dogs water bowl making a rather messy bowl of lemongrass tea for them.
*sigh* seems no ants for Christmas the ants got lost again. The seller didn't respond to our request to extend buyer protection so we have had to open a dispute. The site will give us a few days to try to come to our own terms but if he doesn't reply or we can't agree what to do then they will refund our money. Aliexpress is cool like that but we'd rather have our ants.
Ugh, huh, what. What are you waving around in front of my face. Oh is that a treat, gez, these evening supplements are so hard to get used to. Why can't we stick to me waking you up?
Hmm may have found a new supplier of ants. They have them listed on alibaba though rather than aliexpress. Same company but whole different buying worlds. It's half the price or less depending on order size (not sure on shipping yet) and he offers escrow payments. The photo is of the kind of ants we want but I asked if that's really the kind he has. More nervous about it but the escrow makes me feel better. They even have photos of how they are processed and stored. I just may like this company.

I was just sleeping here, hugging my toy. Did you bring me my treat?
Good I'd like to hold it myself if you don't mind and you can stop watching me too.
Thanks, bye mom.
I so love my lemon grass. I was trying to find where mom hid it and I was poking around the supplement shelf and dropped a lid into the dog water bowl. It cracked and caused a flood.
I even help mom remember my supplements by asking for them. I even woke up last night to tell mom it was time for my 6PM supplement treat.
We were given a log last night. There is nothing left but slivers this morning. It was a good log. Mom likes them to last a little longer though.
Party last night. Aurora threw books everywhere. We clawed at the log. I clawed at mom's feet to wake her for treats. We had a blast.
I didn't take my supplements till mom sprinkled a bit of extra lemongrass on top, then I chowed down. It's all about the aroma or as wine drinkers say the nose.
I kept ransacking the supplement shelf this morning and even pulling the drawers out. At one point Aurora came and got on my back wanting a ride but she left when mom shone the light on us. I did drop a jar into the dog bowl and broke it again. They have a metal bowl now.
Mom finally came and poked my feet and that did the trick and I left the shelf alone after that.
My blood sugar was 237 but that's a lower after meal value than it used to be and the lemongrass takes weeks to kick in. Still it only lowers it by 25% so mom decided to add cinnamon back figuring the lemongrass smell would hide the vile smell of cinnamon. Turns out she was right.
Jake on a box
Jake's favorite part of Christmas
My Christmas toy. Mom said licking down the holes was cheating. Hey it's my game I'll make the rules. Those things were harder to get off than they look but I managed to get all off but two but I had licked those two empty already so there was no point.
Prayers for Aurora. She has a tail infection. It was a couple red spots about a week ago. It didn't look like much and she had that rash at the time that resolved so mom forgot about it. Mom just Pulled Aurora out to weigh her and she's got divots out of her tail and bright red in the wounds. Grampa gave mom some antibiotic ointment he had left over since the vet can't see us till Tuesday. It wasn't staying on the wound well so mom tried a bandaid. Not sure how long that will stay either as her tail was already greasy from the ointment. but we will keep applying it regularly.
Aurora's damaged tail
Aurora's Christmas gift to us was to top her broken claw incident before the new year. Coal or even a log of poop would be more appreciated next time.
I joke but this sort of thing can be quite critical in a prehensile tailed animal.
Mom remembered Hyzzie's derma-vet ointment for her feminine problems and went and changed Auroras bandage and applied that. It's got 2 antibiotics, and antifungle and something to relieve pain, swelling and redness. Hope that helps. The smaller spot looks okay this big one looks pretty nasty.
After consulting someone who has experience with this sort of issue they encouraged me to do what my instincts had told me to do but hadn't and Aurora has been started on Bayatril. Infected tail wounds are nothing to mess around with in prehensile tailed animals. ~ Pua's mommy and Aurora's too whether she likes it or not.
The shot must have stung as Aurora was pacing. A peace offering of yogurt helped. She settled back down but is crying. Poor girl.
Aurora's tail looks so much better already. It's a pretty dramatic
change. Last night it was a red juicy crater, just look at it today.
Mom's wishing she had taken a before
shot now so she wouldn't look like a flake. Some of the crater effect
was probably caused by swelling in the tail adding to the look as there
was a lot of swelling. It was swollen enough to look kinked in that
area. Now it's dry and swelling down, though there's still bits of dark
red in there.
Thanks for the well wishes prayers and to those who gave advice. I was so scared with the way it looked yesterday.
The anteaters are all nestled in the washer, dreaming of yogurt and cheese and termite filled logs.
Aurora's tail has been re-bandaged and she will get daily antibiotics shots till we see the vet at least but probably for a whole week to be sure everything gets got by it. Seriously the whole tail from tip to an inch above the wound was reddened before. If you look close at the photo, even though there is scar tissue, you can see where the infection was spreading, darkened roughed up scales. So glad the antibiotics are working so well.
Pua: Aurora used guilt on mom to get several treats of yogurt so didn't eat much of her food.
I pestered mom for lots of treats too till she moved to have her face near Beaker. Doesn't she know I don't like him. I had to resort to just climbing around yelling at her but it didn't work.
I pestered mom for lots of treats too till she moved to have her face near Beaker. Doesn't she know I don't like him. I had to resort to just climbing around yelling at her but it didn't work.
My evening supplement alarm went off so mom went and gave Aurora her shot then gave me my treat. Medicating two tamamduas with one alarm. Poor Aurora had to be stabbed twice cuz Mom got a vein the first time so had to move the shot. She of course is pacing now to show her displeasure even though mom tried offering her some yogurt.
Oh looks like she is going to settle into the closet nest with me.
Mom came and dug Aurora's tail out of the blankets but left the rest of her tightly bundled in the blankets of the washer so she complained but felt safe enough.
Mom started putting antibiotic cream on Aurora's tail so I tried to lick it off but mom shooed me away. I was just trying to help fix her.
Mom then took a bit of gauze that she covered in some antibiotic magic powder and wrapped the wounds in that. Then used the last bit of vet wrap she had in the cupboards and wrapped it then used some sticky bandage tape to hold it on.
I wanted to test how well it was wrapped but mom shooed me away again
and tucked Aurora's tail back under the blankets with her. Lets just
hope she did a good job.
I was then given my morning supplement treat to distract me.
Both spots were angry red again this morning so hopefully this better treatment will help more.
I was then given my morning supplement treat to distract me.
Both spots were angry red again this morning so hopefully this better treatment will help more.
Aurora's tail skin
Found the cause of her injury and it has been removed. This skin was found under the rotating top of the old Tv stand. It almost looks like a bit of food in macro shot but looks very skin in person. So I soaked it a bit to be sure. Aside from a few chia seeds it must have laid on and got stuck too it looks more skin and you can make out the scale pieces. Also took it out at felt it. Yep 100% for sure her tail skin.
Oh deer so I was getting all set to make anteater food and thawing out the meat. I had a bag I had put some trash in so just stuck the meat dripping packs in there. I walked away and when I got back Beaker had his head in the bag licking around no meat pack things! Glanced around and didn't see them.
Off to put some peroxide him him to try and make him throw up but got nothing but a couple burps. So off to the E-vet we went. They made him throw up but found nothing. Said it could have passed into his intestines by then(we live an hour from the city) or he may have not eaten them. She said she could scope for $1500 if I wanted to be aggressive but she recommended just waiting and watching and check and see if they were anywhere outside of him.
Got home and scoured the place and he had them hidden in two different
places and licked clean but unchewed.A few lessons learned the hard and
expensive way.
"but kids inattention is what happens when someone deprives you of sleep by waking you repeatedly for treats" looking at you Pua. "And stresses you out with a wounded tail" You know who you are.
Now that I've had a moment to chill it's time to medicate the nocturnal troublemakers.
Poor Beaker I'm sure was wondering why we took him to the vet when he was feeling fine and then they made him sick, lol. They gave him anti-nausea after. He happily ate his dinner when we got home.
"but kids inattention is what happens when someone deprives you of sleep by waking you repeatedly for treats" looking at you Pua. "And stresses you out with a wounded tail" You know who you are.
Now that I've had a moment to chill it's time to medicate the nocturnal troublemakers.
Poor Beaker I'm sure was wondering why we took him to the vet when he was feeling fine and then they made him sick, lol. They gave him anti-nausea after. He happily ate his dinner when we got home.
Aurora's tail is sill wrapped. She was upside down in the washer but still wrapped up so I could not get to the side of the thigh. After tying to get at it and lots of growling I gave a shot to the back of the thigh a go. It went perfectly. I think I found the sweet spot.
And Pua now has her supplements but since they are mixed in a treat that's easy.
Silly Aurora decided she had to leave the washer as it was no longer secure. The wrap survived her pulling her tail out of the washer though so this is promising.
Aurora's tail is still wrapped this morning. YAY! Mom will get a look at it soon when she re-bandages it but she needs to run to the pharmacy first to get more bandaging supplies.
Aurora's tail has been un-bandaged but mom had trouble cutting it off so Aurora had time to freak out and ran off. So Mom is letting her nap for awhile then will bandage it back up. The big one seems to look pretty good the smaller one is still red but not as red. Mom also now has a freshly sharpened pair of bandage scissors for next time.
Aurora's tail today. The small one is bigger as more dead skin came off but is looking less red. The big one is a mix of red and nice and maybe a bit bigger too but they both look better. They both don't look as deep and the lower tail doesn't look so much darker than the rest as it did before.
Mom got her tail bandaged again though Aurora did run. So mom managed
to bandaged it while she was moving. Though she added more tape when
Aurora went back in the washer because she left her tail out at first.
Mom came to give Aurora her shot and Aurora was growling at her. Then mom managed to stab herself and said ow so I smacked Aurora for it since she was growling, but I did it softly. Mom got the back of Aurora's thigh and that went well. The skin is not so tough and thick. It's so much easier. Mom gave me my supplement treat to help make up for my confusion.
Let the dogs out for a late potty and they couldn't get back in. The pet door was frozen shut. ~Pua's Mommy.
Aurora was not happy to be abducted from the washer and growled about it. Mom got her in the crate okay though since Aurora was sleepy but that didn't last long. Mom put her in the front seat to be warmer. She growled and cried and even showed her claws some so mom covered the front of the crate and she settled some but kept crying till mom found a country station. Then she would cry when commercials came on and mom would skip around trying to find something acceptable again till country came back on. Mom made the mistake of stopping on a Pearl Jam song once and Aurora started growling at her. Aurora likes her country music.
The vet said it
looks like mom has things well in hand and didn't really need her. She
did suggest a different way of wrapping the tail. And she got a nail
trim while there. The big claw she had broken last spring hasn't shed
since so it was trimmed back. If she doesn't start to shed it mom will
have to accost her now and then to get a bit off here and there rather
than let it get long again. Aurora was not cooperative at the vet and
there was blood shed. She's darn good at getting her back feet free and
cat-scratching people.
She continued being a fan of country on the drive home. She did a good bit of pacing once she got home and promptly lost that new tail wrap so mom will have to get her before she wakes up. For now she is back in the washer with me.
She continued being a fan of country on the drive home. She did a good bit of pacing once she got home and promptly lost that new tail wrap so mom will have to get her before she wakes up. For now she is back in the washer with me.
Aurora waiting impatiently at the vet. Aside from being in a grumpy mood she was also very gassy.
Tail bandaged again tonight. She didn't fuss about it at all like "long as you're only touching my tail I don't care" She had a big day and is exhausted.
Aurora's Tail today. Much better but since the smaller one still has some red will continue with the Baytril for the full 7 days. Vet said could go 5-7 days.
Freshly bandaged now. Pua came out after the bandaging to get her morning treat.
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