Think this one missed being added last month so
Beaker on the cat tree
Sleepy Pua
August 1, 2014
Aurora went outside today. She moved slow but had fun because it was hot. She found some ants and earwigs and kept laying down to nap. This is just after her sleep was disturbed by a little boy sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.
Aurora in the yard
Checking out the neighbors
Observing the garden
Aurora by the garden
Wondering why someone planted bush bean near the trellis
Beaker disturbed her nap
Beaker in the shade
August 2, 2014 ·
I went to out of the room and to the back window to sniff out. After much sniffing I decided the world is still a scary place out there and hightailed it back to my room.
August 2, 2014 ·
Aurora went out and found herself an ant nest right way. She took her time and decimated it thoroughly. She didn't even stop when she had a sneezing fit. Maybe she inhaled an ant. Beaker looked on confused by what she was eating. Once she was done she returned to our room and I took off out as she came in. I just went to sniff out the window some more though.
August 2, 2014
Aurora: Last time the servant saw me I was having a snack to top off my ants so she thought I settled in the closet nest with Pua. Joke was on her though. Should have seen her jump when she opened the washer with plans to clean it.
August 9, 2014
Aurora is sleeping under the bed again. It seems to be her thing to do when she starts her period. Though she does it sometimes just for the heck of it too.
August 10, 2014
Pua's Mommy: Looks like Pua tried to surf the web last night while I was sleeping. Considering all the x's in the address she typed it's a good thing it came up invalid.
August 14, 2014
Mom tested my blood sugar tonight to see how a new supplement was working but she forgot I stole some of Aurora's treat(she was up earlier due to a tummy upset. I'm sure mom will straighten her out shortly) Anyway that means mom got an after meal value just now instead of fasting. It was 183. Considering my history that's a really good after meal value(beat 400 I was after yogurt early on, this time it was some buttermilk).
August 16, 2014
Aurora is still her usual 17 pounds and got gumpy about the manhandling to accomplish the weigh in.
We had a party last night. Aurora tossed books around and I uncovered the washer drain tube but left it hole free, just to let mom know I could still if I felt like it. Aurora slept under the bed again.
We played already tonight and now it's soup time.
August 16, 2014
Aurora: Last night's party of tossing more books and Pua's throwing the supplement spoon and tea infuser into the dog water bowl was fun but I was still a bit wound up this morning. So after a treat I went out for a stroll then caught me some rays by the scrap pile. My servant said it's not the most photogenic spot but it's my favorite place in the yard.
Aurora out for a stroll
Time to turn around
This sun makes me sleepy
Time to lay down
Gonna catch some rays
Aurora on the prowl
Aurora Outside
Aurora wants to go back in
Aurora sunbathing
August 17, 2014
Aurora: went out and sunbathed first then poked around the garden some. Books were thrown again last night and one fell in Pua's vinegar bath. Then someone though it would be fun to claw up that soggy book.
August 18, 2014
I did not poke holes in the washer tube but someone did unplug it from the back of the machine. Mom said it was a good thing there were a couple blankets on the floor in front of it waiting for the next load. (the floor is a bit slanted and the washer it at the top of the slope.).
Forgot to mention someone unplugged the fridge too this morning. I'm pretty sure that was Aurora. She was all over the place much more than me. Oh she also had her daily sunbath and stroll about. She napped on both sides of the scrap pile and made sure to get both sides sunned.
August 20, 2014
Aurora: I took a morning stroll but it was overcast then after I had been in and out a few times someone decided to water the garden and that's scary sounding.
I took a short evening stroll just now.
Pua only strolled from the closet nest to the washer to sleep.
August 20, 2014
Aurora: I went out as it was getting dark and had a run and dug at some mole tunnels, because, why not.
August 21, 2014
Beaker is not scared of fireworks or thunder but let the smoke detector start going beep *long pause* beep because the battery is low and he turns into a quivering blob. Dogs are silly.
August 22, 2014
I came down on the bed and lay next to mom last night and we snuggled awhile. I think she needed that. Too bad the washer drain tube got unplugged again somehow.
August 24, 2014
Power was out tonight so I only bugged mom a couple of times and enjoyed the quiet. I came to snuggle with mom around 3:30 and crawled under the covers with her and slept on her raised leg. I left when the power came back on at 4:15
August 24, 2014
Aurora: Went out for a sunbath and a stroll around the garden.
August 25, 2014
Too bad you didn't notice that tiny hole in the drain tube mom. That's a lot of water all over the floor from such a small hole.
August 26, 2014
Aurora: I was sniffing out the washer to see if I wanted to go for a stroll today when my servant kissed me on the nose! How rude!
Smoke from our wild fire
Smoke from our wild fire
Oh that's bits of burnt forest