An exciting month

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:

The rest of January

Jan 8th
I decided I like the closet so am sleeping curled around Aurora in the closet nest. Hey long as she's not in my washer.

Late Christmas Gifts

Late Christmas Gifts
There was a tennis ball and a plush gingerbread man but I let Hyzzie have them.

This was mom's cool gift. The other ear is a bit droopy but that's cute as sometimes like with Stewie our ears can be droopy when tired. Mine don't but Aurora's one ear sometimes gets a sleep induced curl.

Tamandua ornament
Tamandua ornament
Handmade gift

Pua checking things out
Pua checking things out

A new toy
A new toy
Pua got way more excited about this than I anticipated. She made herself a tent out of the blanket and took out the ball to play, then took out her favorite toy(the fabric dispenser), then she was so excited she took out the cylinder part under that and played with that. She spent most of the night in the washer playing.

Jan 9th 11AM
Aurora peeked out of the washer. Mom came and pulled out the drawer bridge for her. Aurora watched and considered this carefully then went back inside for now.

Okay a bit more peeking and sniffing and she is on her way to the closet for yogurt

Silly Aurora. She acts like a caffeine addict who is late getting their morning cup of joe when it comes to her wake up yogurt treat. "OMG! I need it. I need it NOW!" She was practically ready to jump off the shelf onto mom to get it when she heard her treat song!

Having my wake up nap in the washer while Aurora naps in the closet post yogurt.

Posing on the limb
Posing on the limb
She wasn't sleepy she just kept closing her eyes when I took a photo

Posing on the limb
Posing on the limb
She was actually begging for treats

Not actually sure when these were taken they were hidden in memory on the backup camera

Hey there
Hey there

Watching me sleep
Watching me sleep

Napping on her house
Napping on her house

YT comment:"These things have evolved too far, soon they'll be taking our jobs!"

Don't be silly you get to keep your jobs. We will need slaves to do the work.

Jan 10th
We got a little carried away playing and the closet blanket fell to the floor. I slept in the closet anyway on the shelf mattress because Aurora stole my washer again.

Playing with Aurora in the washer. It's a little noisy. Ting, clang, from claws on metal and bouncing lid.

Jan 11 3AM
Pua's Mommy: How the heck did I sleep through a giant dresser getting knocked over? At least no one was killed since it fell against the smaller dresser. Second question, how did it get knocked over? The drawer bridge idea went so smoothly for months. The two dressers face each other so with drawers out they would go across.

Pua: Um... It was a band of drunken pirates, honest O:) Aurora kept using the dresser as it was laying going across it's back but I had to go across the bed to get home to the washer and that's what woke mom up.

Mom figured it was such a freak thing it wouldn't happen twice in one night so she righted the dresser and pulled the drawer back out so we could get across and figured she'd figure something else out in the morning. She grew to regret this decision when she woke to the sound of the giant dresser falling over a second time. In the process of coming to check and see if we were okay she saw me on my dinning area looking down. She saw something hanging and and moving about oddly and thought it was Aurora trapped under the dresser she exclaimed something like "OMG are you dead! Don't be dead!" So mom begins to panic and maybe cry a little as she tries to lift the dresser but it doesn't budge much but she lifted it some and so tried to keep it up so in case Aurora wasn't dead she could get out. Then she hears something and looks over, Aurora is trying to climb up my washer. YAY, she's not dead. In fact she was 100% okay but rattled, maybe not as rattled as mom was though. Mom saw the table cloth moving that had been on the dresser, in the dark it looked like an anteater.

Aurora was a bit more upset this time, since mom was up, and got her claw stuck while climbing the washer. At first mom thought she was hurt and stumbling around on the washer but then figured it out. Mom was about to free her when she got herself loose. We spent the rest of the time watching mom from the tower. Mom now tried to right the dresser but gave up and shoved it back to laying flat on the floor. I figured since mom was up she should be giving treats so was leaning out on my hammock when the hook pulled from the ceiling and I fell onto the washer. To which mom exclaimed "Quit killing yourselves" and went back to bed. She says that to us sometimes when we get clumsy. I guess we're lucky we're built like little tanks.

Mom put her OM shirt on in the morning to try and counteract the gremlins and and planned to spend most the day hiding from the world bit she wound up having to go out though.

Still not sure how the dresser got knocked over but it was obviously Aurora's fault. I guess she was jumping across too hard. I always stepped nicely across.

On the plus side I have my washer to myself! and Aurora has the closet. She did try coming back a few times but had trouble with the lid and decided the world was too topsy turvy.

Jan 12th 12AM

So the new bridge is the tv table thing mom was using as an end table for her computer plus the little dresser drawer still out since that's been fine. It has my dinning room floor on top of it to help secure it. The table had to be at an angle to accommodate Aurora and I's different routes. It is to be rolled out of the way each morning once we are settled.

I went across it fine but coming back I complained it was too low till mom put a folded fluffy blanket on the end then I went down.

Aurora was totally unfazed by it all and went into my washer after her breakfast.

Aurora knocked the blanket down but by then I was confident using the new bridge. She also tried climbing on mom's coats and knocked them down and that soft thump woke mom, ha. She is blaming the weird tea she had before bed for sleeping through the first dresser crash.

In other news: Mom found one of my claw sheds under her pillow. That's right, leave it there. I'm expecting ketchup from the claw fairy.

Peeking out. Is it time to get up yet?

Had some water and heading back to bed. It's still to early for me.

Jan 13th
Sharing the washer with Aurora. I'm getting used to her. She was under the blanket when I was coming out for my treat. I might have been standing on it as she was trying to come out to see what was happening and couldn't. HAHA

She's out now though. We are both curled up on opposite sides of the washer.

Had a snuggle and nap with mom on the window shelf. I curled my tail around the limb to be safe. Now I'm stealing Aurora's yogurt since she isn't up yet.

Jan 14th 10AM
Got up, had ketchup and some breakfast, a drink and back to bed with Aurora in my washer. I guess I'm stuck with her now.

Jan 15th 2:47AM
Battle over the food bowl. We are trying to win the bowl of soup by annoying each other and licking the others face. It doesn't work but it's messy fun.

Jan 16th 11:49PM
Stealing Aurora's yogurt. Ya snooze ya loose, ha ha.

Jan 17th
Mom got a container of coconut oil. I found it and poked a hole in it and licked some out. Mom woke hearing the odd noise of me licking into the container. She didn't catch me in the act but smelled coconut on my breath. I think I only ate a couple spoonfuls worth but mom gave me a bunch of ants for fiber and some digestive enzymes in some ketchup. I'm feeling just fine. Maybe I need to freak mom out more often though. So many treats!

Aurora had fun last night too. She climbed the coats again and got on the shelf and knocked the hats down and I think she climbed the wall a little.

I like to lift the washer lid with my back to peak out. Aurora lifts it with her hand up over her head then peaks out. She ducks back in soon as she hears the camera turn on though. Sneaky Aurora. But mom managed to get one.
Aurora peeking out

Aurora having breakfast
Aurora having breakfast
The flash made her instant drop back inside the washer but then she came right back out.

Jan 18th 10AM
Had my snack and sleeping in the washer. Aurora is down inside the blanket.

Aurora and I are both now in the closet nest. It's good to mix things up now and then.

Jan 19th 12:53AM
Helping Aurora clean out the blue cheese container

Aurora took the washer. I decided to stay in the closet another day by myself.

Jan 20th 12:27AM
Aurora and I got up and that got Beaker's interest. "OMG those weird dogs are climbing all over the place!" When I went across the bridge he came over to get a closer look. Mom tried lifting him up but then we both got shy and wanted away. I'll be fine once I know his smell.

Pua upside down
Pua upside down
With her butt on Aurora under the blanket

Jan 21st
I was crying and complaining this morning but mom just thought I was moody. Well of course I was moody. All my food was gone. That's never happened before. Maybe Aurora is eating some of it. She's never been caught in the act though and still likes her soup.

Jan 22nd
I'm sleeping in my hammock today. Aurora has the washer to herself.
Pua napping in her hammock

Jan 23rd
Aurora's got the washer again. I'm sleeping in the closet nest.

Up having a groom on the shelf

Jan 24th
I guess Aurora got lonely. She's sleeping in the closet with me.

Jan 25th 10:40AM
Aurora is awake and antsy and she went outside to run in the yard. Beaker followed and sniffed her tail and when she ran he ran. She didn't notice. Till he got too excited and play barked then she reared up showing her claws and telling him off. He smartly backed off and mom picked him up. He got told off for barking so once they were inside he was down and followed her quietly but she complained when he tried to peak at her while she was exploring under a bed so mom picked him up again. Mostly she didn't even notice him.

Aurora has finally settled in the closet nest with me. I think she wanted to sleep in the washer but wanted to sleep with me more.

I just felt the need to remind the new washer how I feel about it
Pua peed on the washer

Aurora belly
Aurora belly

Jan 26th
OH-oh mom says I've gotten too fat from stealing Aurora's yogurt and things are gonna change. I don't like the sound of that.

Aurora is in the closet nest with me again. I spent some time in the washer but she kept joining me so I went to the closet nest and she followed.

Jan 27th
I kind of trashed the place last night. I was trying to climb down from the new shelf onto the desk and was hanging by my tail and reached for the bamboo box and knocked it down. The flax seed jar came out and busted. Flax seed meal and glass everywhere. Empty pill capsules all over too. Aurora's supplements didn't open or break though. Other stuff knocked off the desk on the way down of course. I was just hanging by my tail so climbed back up. No one was hurt.

Sleeping in the closet with Aurora. I did spend some time in my washer but if I have to share I prefer more space.

Jan 28th 12:31AM
Mom just gave Aurora a quarter cup of yogurt and she talked me into having a bit of ketchup but when I was done I stole what was left of Aurora's yogurt. She didn't seem to thrilled. I think mom is holding out and planning to give Aurora more so I've not left the closet yet.

Aurora voluntarily opened the evil washer and went in. She poked around a bit then came back out. I've never been fool enough to go in there of my own free will. I watched from my hammock, a bit impressed.

Mom changed the closet blanket while Aurora was having her late meal and she didn't freak out.

Aurora now has my washer and I'm in the closet.

Jan 29th 12AM
Aurora came and woke me to play. YAY! But I smell yogurt on her breath. She had it without me!

Mom put a clean blanket in the evil washer last night to see what Aurora would do. It seems she napped in there but didn't stay. We both spent some time in my washer but are both sleeping the day away in the closet nest.

Jan 30th
Aurora came down the window shelf and grabbed the box to get onto the desk and it slid as she grabbed it and she sent it to the floor as she dismounted. This was noisy but nothing dangerous in it now. So she returned to the closet. Mom has removed the box from the desk for good.

She came back out later but accidentally turned the water on with her tail. The hissy water sound sent her up the tower and mom came and turned the water off. Of course Aurora blamed mom for the scary noise so mom's being up was scary too so she ran off at warp speed to the closet. You've never seen a tamandua move so fast.

So I could have had the washer to my self after that but am sleeping with her in the closet anyway.

I heard mom getting Aurora's yogurt ready but she was sneaky. She lured Aurora over onto a different shelf for it. Then she distracted me with just a couple tiny treats and some foot rubs but I caught on. I found Aurora and wrestled the bowl away from her(It was nearly done anyway) but then mom took it from me. She gave it back to Aurora on the regular shelf while I was distracted by the drooled yogurt Aurora left, it was still yummy. Now back in the nest for a post breakfast nap.

Jan 31st 12:20AM

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New Years Stuff

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:

So back to catching up.

Dec 26th 11AM
Aurora is sleeping in my washer with me today. She didn't eat much before going to my washer last night so mom gave her some yogurt in bed and I got some ketchup. She got a lot more yogurt than I got ketchup though.


I got tired of sharing so I moved to my hammock.

Awake but just hanging out of my hammock. Feeling lazy.


Had a drink and went to the closet nest for a nap.

Dec 27th 12:21AM
Back in the washer with Aurora.

Dec 28th 2:20PM
Third day in a row I've been up in the middle of the day. Does this happen to everyone as they get older? Mom gave me some melatonin in some ketchup so back in my washer I go.

Dec 29th 1AM
I tried to come down the new shelf by backing down over the edge of it. I tried over and over but it wasn't working and I got frustrated and finally had to come down the closet shelves instead.

Kept going back and forth from my washer to my hammock to the closet and around. I finally settled in the closet. Aurora is in the washer and I don't want to share.

Wake up, have my ketchup, go to my washer, open the lid, drop it and stand up in shock, OMG someone's in there!


That's right it's just Aurora, go in for a pee, and back out for a drink.

Ps for new people, yes I pee in the washer or other beds. I tend to go pee in a bed I haven't used that day. I used to be good about using a pee pad but then Aurora came and she likes to pee the bed and I figure that's good enough for me too.

Aurora belly fur

Aurora belly fur

Still growing in

Dec 30th 12AM
That went well. I went in the washer snuggled and played with Aurora a bit then when I came back out she sat up as I did and the lid rest on her peaking out like I do(so mom didn't need to prop it to show her how to get out).

She checked for awhile to be sure no human was moving then came out. She crossed the drawer bridge but then the dog moved to watch her from the bed so Aurora turned back. When the dog didn't come flying across the room to kill her she decided it was safe after all and went on her way. She's having her yogurt now.

Mom woke up hearing this really weird noise, rally weird. She couldn't figure it out so on the flashlight came. Mom caught Aurora hanging out in my dinning room. She thought maybe she was eating my food but it didn't explain the noise.

Aurora fled to the closet and odd noises followed. Turned out she got my snowman toy stuck on her claw. Oops. Mom got it off for her. To make it up to her mom gave her a little spray and blue cheese.

Aurora didn't take much of her soup so I think she may have been eating my food that would be a big development if so but she's so secretive we may need an infrared camera to ever know for sure.

Other than that, she explored a lot and we played.

Dec 31st
Happily sharing my washer with Aurora today

Jan 1st
Had my New Years sip of champagne that was awesome and I don't think there was enough of it. Why don't I get a human sized glass? Also I'm finding the neighbor's Fireworks a bit creepy this year.

Listening to fireworks

Listening to fireworks

Listening to fireworks

New Years Drink

New Years Drink
New Years Drink

New Years Drink
New Years Drink
New Years Drink
New Years Drink
New Years Drink
New Years Drink
New Years Drink
Swirly tongue

Swirly tongue

So early this morning I was complaining and going to sleep in my hammock because Aurora was in my washer again. Then mom put out her late soup meal and Aurora left for the closest.

So I'm sleeping with her in the closet today. She's a nice sleeping buddy. I just didn't want her in my washer any more.

Jan 2nd
Sleeping in the closet with Aurora gain

Jan 3rd
We were active last night but we are both sleeping in the closet nest today.

Aurora was naughty last night so mom had to spend half the day making this cage to protect the drier vent. It was a much more complex endeavor than it looks like due to the current setup.

Drier tube cage
Aurora decided to add her name to the list of anteaters who have tried to tunnel out through the drier vent. So security measures had to be added. We had some before but after the last washer fix we didn't replace them since Pua and Aurora had always been good. No one really wants to escape just come and go as they please. After a run in the yard even Aurora always comes back to the door.

Jan 4th 11:30PM
Mom was getting Aurora's yogurt and I came to steal it. I had to do the splits, one leg on the fridge one on the dog food bucket and my hands way over on the desk to eat. It was worth it. I normally don't like yogurt but when I'm in the right mood it's great. Mom made Aurora a second bowl.

Jan 5th
Mom's heater is kaput and it got down to a chilly 60 in here, brr, so Aurora and I are sharing the washer pressed up against each other.

Now that it's warmed up in here I'm reconsidering sharing my washer. Woke and peeked out a few times but I'm staying with Aurora for now.

I couldn't take it any more. I've gone to the closet to sleep by myself.

It wasn't as nice as I thought in the closet. I've rejoined Aurora in the washer.

Jan 7th 7AM
Mom, wake up, mom, mom, wake up, I got a problem, you gotta fix it for me, mom, Aurora's in my washer again, aw come on mom make her leave, no don't go back to bed! Mom!

I really didn't want to sleep with Aurora in my washer. I tried crying and pouting. I tried the closet. I tried that little cat cubby, I tried it again with a little blanket in there, nope. Mom tried a blanket in the new washer. Is she insane? I tried it but no way! The thought was so horrific I decided sleeping with Aurora in my washer wasn't so bad and settled in.

Every time I lifted the lid to peek out this morning Aurora would sniff and look too but if she saw mom she ducked back in. Two little heads peeking out of the washer was pretty cute, if I must say so, but mom didn't manage to get a shot since Aurora was being elusive.

Jan 7th
Happy Birthday Hyzzie, the big 13!
Hyzzie and her chew
Hyzzie and her chew

12:05 AM
Shared yogurt with Aurora she kept shoving me for some reason though. Didn't get much sleep having to share the washer. I'm napping on the new window shelf.

Pua stealing yogurt
Pua stealing yogurt

Aurora tries shoving her out of the way with her shoulders, then annoying her, then resorts to a shove with her hand to the head but nothing works.
Ignore me in the background, was discussing dog food recalls with someone.

So tired

So tired


Playing with Aurora now!

Had a nap and snuggle with mom. Was real clingy. I feel better now.(I have my period).

What you lookin at?

What you lookin at?

I'm just sitting in my drawer
I'm just sitting in my drawer

I don't think that tail hold would work if she fell.
Pua chillin

Darn Aurora is still in my washer. I can't sleep. This sucks. I did take a little walk to the back window to sniff out but deemed the world too cold and came back to my room. Paced around, begged for treats.

I went into the washer and bugged Aurora instead by burrowing into the blankets. Oh, hey and she's leaving!! YAY! She smelled cheese on my breath so went to the closet to get goodies for herself. However once I heard the fridge door I realized there really were treats involved so I've come out and am sharing treats on the closet shelf.

After a brief trip to my hammock I remembered that the washer is all mine so I have returned. Now for a good day's sleep!

Ah, Aurora came back and tried to get in the washer but she didn't manage it so left...

No she's back and trying again!

Oh she's going out instead.

Aurora near the garden

Aurora near the garden

Aurora in the kindling pile
Aurora in the kindling pile

Waiting for me to open the door
Waiting for me to open the door

Aurora had fun outside but then when she came back in she tried over and over to get in the washer while the humans were having breakfast. After she was going to go out again but saw Hyzzie laying in her bed by the door and turned back.

The washer seems to be addicting. Aurora caught my insomnia and ran all round the house and outside and paced from her closet nest to the washer trying to get in over and over. Now she is settled. That's okay I already got the choice spot under the blanket.

Well. I had enough and left the washer and have settled into the closet to stay. I need some ME time.

Is the coast clear yet?
Is the coast clear yet?
Mom did eventually get this when we got up for the night

Time to go eat
Time to go eat

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The Broken Beaker

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:

Behind again, of course but we have a good excuse this time. And that excuse is Beaker.

Say hello to Beaker

Say hello to Beaker Millo
Pua: We have a new peasant, er I mean family member. He has been dubbed Beaker by mom. He's sweet, quiet, non-aggressive friendly and a bit clumsy. He kept falling into bushes he was marking but he does have a recently injured front paw. He's pure bred. He is fitting in well so far. Hyzzie dog is putting him in his place but he accepts and they did a few play bows at each other. He and Jake are just fine too. Jake kitty is bigger than him.

We were out walking Hyzzie when a young lady and her boyfriend walk up to us with 2 chihuahuas and some large breed puppy and she asks if we know anyone who would like a chihuahua. She said she was going to college and couldn't take them with her and her boyfriend had just joined the army. She said the boy chihuahua had been adopted out a few times but kept being returned and she saw us walking all the time and knew he'd have a good home.

One of the people that returned him was her friend, because he humped her female dog. She said that was terrible becuase she cried all night over giving him up and she went through that for nothing. We said a dog deserves a stable home and if we took him he'd be here to stay.

He'd had and survived Parvo but his brother didn't and Beaker was now immune since he survived it. She said they were waiting for the other two dogs they had with them to get parvo because of that. Yeah waiting for them to catch it. She also said they found a home for the female already. She pointed out his leg was injured but she said it had been that way awhile and she gave him baby aspirin and was getting better now. She also said he used to sleep with her and she kicked him out of bed and he slept in a crate because his fleas would bite her.

We agreed to take him after going home and discussing it with all. I renamed him from to Beaker. We met her at her work and she called her boyfriend to bring the dog and his things and papers by. He came by with just the dog. She said he had AKC papers and she'd bring by his papers and his food and some of his things later so it would be easier on him. He settled in right away anyway. Happy to eat Hyzzie's home made food and slept glued right up next to me.

Beaker checking the trash
Beaker cchecking the trash

Lunch smells good

Lunch smells good

Beaker checking the bed

Beaker checking the bed

Beaker getting a drink
Beaker getting a drink
Hyzzie waiting her turn

On his new grandma's lap
Beaker Millo the first

Beaker dozing

Beaker dozing

My Beaker Buddy
My Beaker Buddy
Taken by webcam so as not to disturb him

Beaker does passed out really well
Beaker does passes out really well

Hyzzie and Beaker
Hyzzie and Beaker
She is warming up to him. She was barking and jumping at him before the walk, she used to do that with Quasi. He'll get used to her crazy ways

Keep it down I was sleeping
Keep it down I was sleeping

Video of him playing with that giant pink dog

Seeing an anteater for the first time
Seeing an anteater for the first time

Wow, she's climbing the desk!
Wow, she's climbing the desk!
Watching Pua

He was fascinated by them and likes to watch them. That night when Pua got to the low bridge on her furniture highway he ran over to sniff but she moved on too quick. I picked him up to let them sniff. Pua recoiled away but just because he's a new smell. Beaker squirmed to get back too. On another day Aurora went out and he followed her around the yard. She mostly ignored him.

The next day we tried walking him by the rentals where she said she lived and he didn't go near any of them. I didn't care too much at that point but I thought she wanted him to have the stuff so tried giving a call and didn't get through. I was going to leave it at that but she called us back later and said she'd bring his stuff by later but again she didn't.

Beaker likes to stand
Beaker likes to stand

Beaker being derpy
Beaker being derpy

"I'm singing and Dancing, where my supper?"
"I'm singing and Dancing, where my supper?"

Looking for turkey

Beaker looking for turkey

By now I had had a good look at his leg and was convinced it was broken but it was Sunday.

Beaker in a bed
Beaker in a bed
He didn't stay long he likes to be glued to a human

I smell a hidden treat
I smell a hidden treat

Sleepy Beaker
Sleepy Beaker

What she did do was call us at 12:30 AM that night saying she'd been crying all night and wanted her dog back and she would pay me to puppy sit him while she was at class and she'd just take one class(though she currently also works all day too). She didn't want to leave him alone with a big dog. Her boy friend is going into the army and leaving his brand new large breed puppy with her. She claimed she'd understand if we were too attached already but was actually really insistent she wanted him back. We said no and she hung up then she called us back. To get her to stop calling we said come by the next day at noon to talk.

We put off his going to the vet till that afternoon because she said she'd come but she didn't. We took him to the vet and his leg was broken. It had to be reset and put in a cast. Those "free" dogs always get to be so expensive.

Beaker is broken
Beaker is broken
So his old owner just gave him some baby aspirin and let him gimp around with a broken leg till it started to heal. It's now been reset. Poor guy was trying to jump up out of the cast so had his harness on to walk up an down the hall and help him pee and he's doing better now. He's been given a pain pill to help him settle in. No baby aspirin he's got the good stuff, tramadol.

Beaker's break x-ray

Beaker is not happy about the cast

Beaker is not happy about the cast
he should have had it a long time ago though. Took him awhile to figure out how to poop with it on. Notice he's nearly sitting on Hyzzie as she has a chew.

Hyzzie moved
Hyzzie moved
But they were laying pretty close

It's been a long day
It's been a long day

We took Hyzzie for a walk without him and he sat home and whined for me the whole time. So he glued himself to my cheek when we came back and fell asleep.

We heard nothing more from her and a few days later Beaker had to go back to the vet because the cast was wearing holes in his baby thin skin. They took the top portion off and kept him over night to decide how to proceed in the morning. While there my mom called and she said a man came by claiming the dog was his and the girl had no right to give it away. My first thought was she had snatched the dog from someone's yard and gave it away!

After calling the number given we got the guy's wife. She said the girl was her step daughter and she had the girl give the dog away "by accident" because it was pooping all over the place(his house training has been great here). She said she'd have to call her husband, where ever he was, so we said we'd call when we got back to town. We called again and the wife had to call him again then he called us(I think they are separated). He came by and brought his other toddler daughter with him. She had no idea what was going on so she was no good for sympathy. He did keep pulling her up against himself like a shield when he got upset and said not to raise our voices in front of her, um we weren't but he was.

He said he bought the dog with his daughter and had paid a whole $250 for him. We had spent more on him in vet bills already. He said the wife made his daughter give him away while he was out of state. Well, his wife can legally speak for him and his daughter is an adult. We told him he could have the dog back if he paid for the vet bills he wouldn't, as expected.

He left saying he'd call the cops. We said yes, please do. We talked to the (ex)chief of police who lives up the street. He said it all sounded in our favor but to call the police anyway to get our statement on record first. This worked out great. The officer that came by said the same thing and that he'd tell all the other officers that if the guy called to tell him he had to go to court and not to the cops but also said he knew the guy and he had a bunch of chihuahua's he was trying to get rid of and had tried to give him one(sounded like Beakers late brother). He went over there and told him he should not contact us but go through small claims court instead if he wanted to peruse it but that, that would not look good for him when he(the officer) testified that he was offered a free dog too.

Hyzzie would not eat due to missing Beaker and had looked around for him. She was thrilled when we brought him home the next day. They decided the cast would be okay as is and we just wrapped the top in padding.

He was sleeping before the camera came on
He was sleeping before the camera came on

Beaker posing for his centerfold
Beaker posing for his centerfold


So about a week later and we had to go back to the vet for swollen Beaker toes. After talk of options that included removing the leg he was x-rayed and decided it was not so grim. They removed the lower portion of his cast and blood flow was restored to his toes.

Beaker, january31

The girl came by and left some treats and a jacket for him while we were at the vet. He showed no interest in "his favorite treats" but the jacket does fit him. She wanted to see the x-ray so came by after we got back and we showed her. She said she had no idea it was that bad. She had asked her boss who has lots of dogs and was told it was fine. She brought some more shirts but they all looked too small and he can't wear t-shirts with his leg right now anyway so we didn't take them. She seemed legitimately upset over no longer having him but she didn't take proper care of him so was told he'd have a good home now.

So now a couple days later all the swelling is finally gone and I have perfected the sock wrapping technique to keep him from licking his toes and poofing them up again. Now we just keep our fingers crossed the bone heals well.

Aside from the human baggage he brought with him he's a great dog. Loves everyone, doesn't bark. He does whine when left alone but I think has less separation anxiety than Hyzzie who when left for a few hours gets major tummy upsets.

Oh in that vein he was thrilled when we picked him up from the vet after the night stay. He wanted to jump on all of us at once and napped on mom's shoulders on the ride home.

He's scared of new things like large barking dogs, motorcycles, big trucks going by or on the one ride, when it rained, the windshield wipers. He kept getting startled "OMG... OMG... OMG... OMG..." Otherwise he actually rides great and tends to sleep most of the time.

He's 9 months to a year depending on which story I believe that she gave me. The last time he got shots was at the breeder because they didn't continue his puppy shots but those have to wait till his leg is better.

Beaker in the princess bed
Beaker in the princess bed
His ears are actually up most of the time but he was suspicious of my motives.

Beaker and Hyzzie pining for early dinner
Beaker and Hyzzie pinning for early dinner
The angle makes Hyzzie look shorter but she's more than twice his size.

Beaker Posing nicely.
Beaker Posing nicely.

Just a bit ago he did bark. He was watching a neighbor catch their dog through the fence then Hyzzie barked so he barked too.

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