Wow we're a whole 2 months behind! I don't think that's ever happened
before. I'll try and remedy that so for those that read solely on the
blog check back often but I'm not promising for sure as the next month
or so I need to work very hard as i need to replenish my savings for
something special. No more hints I don't want to jinx anything.
I'm very grateful for all the kind words on Quasi's passing even though I
didn't reply to each. We have his ashes back and need to find a calm
day to take him to the lake and have a picnic too.
Ori is doing well. the plan is to bring her home end of September or
maybe early October. I've worked on some diet adjustments so the food
will be a bit more low call for all the girls and will implement that
Aurora's fur has grown back well. She was given 3 small dog doses of
Reveolution(selamectin) every 2 weeks, to be more clear one does every
two weeks for a total of 3. Selamectin is a safer but more
effective(for topical) form of ivermectin. You wont see the progress in
photos though for awhile since we are so far behind.
I also put Aurora on MSM which controls her tremors(shaky arms) and an
herbal supplement. she is now becoming more active and a little less
June 20th
You must know the password to enter the secret fort
A bit tried for a walk
Can't keep eyes open
So sleepy
Listening for trouble
A rotten log
I'm gonna go check this out
Getting sleepy
Wake me when it's night
I was just too tired to enjoy my walk. I got carried a lot and am back to sleep now.
June 21st
Morning Pua
Morning Aurora
June 22nd
June 23rd
Yes I did get up once the light was off.
I know that means mom's settling in for the night so it's time to get up and get her busy again.
12:39 AM - Fresh wet log, yay!
June 26th
6AM - Aurora was sitting around complaining so mom put her out some fresh cold soup. I'm drinking it.
(Aurora will only eat cold liquid so mom takes my food and soaks it in vinegar to soften the meat fibers then blends it with water.)
Hey there, Want to come snuggle with us?
Your gross for the evening, Aurora eating her placenta.
Because we did take this photo and share it we were contacted to participate in a survey study on placenta eating habits of wild and rare species. (old photo from when she had Ori)
June 27th
I woke up in my washer this morning then went to the closet to sleep but Aurora is sleeping in the hut so I'm alone.
June 30th
Since it was hot today instead of sleeping under her pillow, Aurora wadded it up to barricade the entrance to her hut. When she woke this evening she mashed it down again to lay on for awhile.
Me I had some treats, played with mom, had a vinegar bath, oh and listened to Jake playing and enjoyed the breeze from the window till it was closed.
Pua didn't like the dragon fruit
This is no mango - I am not impressed
How to enjoy a hot muggy night
Drawer wrestling
Aurora chillin' in her hut
I got my eye on you
And July 1st was my birthday!
Pua's birthday goodies
My birthday goodies. ants, blue cheese, BBQ sauce, spray cheese, ketchup, yogurt, sparkling juice, mango and avocado. I got a new jogging outfit and a dressy red coat, The hoody looks like it's made a for a little boy. It must have been a mistake. I'm not little or a boy. That's okay I got lots of good stuff.

July 2nd
Was up, had a treat and breakfast. Couldn't talk myself into more treats so back to bed I go, in my washer.
Pua knows how to tuck herself in
Checking on Aurora
Aurora relaxing
The fur she has left on her back looks healthier was still waiting on it growing back everywhere else at this point.
July 4th
Some big booms and Hyzzie is back under the bed. It's much safer there you know.
July 5th
Aurora has her period and is moody so I slept with Aurora in the closet. Got up for a snack this morning and she paced the shelves till I was done now we're both back in the closet nest.
Someone questioned that on this so here:
I think great apes are the only ones that have full menstruation where the whole lining comes out though others do have blood spotting. It's similar though. We leak blood and mucus just not as much, the rest is absorbed. Aurora has heavier spotting than me. I'm usually fairly light but it varies.
I often will lay around mostly for a day or two. Aurora gets moody and more easily startled.
For sure no tampons. Some tamandua have been put in diapers before but I'm too sophisticated for that. When I have been heavy and running around the house mom just has had a cloth handy to wipe any off before I wipe it onto something. Most times I'm not very heavy like that though, for me it also varies some by the seasons on how heavy but haven't noticed that with Aurora. Aurora tends to keep to her own palace area so there's no real problem with mess but it gets smeared onto the pads and blankets but she pees on those anyway. Oh and sometimes me and Ori when she plays with us, we look like we've been fighting. Hers seems heavier on the blood than mucus as well.
It's probably similar to a dog's spotting who aren't spayed. I also have a shorter cycle than Aurora. Average tamandua cycle is around 40 days. I'm about a month. Mom is uncertain of my fertility since I'm shorter cycle and have had less regular spotting. Though she read a study on a female tamandua who has had many kids and her's weren't all that regular either so I'm probably okay.
One difference though with dogs they have spotting while "in heat" so it's not really like a period(plus the fact it's seasonal and just twice a year). We spot some time before and regularly which is much more period like.
July 6th
I was sleeping in the washer but woke around 10AM and went to the closet to keep Aurora company.
July 7th
Aphids and earwigs. Yummy mid day snack. I think the garden is a success.
Pua Tamandua anteater eating -
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