I took a lovely warm spring hike yesterday but we are not to far behind
with these snow pictures. The weather has just been weird.
But first family time
Feb 29th
I got your tail. Oh wait that's my tail
I got your hand
Kissing Aurora's hand
Maybe she had some cheese between her claws
Snuggled with mom
Before intruding Aurora was laid out flat on her back arms over her head with Ori draped over her
It's snowing like crazy but Ori is sleeping like the rest of us sane anteaters.
It quit for now but maybe tomorrow we are supposed to get a bunch more tonight/tomorrow
Today Ori left to sleep in the closet.
March 1st
Ori in the snow

By the bar b q
by the scrap wood
So in the wee dark hours of the morning mom woke to lots of sniffing sounds. She didn't see anyone but saw the fridge open and headed to close it and glanced over and saw Aurora and Me each sitting on one of the towers on the cat tree, staring at her and sniffing. I think she jumped a little, haha got ya! Aurora then left to get fresh food so I stole her platform but she never came back to see. I guess the joke was on me that time.
5:55Pm I was just pulled from my washer and bathed, how rude. I smelled just fine thank you. I went to sleep in my hammock after out of protest.
Bathing Pua a good take -
Pua getting a bath. Leashing her up worked pretty well.
Yeah she smells like burnt hair when wet. They have modified sweat glands that cause a rusty film on their skin and dyes the hair too. I assume that is the cause of the smell too, some reaction with the warm water. If she just gets wet but not washed or not washed well she ends up darker blond from the film staining her fur.
Pua after her bath
Aurora: OMG. I was sleeping in the fabric house, it closed up on me and was moving, next thing I know I'm in some torture chamber being hosed with water and having weird smells rubbed in my fur. I thought I was gonna die! I tried hiding in the old ladies closet after but eventually came back to my own closet.
Pua's mommy: Aurora did complain but was really good. Lots of growling but she never once even thought about laying a claw on me. Just sniffed me a couple times, almost like she thought we were both mixed up in this and I should be helping her get out of the bath.
Ori: I disliked the being picked off the shelf part most but the being washed was annoying too. I ran around the house a bit after then joined mom and we both went back to our fabric house. My nanny sure built up a sweat, haha
Ori gets a bath -
Ori: Oh yeah I also pooped in the tub. That'll teach her
7:30PM Ori decided to get up and have a good groom.
Ori says Hi!
Aurora was sleeping on the hanging clothes in the closet. Her go to hiding spot.
Ori guarding her momma
After the trauma of bath time Ori stands between me and her mom
Jake. Laying on the carpet I left to dry by the fire
Grooming her momma
We will be on 20/20 tonight, March 9th. It should be on the 20/20 site the day after.
Here's preview, Slide show, we are after the lizards but they are cool too http://abcnews.go.com/US/slideshow/lounge-lizards-calif-man-puts-pet-lizards-human-15776500
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