Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Dec 3rd
5:30PM Aurora was sleeping in the closet till Ori came to join her, pushed under her and made her play.
11PM Snuggled with mom before heading to the closet tonight.
11:30PM Mom
washed the hammock and soon as mom hung it back up Ori went in it to
sleep. At least she let mom get it hung up. Ori normally hops in before
she's got all corners up.
Dec 4th
12:30AM Aurora woke up moody tonight but I've talked her into playing with me in the hammock
Dec 5th
12:30AM Can you believe I'm still sleeping? The others are up and playing and eating. They slept in the hammock together during the day
12:40AM Okay, Okay I'm up. Ketchup time.
tamandua toddling toward you on two legs in a dark room at 3 am is a
little odd looking but not pee in you pants worthy as one YT commenter
once said they would react. Pua walked from the closet at me wanting a treat. ~Pua's mommy
Dec 6th
10:30AM Got up had some ketchup and back to bed.
5PM Under 30F outside. Glad my washer is nice and toasty. I don't think I'll get up any time soon.
Mommies make the best pillows
Dec 7
Hanging out with Aurora in the closet.
Trying out new sleeping positions
Dec 8th
Was playing with Ori in the little hammock last night while she climbed around hanging from the outside.
10:30AM Was up had some ketchup, time with mom, checked the closet but no one was there so had a bit of cheese and back to bed.
are odd. They spent the day pickling and canning radishes and radish
relish. They should stick to ants. Find them, eat them, done.
11:30PM Went
to the back to pee but forgot the little fabric house isn't there any
more headed for my second choice of a corner and got put in the cat box.
I filled it up and came back to my room to see the others.
Dec 9th
12:20AM Aurora's grumpy tonight. She didn't want to share the hammock with me
1AM Was feeling a bit moody too but now Aurora is finally playing with me.
1:20AM Didn't last long so I went to cuddle and play with mom but now I'm done and not sure what to do with myself.
Mom, that comment wasn't nice. You need to ban them from the internet.
Hug time
Snuggles with Pua
up but mom says I can't go for a walk when it's in the 30's. She needs
to fix that then. I thought the temperature was her job.
11:44PM Too cold to go out, too late to go out, bah humbug.
Dec 10th
12:10AM Odd found a tiny ant on Ori she didn't want it so I gave it to Pua. Maybe was from their log. ~Pua's mommy
11AM I knew it was going to be laundry day so I got up and went into the hammock after my ketchup.
I went to see Santa at the barbers. I was a bit hyper with it being
laundry day and I accidentally scratched him with a back nail trying to
get down. He wasn't wearing gloves like last year. He was nice about it
but keeping claws crossed I don't get coal. The photos did come out
blurry though she was supposed to email better photos but it hasn't
happened yet :(
3:30PM I
went for a hike in the woods after Santa but mom forgot to bring a
camera. It was cold, lots of frost but I had fun anyway mom just didn't
let me go as far as I wanted. I did take a break and run around the outside of the little shopping center too. The Boy scouts selling trees weren't too excited "that's just our neighbor".
11:43PM Aurora went outside for a bit. I guess she wanted an adventure too.
Aurora on the cat tree
Climbing up
Aurora in the yard
Behind the garden
She's still got cheese on her face
Sniffing the shed
Behind the house
Running through leaves
Open the door
She complained when it wasn't opened instantly.
Dec 11th
Did not want that wool blanket tonight. I knew laundry was done so complained till I got the nice quilt.
Dec 13th Ori was just hanging from the hammock grooming my rump while I claw at the log.
Dec 14th Wild crazy hammock wrestling and Ori's going nuts hanging from things too
Ori in the hammock
11:40PM Aurora
ran around outside for a bit. Mom Put a jacket on her. She didn't mind
at first but then she got her feet in the belt strap cuz it was too
lose. She was POed about the rescue.
The human fails to
acknowledge her slave status. She should not be mauling my royal person
with her lowly human paws. I insisted she bring me some blue cheese when
we got back in ~ Aurora
Aurora goes out in a coat
Coming round the garden
Aurora tamandua in a jacket

She went out a second time and I put the jacket back on but tight around the waist this time, but..
Aurora lost her jacket
She squeezed through a gap in the fence and left it behind.
Anteater in Fishing vest
Ori's first attempt at modeling
She didn't want to stand up
Nothing like a nice refreshing drink of cheese while fishing.
Ori's ready to join the Brownies
Bribes are yummy
She wouldn't stand I had to lift her

Yummy cheese
Finally she stood but went all see-through on me.(you can see through her snout, ear and claws on right hand)
Rolling over

Tried to get her to stand a second time but this time she rolled over.
Which is a good trick too so I gave her the treat but then she quit.
edited version she is no longer see-through
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