So you think duct tape fixes everything huh, mom? We'll just see about that.
PS: we are not talking about Aurora's claw, but the attempt to fence me away from the drain tubes.
PS: we are not talking about Aurora's claw, but the attempt to fence me away from the drain tubes.
For those of you who wanted to see here is Aurora's claw injury, the worst part anyway.
far the duct tape is still in place but I'm still a little off from
Aurora's kidnapping so don't get lulled into a sense of security just
yet. I may still find my way to those drain tubes when you least expect
was feeling more myself last night and rang the bell a few times for
treats. Aurora and I slept in the closet together so mom bribed me to
the shelf with some blue cheese while mom gave Aurora medicated yogurt.
Well soon as I saw Aurora has something I forgot all about my cheese and
tried to go steal but mom kept blocking my way. I gave up after a bit
and went back to my cheese.
and I were balled up side by side in the closet nest like a couple
furry eggs when mom came with treats. I really didn't want any blue
cheese though. Aurora got her special treat. I wanted to steal but was
facing the other way from her. I tried to sit up and turn around but mom
blocked me. I was to tired to put up much of a fight to curled back up.
and hissing, and kickboxing, oh the chaos that ensues when mom dares
touch Aurora's hand and claw with a wet wipe(surgical scrub from vet
was sleeping in the washer and Aurora is at the open end of the closet
nest so she can flee quickly if someone comes at her with a wet wipe. I
know her medicated treat time is noon though so I moseyed on over to the
closet at 11:30 and am now laying on top of her. I will not miss out on
treat time.
Sleepy Pua
Aurora always takes the best spots

gave me ants while Aurora had her medicated yogurt. When I got done I
took a sniff of hers and recoiled, "That smells like bananas" and curled
back up to sleep. Apparently Aurora's medicine is bananas. Guess she
doesn't care what's mixed with her yogurt long as there's yogurt. But
bananas, that's just nasty.
time went well enough. I wanted to try Aurora's yogurt but was too tired
to put up a fight and mom just held me in place by my arm. I had some
ants but I was almost too tired to eat those. I was glad to go back to
so tired. I did not want any ants and I sniffed Aurora's treat and just
curled back up instead. I accidentally spilled some of Aurora's treat
while moving about but it's okay she was on the Naugahyde mattress so
she just licked that up too.
mom with lots of excited bell jingling. I got a treat and Aurora got
some fresh soup. Aurora was pacing up an down the closet shelves as she
waited so mom grabbed her hand a moment and had a look. The part that
was exposed flesh looking before is white dry scabby now.
rang those bells like a pro this morning. I was grabbing and dropping
the fancy bells while my tail had hold of the jingle bells jingling it
was more energetic this morning and ate my ants and then mom had to
fight me off from taking Aurora's treat. Tonight Mom just gave me extra
treats to keep me busy longer. Aurora is a slow eater.
Aurora's claw now
This looks much different on camera than in person. It looks almost hallow in front of the pad here but with the naked eye it looks like a huge scabbed area with a little bit of white scar tissue at the back of it.
Got up had a snack, played a bit, now to nap in the washer
OMG, the human servant came to the closet nest and held and looked at
my hand and claw. Then she proceeded to pet me! I was forced to flee to
the shelter of my hut to save myself.
She claimed I've been camped in the nest too long and the blanket had to be changed. Lady seriously needs to learn her place. I was not ready to move.
She claimed I've been camped in the nest too long and the blanket had to be changed. Lady seriously needs to learn her place. I was not ready to move.
I rang the bell so hard I dropped it to the floor again. Mom sleeps too soundly sometimes.
We are sleeping happily in the closet nest today though when moms work alarm went off this morning it sent Aurora running out across the shelves in a panic. She came right back though. Me I always assume that sound means I get a treat.
We are sleeping happily in the closet nest today though when moms work alarm went off this morning it sent Aurora running out across the shelves in a panic. She came right back though. Me I always assume that sound means I get a treat.
Got up and had a good groom then asked for a treat and went back to bed. It's way to early to be up.
I'm sleeping in the washer today. It's been awhile but it's nice to be back.
Aurora is still in the closet nest. She re-injured her claw last night but it has already scabbed up nicely.
Aurora is still in the closet nest. She re-injured her claw last night but it has already scabbed up nicely.
I was getting Aurora soup and saw she has an injury at the base of the
claw on her good hand too. It's little compared to the other but what
did you do to injure both last night? What did you do? Do you need to
wear mittens? A padded room perhaps? ~ Pua's mommy
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