So back to catching up.
Dec 26th 11AM
Aurora is sleeping in my washer with me today.
She didn't eat much before going to my washer last night so mom gave
her some yogurt in bed and I got some ketchup. She got a lot more yogurt
than I got ketchup though.
I got tired of sharing so I moved to my hammock.
Awake but just hanging out of my hammock. Feeling lazy.
Had a drink and went to the closet nest for a nap.
Dec 27th 12:21AM
Back in the washer with Aurora.
Dec 28th 2:20PM
Third day in a row I've been up in the middle
of the day. Does this happen to everyone as they get older? Mom gave me
some melatonin in some ketchup so back in my washer I go.
Dec 29th 1AM
I tried to come down the new shelf by backing
down over the edge of it. I tried over and over but it wasn't working
and I got frustrated and finally had to come down the closet shelves
Kept going back and forth from my washer to my hammock to the closet and
around. I finally settled in the closet. Aurora is in the washer and I
don't want to share.
Wake up, have my ketchup, go to my washer, open the lid, drop it and stand up in shock, OMG someone's in there!
That's right it's just Aurora, go in for a pee, and back out for a drink.
Ps for new people, yes I pee in the washer or other beds. I tend to go
pee in a bed I haven't used that day. I used to be good about using a
pee pad but then Aurora came and she likes to pee the bed and I figure
that's good enough for me too.
Aurora belly fur
Still growing in
Dec 30th 12AM
That went well. I went in the washer snuggled
and played with Aurora a bit then when I came back out she sat up as I did
and the lid rest on her peaking out like I do(so mom didn't need to
prop it to show her how to get out).
She checked for awhile to
be sure no human was moving then came out. She crossed the drawer
bridge but then the dog moved to watch her from the bed so Aurora turned
back. When the dog didn't come flying across the room to kill
her she decided it was safe after all and went on her way. She's having
her yogurt now.
Mom woke up hearing this really weird noise,
rally weird. She couldn't figure it out so on the flashlight came. Mom
caught Aurora hanging out in my dinning room. She thought maybe she
was eating my food but it didn't explain the noise.
Aurora fled
to the closet and odd noises followed. Turned out she got my snowman
toy stuck on her claw. Oops. Mom got it off for her. To make it up to
her mom gave her a little spray and blue cheese.
Aurora didn't take much of her soup so I think
she may have been eating my food that would be a big development if so
but she's so secretive we may need an infrared camera to ever know for
Other than that, she explored a lot and we played.
Dec 31st
Happily sharing my washer with Aurora today
Jan 1st
Had my New Years sip of champagne that was
awesome and I don't think there was enough of it. Why don't I get a
human sized glass? Also I'm finding the neighbor's Fireworks a bit
creepy this year.
Listening to fireworks

New Years Drink

Swirly tongue
So early this morning I was complaining and going to sleep in my hammock because Aurora was in my washer again. Then mom put out her late soup meal and Aurora left for the closest.
So I'm sleeping with her in the closet today. She's a nice sleeping buddy. I just didn't want her in my washer any more.
Jan 2nd
Sleeping in the closet with Aurora gain
Jan 3rd
We were active last night but we are both sleeping in the closet nest today.
Aurora was naughty last night so mom had to spend half the day making this cage to protect the drier vent. It was a much more complex endeavor than it looks like due to the current setup.
Aurora decided to add her name to the list of anteaters who have tried to tunnel out through the drier vent. So security measures had to be added. We had some before but after the last washer fix we didn't replace them since Pua and Aurora had always been good. No one really wants to escape just come and go as they please. After a run in the yard even Aurora always comes back to the door.
Jan 4th 11:30PM
Mom was getting Aurora's yogurt and I came to steal it. I had to do the splits, one leg on the fridge one on the dog food bucket and my hands way over on the desk to eat. It was worth it. I normally don't like yogurt but when I'm in the right mood it's great. Mom made Aurora a second bowl.
Jan 5th
Mom's heater is kaput and it got down to a chilly 60 in here, brr, so Aurora and I are sharing the washer pressed up against each other.
Now that it's warmed up in here I'm reconsidering sharing my washer. Woke and peeked out a few times but I'm staying with Aurora for now.
I couldn't take it any more. I've gone to the closet to sleep by myself.
It wasn't as nice as I thought in the closet. I've rejoined Aurora in the washer.
Jan 7th 7AM
Mom, wake up, mom, mom, wake up, I got a problem, you gotta fix it for me, mom, Aurora's in my washer again, aw come on mom make her leave, no don't go back to bed! Mom!
I really didn't want to sleep with Aurora in my washer. I tried crying and pouting. I tried the closet. I tried that little cat cubby, I tried it again with a little blanket in there, nope. Mom tried a blanket in the new washer. Is she insane? I tried it but no way! The thought was so horrific I decided sleeping with Aurora in my washer wasn't so bad and settled in.
Every time I lifted the lid to peek out this morning Aurora would sniff and look too but if she saw mom she ducked back in. Two little heads peeking out of the washer was pretty cute, if I must say so, but mom didn't manage to get a shot since Aurora was being elusive.
Jan 7th
Happy Birthday Hyzzie, the big 13!

12:05 AM
Shared yogurt with Aurora she kept shoving me for some reason though. Didn't get much sleep having to share the washer. I'm napping on the new window shelf.
Pua stealing yogurt

Aurora tries shoving her out of the way with her shoulders, then annoying her, then resorts to a shove with her hand to the head but nothing works.
Ignore me in the background, was discussing dog food recalls with someone.
So tired
Playing with Aurora now!
Had a nap and snuggle with mom. Was real clingy. I feel better now.(I have my period).
What you lookin at?
I'm just sitting in my drawer
I don't think that tail hold would work if she fell.
Darn Aurora is still in my washer. I can't sleep. This sucks. I did take a little walk to the back window to sniff out but deemed the world too cold and came back to my room. Paced around, begged for treats.
I went into the washer and bugged Aurora instead by burrowing into the blankets. Oh, hey and she's leaving!! YAY! She smelled cheese on my breath so went to the closet to get goodies for herself. However once I heard the fridge door I realized there really were treats involved so I've come out and am sharing treats on the closet shelf.
After a brief trip to my hammock I remembered that the washer is all mine so I have returned. Now for a good day's sleep!
Ah, Aurora came back and tried to get in the washer but she didn't manage it so left...
No she's back and trying again!
Oh she's going out instead.
Aurora near the garden
Aurora in the kindling pile
Waiting for me to open the door
Aurora had fun outside but then when she came back in she tried over and over to get in the washer while the humans were having breakfast. After she was going to go out again but saw Hyzzie laying in her bed by the door and turned back.
The washer seems to be addicting. Aurora caught my insomnia and ran all round the house and outside and paced from her closet nest to the washer trying to get in over and over. Now she is settled. That's okay I already got the choice spot under the blanket.
Well. I had enough and left the washer and have settled into the closet to stay. I need some ME time.
Is the coast clear yet?
Mom did eventually get this when we got up for the night
Time to go eat
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