Some catch up stuff

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Sorry we're a whole month behind. We'll try to get caught up this week.

June 17th
I woke up, peeked out of the washer, wondered what the heck I was doing up at this hour then went back to sleep.

5PM? My bad I thought it was 5AM.

5PM? My bad I thought it was 5AM.

Play time on the tower
Play time on the tower
06_12_11 002

Morning Sun Worship
Morning Sun Worship
Could you move the bed into the sun more?
Could you move the bed into the sun more?

Wall sniffing
Wall sniffing

No, Aurora don't do it.
No, Aurora don't do it.

A log in my nest?
A log in my nest?
I found a small log with termites and placed it in hopes they'd claw that over their choice of the walls but not really.

June 17th
9:30 I am hyper so decided to go outside. It was nice till I heard a monster. Mom say's it was kids on a trampoline. I think she meant IN and the trampoline was eating them. They were screaming so I ran inside.
Other than that I had a good night. I ran around inside and played with mom, sniffed the wind, went out and poked around the yard. Then monsters started eating people.

I'm so hyper! Log, run, window, log, run....

Midnight I was too hyper to even be interested much in my treats but I finally wore myself out.

18th-19th I got up in the afternoon then slept in my hammock after a treat.

20th Mom
visited with Ori in the closet and got a thorough ear cleaning and face licking and gave her some ants.
Not sure about mixing ant snacks and ear cleaning. I just found an ant in my ear. ~ Pua's mommy.

I've decided it's a good idea to pee on my logs. That way everyone knows they are mine.

Fun in the yard tonight, ants, termites, earwigs, but I discovered dry cut grass makes me sneeze violently.

I was on my way in when a monster nearly got me. It went "Mew" followed by "clatter bang" Mom said the clatter bang was my tipping the recycle bin over,hmm no I'm sure it was a monster.

June 21st What do you mean that pot of dirt wasn't for me? Yeah I saw the little tree I thought it was like garnish.

June 21st
Ori was up so mom snatched her and took her to say hi to everyone. She wasn't thrilled with being held but after greetings mom let her explore the house some and she was fine with her then.

Ori came out again later but mom just brushed the dried food off her butt instead of snatching her.

Baby tamandua brushing and log time

Ori sat in her food and still had some in her fur dried up. I brushed most out before I started filming. I just cut out where the camera was unsteady.

So sleepy
So sleepy

Pua posing
Pua posing

Pua passed out
Pua passed out

Aurora's Klig-on
Aurora's Klig-on

I need a bigger baby seat
I need a bigger baby seat

Play time
Play time


Ori Cinco
Ori cinco

Thinking what to do now
Thinking what to do now

Checking out wood
Checking out wood

Ori digging into wood
Ori digging into wood

Ori chooses her brush
Ori chooses her brush

Pua's hairy tail
Pua's hairy tail
Most tamandua have little hair anywhere on the last 2/3rds of their tails. Pua has thick fur on the underside of the last 2/3 more than the photo shows as some of it is black and brown
Pua's hairy tail

Everyone has a little captain in them
Everyone has a little captain in them
Ah commercial reference but it's better than the usual F-you I'm an anteater stick going around.

Guess it should be "Everyone has a little anteater in them" instead ;)

Is this pose cute enough
Is this pose cute enough

Hand feeding baby tamandua Ori Cinco

Ori like ants

Pua tamandua hammock play time

She likes me to poke her through the hammock and she jumps all around in there as well as when I reach in to play.

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