
Currently sewing an anteater straitjacket so I
can force feed Aurora. Cut sleeves off one of my old sweaters and
stitching them onto one of Quasi's shirts that Velcros up the back, so
can tie her arms down to her body.
The back up plan should it fail is a blanket with head sized hole in it.
Making anteater straitjacket while watching Dexter. Yep I'm officially a little nuts.
Drooling and blood, after second dex shot
Stopped Dex after just those two shots as they did not help, made her high, and gave her large bruises.
Oct 1st:
The manual feeding(I like that term better)
went so so last night. I think the main problem was the syringe and I
made the hole larger today so think that will help.
straitjacket worked okay but she still had some room to squirm and
eventually was able to work her arms out the neck hole but making the
neck hole smaller is easy enough. The blanket worked surprisingly well
until she got really POed and I let her go.
Only got about 20ml into her though it's 20 she'd not have had
otherwise and was watered down nutrical. If I can do more in less time
with less fight it could be worth trying again. The problem seemed to be
the syringe. Though a lot actually went on the blanket(59ml is a 1/4 cup).
Hoping to get metacam from the vet tomorrow and
pick up some "Chicken soup for the cat lovers soul" as seems a lot of
sickly tams like it
Blood values
Oct 3rd:
Hope I'm not speaking too soon but it looks
like we got the bleeding stopped with the vit K shot. Yesterday morning
her water bowl was red with blood but this morning was normal and I
manually got a few ccs of food into her and no blood from the mouth,
though I did it quick up on the shelf so was way less stressful for her.
Tamandua don't recycle their vit K like normal animals they need lots of K
in their diet instead, but they stop eating and they stop getting their
K. It's like having an animal that's always on rat poison. I'll try and
get some oral K into her daily but I have another shot if needed.
She was more active last night but that's a mixed bag, she felt better
with the metacam but hasn't eaten yet so don't want her using energy.
Looked like she might have taken a couple tastes of the apple sauce.
So I bought a bunch of juices and apple cider and some fruit baby
foods. We will find something she will like. In the mean time now that I
can do it with minimal stress, I will keep getting a few ccs of food
into her now and then by feeding her in bed.
Mom gave me one giant mango, just one. So I
found where she had the rest hidden and dug into them. Just saying I'm
important too and worth at least 2 giant mangos.
Oct 5th: Still all Aurora will take is apple juice.
Think she took about a 1/4 cup last night. Maybe can try adding vitamins
and slowly wean her onto food again.
Aurora looking blue gray
Mystery illness. We are stuck lobbing grenades into the dark hoping to hit something. Switched to metacam once the dex was out of her system fully as it has helped other tamandua.
The metacam helped the swollen lip and the K shot stopped the bleeding
for about a day and a half then she started bleeding from genitals again
and got to where she looked all walking corpse zombie gray all
over(more than above).
So waited till the metacam was out of her system and gave Prednisone.
The bleeding once again stopped and her color returned to pink, and she
got stronger.
Still the only sustenance she will take is a little bit of apple juice.
Trying mixing some nourishment with the apple juice tonight.
Pua and Aurora
Aurora's lip
Oct 6th
I put out a cup of apple juice with vitamins
and a cup of apple juice with an egg in it. Aurora took a 1/4 cup of the
juice and egg mix. I thought that might be the case as the egg has
hardly any flavor raw.
Will still syringe feed her at least once today to get her K into her.
Pua with Aurora
I think that's Aurora's rump. Later I heard them moving about and peeked
and Pua was laid out flat and Aurora was sitting on her belly. At least
she had a nice soft cushion.
Well, we learned at least one thing. Aurora is a tough old bird. Could be a long road though.
Aurora pooped last night. It's been two weeks
since her last poop but she normally poops once a week. Normal isn't
quite the right word though since normal anteaters poop every other day.
She didn't eat any apple "food" last night but her appetite is often
decreased on poop nights and she didn't have much to start with. Will
give her the Sucralfate before bed tonight.(this was added with the metacam for tummy soothing).
Getting pretty good
at the manual feeding. Quick hit and runs work best. Already got 10cc
of food into her today. Anteater soup food thickened with formula.
Oct 7th
Mom gave Aurora a mild sponge bath of her
nether regions. She wants to be sure none of the blood is new. Aurora
complained but just sat there since it didn't involve syringing food
into her mouth.
She didn't take any food willingly
Oct 8th
Gave Aurora some dandelion and milk thistle
today as they are supposed to be good for appetite.(she did not touch
the apple egg mix, last night)
Pua: Grampa made some orange
Julius and mom offered her a tinny bit in a cup, seriously not expecting
anything and she liked it!
Gave Aurora her evening dose of herbs and
meds(sucralfate(kind like pepto)). She was pissed. They taste nasty but
they seemed like they may have helped so going with it.
If I could do a tasteless pill I would baby but you're not made that way.
Odd tid bit her genital mound is now flat, guessing due to using up fat stores from everywhere.
I kept bugging Aurora offering her things
after her morning herbs and of course she kept telling me off. Told her
I'd keep bugging her till she takes something. She just took some home
made runny yogurt.
Aurora had some more yogurt but she also spilled some of it so got mad
and paced the shelves. So I changed her blanket and she got even more
mad, she hates change, and went to mope on the clothes rod. I guess
that's kind of a good sign as it's normal behavior.
Today she has taken more "food" (in the form or yogurt) than she has in weeks.
PS, she is NOT nice and plump like the photos looks. She is quite thin
though not scrawny in person now. I think it's just an illusion of the
rib cage and her saggy belly skin. She's looking much better though,
good color and such.
You can see some of her monster bruise here.
Aurora's monster bruise
You can kind of see how this used to be much bigger, the darker pink
parts were part of it. It covered that whole area and her thigh and down
her tail and even her genitals were black at one point.
Pretty scary to look at but it was from a slow leek from her dex
injection sight and once the bleeding was stopped it started to heal
fast, as it was just pooled blood and not a real bruise from damage.
She sure looked like a walking corpse for a couple days there with the
mega bruise and zombie color skin. Managed to pull her through though.
She is finally showing some signs of real improvement. Ate a good amount
of yogurt today.
Offered Aurora some more yogurt. She's still moping/napping on the clothes rod. She sniffs and looks at me, "Aren't you leaving"
Sorry there's no where to set it.
"Well, this simply wont work"
Hmm, well what if I don't look at you *closes eyes and turns head*
"Okay that'll do" And she drinks just shy of another 1/4 cup
Will have to add clear fiber tomorrow and try to find some either
tasteless or fruity vitamins to start with. Maybe after that adding a
few drops of real food soup to it per day will work or up it a couple
drops every other day.
Aurora in the play pen
Well kind of half in.
She came down the cat tree and went under the play pen then came up
between the play pen and the trunk, where there are blankets and plush
toys kept for all.
I think this may have been a bit more looking for a place safe from the
mean nurse who gave her, her evening herbs than for fun but she seemed
pretty relaxed.
Oh yeah when she came up she was under the blankets so had to burrow her
way through them. Enough exercise for one night. She is resting on the
hut roof now.
What's behind the curtain?
Oct 10th
Aurora took a 1/4 of the yogurt left out last
night but surprisingly she also took almost a 1/4 of orange flavored
real food soup too. Thanks to the appetite stimulating effects of sage,
dandelion and milk thistle. Will keep her on them for a week and till we
get her taking more real food then see if she still eats if we wean her
down off them.
I was sleeping with Aurora but then mom came
and gave her morning herbs and there was lots of growling and squirming.
I tried telling mom Aurora didn't want it but she didn't listen. I was
worried mom was going to be force feeding her all day again so I went
back to my quiet washer. Mom said she wouldn't but I don't trust her.
She's been weird lately.
Pua: Mom offered some more yogurt but I wanted it
and started eating. Aurora looked annoyed so mom sat the cup down and
backed off and she started eating too. There might have been a bit of a
disagreement over who's yogurt it was and it got spilled. Aurora said a
few choice words and moved to the back of the shelf. Aw, come on, she
can't hog all the treats for herself. Maybe mom will have to use a bowl
next time.
Pua: I let her have it at the next feeding as I wanted to keep sleeping.
Oct 11th
Pua: Nearly a half cup of Aurora soup
food was gone
this morning and the whole cup of yogurt. I have no interest in her
soup food but I'm not telling about the yogurt. I didn't show any
interest in it before bed though, I had plenty during the day. I am
currently sleeping on top of her. Herb time should bring lots of
Pua: Herb giving went pretty smoothly actually. Mom
says I have a calming effect on Aurora. PS. Aurora pooped a small poop
last night, that's just 4 days since the last time.
Pua: Some one was whimpering/squeaking in the
closet. So mom came to investigate. We were both sleeping. I might have
had a bad dream or something. Aurora was like, um no food? A new batch
of yogurt is in the works so mom mixed some real food with the little
bit of yogurt left in the bowl and Aurora is happily eating it. I will
just keep sleeping.
Came back from dinner and Aurora was sniffing
around her bowl so put some more food/yogurt mix in for her and she's
happily eating. :)
Mom came up and was grabbing at Aurora. Well, I
knew what she wanted... She wanted to play! So I grabbed her hand and
said Aurora doesn't want to play but I will.
Aurora watched us
play in confusion for a bit. Then she decided she'd try and sneak off
while I had mom distracted but mom got the herbs in her quick then and
she went to lay on the blue shelf.
Aurora thinks she doesn't need those icky things any more since she is eating but mom says they gave her, her appetite so she needs to stay on them for awhile still.
Aurora hardly even protested other than pushing mom's hands away. Now
that the syringing has been worked out mom quit wearing gloves so it's
less scary for Aurora. She's just annoyed by the nasty tasting herbs and
human interference.
Oct 12th
Aurora and Pua sleeping
Aurora ate nearly 2 whole cups of food last night so I let her sleep all
day with no herbs or meals as that is normal as long as she eats enough
at night but I will still give her appetite herbs late tonight.
I went back and forth a lot this morning but have settled in my washer for the day.
Pua: So part way through the day I moved to my
hammock and mom has hosed my washer out. Aurora is still sleeping. I bet
she'll feel better having a solid days sleep.
Aurora was very argumentative about her herbs tonight. Guess she thought they were done since morning ones were skipped.
Oct 13th
Aurora ate a bit over a whole cup of food last
night and a little of the yogurt too. I'm sleeping with her today. The
washer needs some time to get it's homey smell back.
Oct 14th
Aurora ate 1 whole cup of food and 3/4 cups of
yogurt. So that's nearly 2 cups of food in some form which is good. So I
wont need to add the morning herbs and day feedings back. Can try
weaning back on her evening herbs in a day or two. Maybe take the milk
thistle out first as it tastes worst.
She pooped last night
too(3 days since last). Hoping that's due to the yogurt. It wont hurt to
keep some in her diet to keep her pooping more often.
Pua and Aurora napping
Pua hugging on my knee
Oh mom found an inchworm hanging from a tree,
guess it was getting ready to make a cocoon. It was yummy but would have
liked more.
Pua: Herb giving went fairly smooth since I was there to keep Aurora calm.
Oct 15th
Aurora ate a cup and a half of food and about a
half up of yogurt. So still about 2 cups of food. I'm sleeping with her
again today.
Pua: Aurora did not want her herbs so I helped by
trying to block mom's way. Mom kept trying and Aurora kept refusing so I
threw myself over her body to protect her.
Mom decided to not
stress us and see if Aurora will eat tonight without the herbs though
she will be a bit stressed herself as she'd rather wean them down but
they are not super serious herbs where that's necessary. She'd just feel
better doing it.
Also mom saw
an obvious scar now under her jaw a bit past her "lip" area. So maybe
this WAS all caused by a mouth wound and everyone missed the obvious.
The vet did say it's possible the lungs were incidental as sometimes in
old domestics they just have funky looking lungs sometimes and nothing
really wrong. Or maybe as someone else theorized she did have pneumonia
but from inhaling saliva and blood. We would only know with another
x-ray to see if her lungs are now clear but that would be a lot of
stress for no benefit.
Aurora ate and now she's playing with me! YAY!
Oct 16th
Aurora ate a cup and a half of food and a half cup of yogurt so all is well and I am sleeping in my washer.
Pua and Aurora
We found a great K supplement just to be used
in times of stress, illness or not eating. We normally get enough K
naturally from our food. Only need 1/8tsp(17.85mg of K) for a 15 pound
tamandua. If the situation is not dire you could give half(1/16tsp).
Figured out based on the dose we gave Aurora and double checked with the
vet to make sue no mistakes. Oh and it's apple flavored. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0043BMPG4
So that's nice and long and confusing and a bit disjointed but so was the ride Aurora took us on.
Oct 18th
Aurora has been eating well each night and playing some. Last night
after playing with Pua she sat and moped on the shelf till I finally got
the hint and went and changed the blanket then soon as I left the
closet she went and settled in. Maybe she heard me when I said I needed
her out of there in order to change it. She also was complaining this
morning till I gave her some fresh cold soup. She ate nearly the whole
cup of yogurt and over a cup of soup food.
This we learned
Dexamethasone: Apparently not good for tamandua
Metacam: great anti-inflammatory for tamandua, said to be great for pain. Didn't seem to help Aurora eat.
Prednisone: seemed to really help in that it made her look better and
stopped the vaginal bleeding but still didn't seem to help appetite,
maybe even hurt it a little.
Sage tea: Awesome appetite stimulant
Dandelion and milk thistle: also good stimulants.
Aurora is a tough old bird, emphasizing the old and tough
An ill tamandua is always going to be a wild and scary ride
Watch out for spiders!