Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Dec 19th
last night I was minding my own business preparing to pee on the new
house and Aurora goosed me. Boy I jumped but I really wanted to pee so
ignored her. She goosed me again so I played a bit but then finally did
my thing and she clawed at the log while she waited. I think I was the first to
pee on it. The others have been using the closet shelf. Mom has a
blanket on top of pee pads there and they like that.
Mom ground up over 8 pounds of beef heart.
I'm not sure Hyzzie takes her taste tester job serious. She may be in it just for the food. Quasi had to eat several pieces of heart before she tried any. My taste testers got taste testers.
Dec 22nd
1AM Aurora came to join me in my hammock, yay
10PM Aurora is moping because it's too cold to go out. Everything is frosty.
Woe is me
Oh yay vinegar bath!
A good thing about winter Aurora's food is cold enough for her even fresh made because the tap water is icy cold.
Dec 23rd some times during the dark hours
Hey stop that we're playing here
Aurora sitting up to play

Ya wanna dance? Let's dance!
Gut punch

And stay down
All tangled up

Anteater ball
Don't mind Pua's bum she sat on a tomato
Pua says, Kiss my rump
I got your tail. No, I got your tail.
I got you now
Why do you keep falling over?
Bow down, I am the new queen!
What, is that a vulgar gesture?
Ori says hi
Oh new toy
I let the grabber there after taking the hammock down to wash. She enjoyed poking and licking it all over.
Jupiter's Christmas gift

What's left of Jupiter's gift

I got a mango at midnight and got up at 11 the next morning for ketchup
and stayed up so got blue cheese and ants too. Then we all got treats
later. We got some clothes and blankets too.
Dec 26th
room was all dark and I thought I over slept. Turned out mom hadn't
gone to bed she was in the other room eating dinner. I was feeling down
and she rubbed my belly. Then I went into my hammock. I'll have my
ketchup at a more reasonable hour.
Dec 27th
Up at noon! Who's messin' with my biological clock?
Had a little ketchup then had some ants. Mom said I had an ant beard.
& Aurora are both sleeping in the hammock so mom hosed their house
with nature's miracle and oxyclean in the shower and it's drying now.
mom got complaints from all other human members of the household about
the smell in the bathroom after washing out the pee-pad house.
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