Nov 22
2 slugs for breakfast, yumm, chased down with some ketchup and some more food.
Nov 24
12AM Ori was bored but now is happy with a fresh old log.
12:16AM Ori
ran back to the closet at high speed. I think the sound of the washer
startled her. Aurora jumped onto Ori and started a play fight.
1AM Mom gave me blue cheese and everyone came running.
12PM No
one used the blue house except to pee on it. They are sleeping in the
closet. Pua stayed with them till around 7 this morning then she went
back to her washer.
Nov 27
was ignoring me last night so I peed in her spot. Then she finally
noticed me and rolled over right into the big puddle. She sure was
cranky and I didn't even get my treat. I thought she was ignoring me and
needed a reminder not to do that but I guess she really was sleeping.
(mom's note Pua gets more hormonal than usual this time of year)
Snuggled mom earlier now, playing with Ori in the hammock.
Ori's light patch
Growing back but now her tail is shedding. This is shaping up to be a
slow drawn out process of a patch at a time. Well they have a slow
metabolism so I guess the shed would be slow too.
Ori holding my finger
I guess it got too warm for her
12PM Laundry day wasn't that long ago but I decided to sleep in my hammock today anyway.
Nov 29
2:30AM I slept on mom's chest for a few hours last night. She's nice and warm but kind of lumpy so I went back to my washer eventually.
2:30PM Mom found me a couple late season roses. Yea! I love roses. Will tear into those tonight.
Dec 1st
12:30AM Oops
forgot to freeze Aurora's chiller bowls today. Could make for a tired
me as she will be demanding I get her cold food during the night and
I've got to get up early. Pua isn't even up yet. Lazy thing gets excessively nocturnal in the winter.~Pua's mommy
1:15AM I got up and had my ketchup, now taking a nap in my hammock. It's important not to get going too quickly.
Ori dropped her treat cup on my head. Is blue cheese and olive oil good for the hair? ~ Pua's mommy