Exploring the woods
Sliding down the logs
Micro mushroom forest
Departing a log
Pua tamandua explore the woods
She was a bit hyper
Take me home
Notice she starts bouncing around once the car picks up speed.
Looking out the window
Getting impatient
Pua was favoring her foot after her walk and one toe was a bit swollen but she was better by the next day.
I got something on my nose? Did I get it? How bout now?
Too bad anteaters can't lick their own faces.
Ori sleeping in the baby hammock
Aurora playing with Pua
Happy Hyzzie dog
Aurora sleeping in the hammock
OH and it's not too late here's Pua's Christmas Wish list
So in case Santa is reading he can send me gifts at
PO box 97
Oakridge, OR 97463
We all love blue cheese!
It depends on my mood right now if I like spray cheese but Ori still loves it.
Ants are always good of course
Any feeder insects such as wax worms, not fond of crickets though.
Good sized cloth houses would be great since Ori beats them up 20" long by 15-17" wide and 15-17" high would be ideal
Hammocks Ori climbs on them to play like they were climbing nets or something. The big play hammock is about 39x39" and my smaller sleep hammock is 33"x33" We like pockets but they are not that important for the play hammock. I need them for my sleep hammocks though. Sometimes all three of us play in the big hammock(about 15 pounds each).
Full sized blankets or twin size quilts are good for in the washer on or the shelf.
Clothes are great Dog clothes work size varies by designer, baby clothes can work but mom sometimes has to adjust them.
My measurements are:
Base of neck - 10.5"
Around her chest under her armpits - 15.25"
Around the base of her arms - 8.50"
Just her back from armpit to armpit - 8.25"
From between the shoulders to her hands - 10.5"
From the base of her neck to her waist - 11" long(could a some to reach her tail)
Around her waist/belly 21"
Wrist 5"
We aren't too into toys. We love old logs but don't suppose santa wants those in his sleigh. My favorite toy is the lint trap in the washer.
I also love roses. I love to tear them open and lick up the pollen.
Of course I'm still checking my stocking for a washer drier combo machine or that toy we all could share, a male Tamandua ;)
It's Mrs Claws
Oh and go vote for our friend's sanctuary http://www.refresheverything.com/repair-renew-revive-our-local-wildlife-rehabilatation-sanctuary
Careful how much you drink this Holiday season or you may wake up next to a dog.

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