Oh forgot on the last one it's not much but video of me in the woods
Pua in the woods - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx-kpU8pLMk
Hyzzie and the dillo toy
March 17th
Aurora and I are both sleeping in the closet today. She makes a nice pillow and I figure mom can clean out the washer for us.
March 18th 11AM
Aurora was cranky last night from having her period but today she got brave and ventured out of the room. First time she went back in when she saw some feet move under the table but second time she ventured outside. She explored with a Beaker on her tail then came in and checked the back bedroom out then went out to explore some more before coming back and joining me again in the washer.
Aurora in the yard
Aurora followed by Beaker
Aurora at the door

Aurora going fast
Aurora and Beaker in the yard -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVyYcQ45pFY
March 21st
I slept in the washer by myself yesterday. We are both in the closet today.
March 22nd
I got the washer. I had a morning snack of ketchup and some ants but Aurora has the closet and the munchies so is eating a late meal of soup after some yogurt.
Aw Aurora came down but Beaker wanted to play so she got scared and went back to the closet nest. She was not happy. Darn kids don't know their place.
March 25th
So last night after midnight Aurora decided to pick at the door wanting to go out. Mom decided to pet her so Aurora complained then Hyzzie came and growled back at her. Beaker came wanting to play so Hyzzie growled at him to leave Aurora alone but then would growl at Aurora for her growling. Mom settled it all down. I think Hyzzie just wanted everyone to shut up and go back to sleep. Old ladies need their sleep.
Thinking about going down
Aurora at the window
Going up
A good climber
Aurora is better at climbing up the window than me but I'm the only one that can come down that way.
Heading to the closet nest
I was sleeping hugging my toy and Aurora was nicely tucked in.
I love my toy
March 26th
Today's sleeping positions

Hyzzie likes the plush wolf
March 26th
Aurora woke and peeked out of the washer sniffing so mom brought us yogurt but I said I'd rather keep sleeping. She napped for a bit after then when she came out mom came to move the bridge into place. That was scary so Aurora went around the tower.
Beaker came over and was whining he wants to be friends, which was scary too. Aurora almost fell and mom helped by grabbing her tail so she didn't fall, which was a bit scary. Aurora's tail is supper soft and silky feeling skin.
Aurora climbed up into the hammock and mom offered her some cheese, that was scary at first but then she sniffed it and said she wasn't interested, it was only cheddar. Mom got her some more yogurt and she liked that. Once done she came down, failed at getting into the washer right away so went to the closet for more to eat.
Poor girl I swear she'd be scared of her own shadow if here eyes were good enough to see it.
March 29th
I have been snuggling Aurora more. When mom has peaked I have been up behind her hugging her with our heads together or her head on my belly but she keeps getting up to pace around.
March 31st
Aurora: I was sleeping peacefully in the closet and then felt the blankets pulling from under me. That darn human servant was yanking them! How rude. She apologized and said she thought I was sleeping with Pua, she was going to wash it. She paid penance with some yogurt but I paced once just to make sure she felt bad.
Beaker in the grass
Beaker being suspicious
6:40 AM
Aurora is so pretty and white now. Does she let you bathe her like Pua does?