Nov 16th

Play time

Foot grabs

Let me at her!
Three anteater play in a hammock
They don't like me watching but Aurora came back to play more once I left.
Time for a change of pace. We paraded over to the closet nest to play.
Anteater Parade
Pua leads the others back to the closet
A and O wanted some more refreshments. Me too but I'm having water.
refreshment break
Aurora soup
Blue cheese
Nov 18
No need for a pillow
Hanging out with Ori(sleepy Pua)

Sleepy Ori

Nov 21
Played in the closet, then in the hammock, with Ori
They were both sitting in the hall side by side for the longest time then I got the camera.
Comfortable Quasi

Silly Quasi
I'll help you, mom

Poor Aurora: I heard some complaints and saw Ori laying on top of the house and thought she was smothering her momma. I encouraged her off then saw the real problem, though Ori wasn't helping.
Aurora was somehow inside the top panel of the pee pad house. Ori must have torn a hole. I tried to help her find her way out but that wasn't working and Ori came back to "help". So I made sure no ears or noses were in the way and cut a small hole. It turned out to be too small but that was all I could do but I cut it in the soft stretchy part. She stuck her face out with it tight against her head. She pulled back in after a bit then stuck her arm out when she failed to find another way out. She got her head out with her arm and pulled. She drug the house half way across the cage then her shoulders popped out and Aurora was reborn. She has retired to the closet bed with with Ori.
Inspection report: Small hole ripped in ceiling of pee pad house by little claws prior to the rescue hole outside. Structure is deemed unlivable. Temporarily replaced with old blue house sitting on a pee pad.
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