Feb 19th
11:53AM I hear the new washer is here so moved to my hammock. Grampa's not home yet to help move it in but I'm ready, so hurry.
3:47PM Hmm, the new washer sounds funny. I'm giving it a look from my hammock. I hope it will still be comfy.
I used to sleep with mom but Stewie showed me how to get in the washer and sometimes I'd join him. After he died I decided to sleep in there all the time. Aside from laundry day I don't get jostled by others on the bed and it's my own nice dark quiet room.
Giving dirty looks
Her old washer died so we got a new one. It makes new weird noises so she has been giving it dirty looks
Pua giving the new washer dirty looks - http://youtu.be/VVrXklpBpoc
Getting sleepy
Was still concerned about the odd noises from the new washer but mom gave me some ants and I curled up after. I can sleep now.
5:52PM Fresh load fresh creepy sounds mom gave me some cheese. After finishing and thinking it over some more I have curled back up.
Giving dirty looks over cheese
Treats helps but she's still unsure of the new sounds from the new washer.
Darn creepy washer sounds like it's laughing at me. Getting used to it though just sighed and curled back up.
10PM Woke from my nap. Was giving the washer dirty looks and noticed my toy sitting on the shelf, then staring at the washer more, maybe a treat again?
No, don't want blue cheese, ketchup, no thank you, ants! Yes, yum.
Still giving the washer dirty looks
10:15PM I'm a bit concerned about what might be going on in there.
I inspected my toy and decided to go back to sleep for now.
Up for my ketchup. Not getting much sleep with the washer anyway.
Pua tamandua not liking the new washer noises - http://youtu.be/7tZ6RAMdgGo
11:40PM Tried laying my head over my toy but it's not such a good pillow so laying next to it.
Moping by her toy
11:53PM Got up and needed lots of snuggles and breath sniffs from mom. Smelling her calm breath made me happy and I played some then hugged her a lot. Now I'm with the others playing in the closet. I've not messed with that washer yet.
Feb 20th
I tried sleeping with mom but I was very jumpy and she is too lumpy. I heard that washer torturing animals and hissing all day. I kept starting at the others moving around. Mom took me over there but I was still nervous so she stuck me inside. I checked it out for a bit then mom opened the lid and I came out. Mom gave me ants for being brave but I was still a bit jumpy and wouldn't even touch the washer as I headed for the tower instead. Having an avocado to calm me down.
9:45AM I refused to go anywhere near that scary sounding washer. It sounded like it was torturing animals all day. I slept in my hammock. I wouldn't even go back down there to eat. I'm living off avocado. Mom wants to see how I feel after a quiet day but she's already thinking how to arrange her room to keep my old one. I need to just stay freaked out and I'll get to keep her. (yeah washer are hers cuz it's the males that blow hot hair;)
9:47AM It's a death trap that eats little animals. I'm sure of it.
12Pm Think they took pity on me. Room is being rearranged! Do I complain about the arrangement? My washer will be on the other side of my tower from before.
3PM I've now been dumped out of the hammock and placed in my old washer. I sniffed carefully in case it was a trick and sat half in half out. I noticed I'm on the wrong side of the tower and there is a weird ladder instead of the shelves, microwave and clothes basket set up. I'll figure that out later. With a clean blanket I let myself be placed inside. I think I can get used to this.
Moms note: We had to tear the old one apart to remove the pump so it'll be possible to clean it and have the water drain into a pan or that would become nasty. I think this arrangement will work though my TV is way across the room and I got a pile of displaced thing to figure out what to do with, not to mention laundry yet to put away.
Feb 21st
12:32AM Woke to a mango right outside my door. I'm a happy Pua!
Pua in her old washer
She was so upset she got it back and has a new wing on her castle
Pua in the new wing of her castle
Everyone refused to use the wire ladder thing so working on a real ladder.
Pua in the new wing of her castle - http://youtu.be/olLtgb7Qijc
She hated the new washer so rearranged things to keep her old one and the new working one.
Pua acrobatics - http://youtu.be/N69CRXl-3_E
Pua going to the old side of the castle
Hyzzie likes the new arrangements
Ori checks out the new castle addition
Pua checks out Ori
Ori in the new wing of the castle. Aurora in the hammock.
Ori is the best climber
All three on the tower
Ori following Aurora
Pua goes up
Ori wanting to ride mom, Aurora said no though.
Going our separate ways
Ori having a blast
She was climbing all over the new castle set up.
Ori and Pua in the new dinning room
Checking out the hamper
I got it wedged in there but no one would try going on it, thinking it would fall over.(she used it the next night with a pee pad covering it).
Ori going down
She doesn't quite have the hand of this part yet
I lured Pua down just the supports with some ants but she wouldn't use it otherwise.
Spilling ants
Ori coming down the pole
Ori comes to see what's for dinner

"somebody" peed on the new washer. Guess "somebody" made their opinion clear.
I had my door open peeking out and Ori climbed in my washer with me. Yea, a guest.
10:07AM Having second thoughts. She's an active little thing.
10:09AM Oh good she left
Ori leaving Pua's washer - http://youtu.be/RouGMf451EA
Pua had it open peaking out and Ori slipped in and hung around awhile.
Mom tried the rubbermaid house. Ori had fun playing in and on it. But guess they didn't like their plastic house after all. Aurora slept in the closet. Ori played in it but wont settle in. Well, too bad for now the fabric one is being washed.
Ori did settle down in the plastic house but she shoved all the bedding to the front to block the door. I had anticipated their wanting privacy and had draped fabric over the door but Ori had pulled that down earlier.
Feb 22nd
Well, Aurora slept in the closet third night in a row even though mom put the pee pad house back. Apparently the real reason is the new position of mom's bed. Guess she hasn't yet learned mom wont randomly pounce her. Maybe try the pee pad house in the closet then. Ori preferred the plastic house and is now sleeping in the hammock so plastic house can go back on the cage.
Me I am happy in my washer and like my new ladder though mom says I climb it like an awkward child. Oh and Darn Ori visited and was playing with my door and left it open but mom closed it when she got up.
After I put her on her ladder
Using it on her own
Pua at the top of her ladder

Pua's Mommy: So Ori got up for a snack and I put the plastic house back up with a bigger blanket in it. I decided to try putting the fabric house in the closet and Aurora left. She did come back and try it but left again a couple times so I took it down and put fresh bedding up. She tried that and left again. She tried the plastic house a couple times during this but didn't like it so finally settled back in the closet and Ori joined her. Think I'll try turning the cage house and see if she likes that better so she wont have to see me while in it. I'll try the plastic one first since the only use the fabric house got last night was being peed on.
Ori on the desk
Feb 23rd
and Aurora slept in the closet last night though Ori likes playing in
the plastic house. Okay try the fabric house again and if that doesn't
suit them guess they just like the closet better now.
Feb 24th
It worked. Aurora & Ori slept in the fabric house. Aurora is happy
with it turned so she doesn't have look at me. I should maybe be
insulted ~ Pua's mommy
Feb 25th
Big puddle of pee on the new washer last night, so there.
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