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and a boy toy. I'm a cougar ya know I like my men young ;) ~ Pua
So yeah we're behind again obviously but we're gonna get caught up.. someday
Oh we forgot the video last time
Pua tamandua Christmas greeting video
Aurora nap
Pua coming back from a drink
Limber Pua
Going into the closet.
Dec 10th
Oh no I think mom's gone off the deep end. She
says I'm getting too leaky in my middle-aged-ness and that she would
have to diaper me as she's tired of little puddles on the bed. I
thought the threats were idle but she was just cutting and trying
different patterns of diapers on Hyzzie dog and a stuffy. Guess who
wasn't happy about that? Anyway... She has dubbed the new style
an anteater diaper thong. I'm not liking the sound of this. Aurora's
the old lady, put it on her instead.
pee leakage
Pua has gotten very leaky lately. Trying to find some fix for that.
little dripage is normal for tamandua but Pua was doing splashes almost
constantly and she would walk around with her own feet wet from pee.
This is not funny human
though it didn't stay on she did avoid me for the night so I slept peacefully.
Gimme the threat
then it comes off right?
Heading up her tower
She went in her hammock and came out naked. I tried diapers tied several different ways but they all came off.
Hyzzie being silly
She laid down on that bit of fabric the second mom sat it down.
Diapering was a success... I successfully got
out of it every time, ha ha. Seriously woman have you forgotten how
flexible I am. I can scratch between my shoulder blades with my
toes!(mom claims it's on account of my bulbous belly, how rude). ---
playing with Aurora in the hammock now.
Aurora gets so excited about her breakfast
yogurt. It's adorable. I don't see why though. It's a big ol' bowl of
yuck. I should get my own bowl of something good, like blue cheese.
Dec 11th
Since I knew mom had gone crazy last night and
tried to diaper me I left her alone all night and slept with Aurora
today. Best to avoid the crazy lady.
Pua's Mommy: So after doing some research I
tried Pua on Melatonin. It helps some incontinence issues and even can
help sooth and heal the bladder lining. It has helped a lot. She still
leaks a bit but it''s reasonable now and she often doesn't leave any
splashes like she had been and much smaller when she does. Research says
melatonin does not make nocturnal animals sleepy, because their levels
are highest at night too, but for some reason it does make Pua drowsy so
she gets it during the day. Aurora has hers at night with no issues.
Speaking of Pee - orange pee
We don't normally air our dirty laundry but we thought it might be of
some interest. If you have a bunny you may know that their pee can
sometimes be rusty or red. We got that going on too.
Dec 13th
Aurora is up but she's a bit grumpy. She was
grooming but her claw kept hitting the ceiling then she kept complaining
at the roof. That darn roof needs to move.
Dec 14th
I'm up. Hey who took my food. I want breakfast. You shouldn't have cleaned up so soon. ... That's better.
Hyzzie says "The presents are wrapped now. Why can't I have them now?"
Dec 15th
10AM Got up, had breakfast, went to the window, it's snowing out side, went back to bed. Had fun playing with Aurora last night.
3PM Aurora is sleeping with me in my washer today. We are balled up next to each other.
Somebody was climbing around on the coat hook
shelf last night. I just noticed the stuff pushed around up there. I'm
guessing it was Aurora.
Aurora's jungle blanket
She normally hates change but she took right to this blanket. She has
now burrowed inside but that photo would just be a lump of blanket.
Thanks to a friend who sent us some spare lids we now have a new feeding station. The old station just had the bowl glued to a
lid and snapped onto some hooks on the shelf. This one screws to the
base and the base gets held down by turnable L-hooks instead.
New improved Feeding Station
I broke the old lid I had glued the bowl to. It was suggested to make
the base detachable somehow. After some thought I stole the garlic jar
and cut the top off. Now it's a screw off base for easy cleaning and
taking up less space in the freeze(it's a food cooler bowl)
The Christmas shelf
We were so good this year Santa came early and made us a shelf.
Aurora and I have insisted since the beginning of time that this window
needed a shelf. It's gonna be so exiting checking it out tonight! ~ Pua

There's Something up there
I see things have changed
What's this weird plate for?

I have sniffed the new shelf but am not yet convinced that it is not a death trap. One might think it would look safer than the thin ledge of the window frame we would try and climb on in the past but one wold be wrong.
I went on it for a second and kept my tail on the closet shelf for safety then got right back off. Mom sped things up by coaxing me onto it with some blue cheese. That worked.
Aurora put her front paws on it later but then went back in the closet and complained about the lights still being on. She is contemplating it now that the lights are off but remains unsure.
Licking blue cheese off her claws
This would be better if it were rotten
I got some cheese on my toes
Aurora may have checked out the shelf once she was sure mom wasn't looking. She did later come down to explore and went all around my tower, tried opening my washer but gave up quickly. She tried coming back up but tried climbing the hamper. It fell and made a lot of noise. She faked walking away unconcerned then hurried then ran the rest of the way back to the closet.
I had played with her earlier a bit, checked out the closet while she did her thing, then napped in my hammock and am having a drink.
Dec 18th
It was an exciting night. We went all over the place then we played in the hammock till we dozed, off woke up and played some more, then dozed off, then woke and played some more.
I've now settled into my washer and Aurora is happy on her new jungle blanket in the closet. Oh and Aurora threw the water bowl down because mom tried putting it in a different place.
Aurora creeping about
Aurora on the little cat house
Pua chillin in the skink
Dec 19th
After sniffing the window tonight I reached up and grabbed the new shelf supports and climbed up like a slow careful shelf expert. I think it's a bit better than leaning over to grab the closet wall then having to cling to that and lean and grab the closet shelves and climb up. Mom hoped it's not any less exercise though.
I came down the old fashioned way so it's all good.
Pua climbing her new shelf

3PM Aurora must have had a bad dream. She got up and was pacing the shelves. She then tried to come to me in my washer but when mom went to pull the drawer bridge out she got spooked and went back to the closet and paced, then settled into her hut instead.
Dec 20th
Got up, had my snack, took a nap in my hammock, now napping on my tower.
Okay time to go see Aurora
Dec 22nd
Sleeping in the closet draped over Aurora's back. Mom came the clean up the feeding shelf. We both gave her dirty looks for waking us.
4PM Yummy. Mid-sleep snack of ketchup and Aurora had yogurt.
Dec 23th
I got up for a snack, right as it was starting to snow outside. I went back to bed. At least I don't have to deal with that stuff in here.
Was playing with Aurora last night and she fell out of the nest. She managed to hang on but got stuck. Her arm was warped around the bar and her claw hooked. I kept trying to play with her. Mom got her loose then snuck up on her later and trimmed her claw. She hasn't shed them since she was ill even though we get rotten logs. I guess they just got too long to shed.
Mom got her other claw a bit today. Aurora is used to being woken for a treat sometimes still so was just mildly annoyed then confused when mom grabbed her claw. Then mom did one quick clip and let her have some yogurt. So went smooth. Will need to take some more though.
Pua enjoying her new shelf
Sleepy Hyzzie

Huh what's going on?
Oh so you woke me
Dec 24th
Last night mom heard odd sounds in the closet and came to check. She thought Aurora might have gotten stuck again. We were playing on the shelves but I had climbed down a shelf and was playing up at Aurora. Anyway mom ruined the game because Aurora quit due to the human having seen us. *sigh* We had a lot of fun last night though.
Dec 25th
Got up so got to check out my Christmas goodies(only slightly before midnight). Sniffed everything a few times before deciding on the blue cheese then followed that with ketchup. Then I went and got a drink and am having my wake up nap saving the rest for later.
Aurora likes it low key so she indulged in some blue cheese and she gets a new blanket for the closet nest.
Aurora enjoying her new blanket

Pua's Christmas gifts

Time for Christmas presents

Sniff it all before deciding

Testing the ketchup
Later, playing with Aurora.
Mom took my new clothes and stuck them in a box temporarily. Hyzzie-dog stuck her nose in the box, dug around and pulled out my butterfly shirt and laid it out neatly on the floor. She even nosed at it to get it laid out flatter and neater. Then stood by it.
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