Pua's Woodland Adventure
Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: animal, anteater, cute, exotic, girl, hike, lovely, pet, pua, Tamandua, walk, муравьеда, уравьеда, アリクイHow to sleep on a hot summer day

Time to wake for a walk.
First a public appearance

We stopped at "Buck's" small motor repair. Public appearances go best when Pua is still sleepy.
Pretty Pua
Nice garden

Don't think I want to pee here
Side garden

No bushes too pee in here
No room behind the rocks

Here's a nice secluded place...
... to pee
I would have stopped her but she said go ahead and let her and she'd just hose it off. Animal people are nice. She was surprised by how much pee came out of Pua though.
This is more like it.
I love trees
Digging in a hallow tree

This hole was too small to fit
Till I made it big enough.
I didn't mean to capture this. I didn't know it was coming. It's sort of a once in a lifetime sort of shot though.
She swallowed too much wood dust and got over heated. A dunk in the river and she was fine.
Some species like rats and horses are not capable of vomiting so a person might wonder if an anteater can or how they do it with that long snout and small mouth. Well, now you know.
She has a sensitive tummy when it comes to stuff. Though not a common occurrence, learned to mostly avoid the stuff, too much dirt, wood dust, fiber in her food, or even eating too many ants. Oh and pet hair used to do it as she was tonguey/mouthy when young and licked it up.
Ori's plenty tonguey but hasn't ever puked.
Oh and I was surprised at the volume. She hadn't drank anything. They don't have stomach acid but they sure must produce a lot of enzymatic juices.
After a dunk in the riverIt didn't capture well due to the flash but her rump was really golden orangish.
Another rotten stump
Tiny mushroom
It was the size of a bb.
Nap time
Pua dug herself a sleep nest down inside the stump.
She kinda looks like a dead thing but maybe that's the idea. Predators wont wanna eat that.
Dirty girl
After pulling her out of the stump she tried to climb grandma's leg to get to her carry bag. I let her in and carried her home.
Half done grooming
Mess left after grooming some of the wood dust out of her fur.
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