Ori Cinco, Pua and Aurora

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Behind again but I wasn't taking many photos for awhile.

So the big news first: Cinco is now Ori Cinco. Ori is Akawaio(native Guyana language) for Woman. Yep Cinco had a sex change. She was really point and didn't look like a girl at all when young but is now rounded and after close inspection the mound opens up so 100% for sure girl. Ori is pronounced like Cory but without the C. So we are on the waiting list for a golden boy for all three to share. Will be one lucky boy.

Ori Cinco is 6.5 pounds at just over 4 months of age. Girls grow faster than boys. Stewie was just 7 pounds at 8 months. I switched Aurora back onto milk replacer in her food and some sharp cheddar cheese. She likes it better than blue cheese. Not only will this give Aurora more nutrition, she has now gotten thin while nursing a baby that's growing like godzilla, but Ori likes it better too with milk and cheese in it. Ori eating more food means less nursing so a little more energy left for Aurora.

Excepts from Pua's Diary

May 13th
Mom took Aurora on a short walk outside since she was walking around without baby.

May 19th
Aurora went down on the washer with Cinco but he got down on his own and ran to the playpen. Aurora came and got him once but then he did it again and climbed up on the cage. Later Aurora tried sleeping in the playpen but Cinco kept climbing up the cage. He eventually lead her back to the closet.

May 20th
I got to play with Cinco(kinda). Aurora was climbing up the shelves and Cinco tried to do it on his own but didn't make it. Mom scooped him up and I was standing since we had been playing. Mom let me sniff. I wanted to play so she taped his claw against mine. We did that a bit then I got excited and wanted to pounce him so mom gave him back to Aurora.
Unfortunately I got so excited I tried to climb in the hammock with them later. Aurora smacked me silly and I fell back against the shelves. I'm okay though. Just a light scratch.

May 23rd

I got up at 8:30 chilled a bit, chatted with mom, played with her, had treats, then went to sniff the window. It's still cold out there, So I'm taking a nap.

All three together

All three together
Cinco checking out Aurora's soup.

All three eating together, kinda
All three eating together, kinda
Pua with a tomato, Cinco the beef diet and Aurora's soup.

Good morning, Please tell me it's not laundry day?
Good morning
The red thing is a tomato skin and the other a bit of her food, messy beast.

Posing for a tasteful pinup
Posing for a tasteful pinup
notice the strategically placed feet

Tamandua in Repose
Tamandua in Repose

May 26th
I got up and 7:45 Had my wake up ketchup, lots of play and cuddles, poked my nose out to listen in on the household goings on and I finally ventured out to sniff at the back window. Cold and I heard a dog barking in the distance so I hightailed it back to my room.

May 29th
Cinco sleeping in the hammock
Cinco sleeping in the hammock
Cinco slept alone in the hammock above the cage all night. She was so cute. Slept in the pocket with her head sticking out like a little person in bed. I got concerned they didn't know where each other was this morning though so put Aurora in the hammock with her. She still growls like the devil when I pick her up. Cinco heard that and growled back. They both calmed and are back together in the closet after a snack.~ Pua's mom

Pua looking regal
Pua looking regal

May 31st
Aurora and Ori Cinco

At first Aurora wants to sleep and Ori Cinco wants to explore. Then Mom wants to play but Ori Cinco still wants to explore. Someone had spilled food from the shelf and since this was actually middle of the night I hadn't cleaned it up yet.

Aurora eating ice cold soup

She insists on it being ice cold.
Ya know that might be a bit less messy if you got your mouth near the bowl? Just a friendly suggestion from your staff.

June 1st
I was bored so mom let me have another vinegar bath. That kept me busy for a half hour at least and I rubbed all over my new log. Worked up an appetite to ate. I had a back scratch on the pole too before turning in for a nap.

Pua tamandua vinegar bath

I was going to edit out the more boring bits but didn't get around to it. I put a bit of vinegar in the sink for her.

My best guess is the vinegar replaces the acid ants would be spitting on them if raiding nests. The boys we've had here have liked doing this too. Birds are known for anting, rubbing ants in their feathers or laying on an ant nest. No one knows for sure why but the best guesses are it helps prevent parasites or is good for the skin. Pua does leave behind a film and loose hairs when done

June 1st
Jake is spying on me again. Peeking out of the washer to see if I can spot him. I don't want him pouncing me.

June 2nd
Aurora took Ori Cinco on a tour of the house. She got a half ride. Held onto mom's rump with her back feet peddling along. Funny looking 6 legged tamandua.

Anteater Conga line

Little Ori Cinco still wants to ride on her mom's tail but is too big so holds on and waddles along with her back feet.

Tamandua Conga
Tamandua Conga

Ori Cinco being used to riding momma aurora's butt holds on with her hands while waddling along behind her.
Tamandua Conga

Aurora on guard
Aurora on guard
I made the mistake of laughing at her.

Are these stretch marks obvious?
Are these stretch marks obvious?
Be honest. I don't want to be laughed at if I wear a bikini.

Ori's got a wicked cowlick on her butt
Ori's got a wicked cowlick on her butt

Hyzzie on the new bed pillow
Hyzzie on the new bed pillow
It covers both dressers behind the bed.

June 2nd
I tried to play with Aurora. I figure she can't be all bad since she has such a cute kid.
So Aurora came up from behind the washer and was sniffing my log. I came over and sniffed and then sniffed the log with her. Nobody growled so I moved around to the far side of the log and clawed and sniffed at it but I kept an eye on Aurora. All was peaceful so I pounced on her. Aurora shot up into defensive posture and I got a "pooooo.." from mom. Wasn't anyone paying attention? I moved super slow and barely touched her. I was just trying to play.

So left her to the log and mom came over and played with me. After a sufficient break I went back to claw the log then tried mom's advice to take it slow. I raised one claw in super slow motion to show I just was just playin' but Aurora stood and growled anyway. So I went back to play with mom. Then I went to the log again and then tried raising my claw slow again. Same result. Okay. I then tried gently poking her tail in play. She didn't do anything about that. Great. So I tried raising my claw again but she growled.

I went to play with mom again then decided to try my way again since mom's wasn't working. After some log clawing I pounced Aurora again. She growled and smacked me silly. I staggered away and went to have a drink. Aurora decided to leave after Ori Cinco came up to join her. Guess she's not ready for play yet.

June 3rd

I tried to play with Aurora and Cinco in the hammock but She was a bit grumbly about the idea. She fell from the shelf a moment ago so I'm letting her check out my new log while I chill in the sink.

Window sniffing with Pua
Window sniffing with Pua

Play time
Play time

Make your move
Make your move
Pua is way too fast. Only good shot I got of play.

Suspend log time
Suspend log time
She peeled this side away from the other side and core.

Pua Tamandua and her log's shell

She peeled this section away from the core and the other side.

June 4th
Aurora moved to the hammock over the cage. Something about my being a pest. Besides trying to play I needed a back scratch. To do this I hold onto the princess hammock and rub my back against the post. I'm not sure what she was complaining about. Aren't you supposed to rock the baby's crib?

Ori Cinco like avocado
Ori Cinco like avocado

Ori Cinco finds an orange
Ori Cinco finds an orange

Ori Cinco licks an orange
Ori Cinco licks an orange

Aurora napping on Pua's log
Aurora napping on Pua's log

June 5th
Aurora was really nice and brought me cheese. I noticed her around my log and mom gave me some cheese so I'd not bug her while she stepped away. Then I saw Aurora brought me a cup of cheese too. She had trouble carrying it I guess since she was busy cleaning cheese of her claws so I cleaned out the cup she brought me.

Pua grooming Aurora's rump
Pua grooming Aurora's rump
First Pua tried licking Aurora's face since there was cheese on it but after a moment Aurora realized Pua was in her face and stood and hiss but was more confused than anything. Then when she turned her back Pua started grooming her rear.

Pua checking out Aurora's business
Pua checking out Aurora's business

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