More baby Tamandua photos

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , ,

Looks like awkward nursing

Looks like awkward nursing
Mom didn't want to get up I guess, so just lift the arm.

Aurora and Cinco 4 days old
Aurora and Cinco 4 days old
Aurora: Someone's peeping at us!
Cinco: Where's the nipple?

Dinner will not be interrupted
Dinner will not be interrupted
Pua was sleeping in her hammock and woke everyone with her crying. She wouldn't stop so I went and checked on Mom and baby. Aurora was upset by Pua so kept standing up but Cinco would not let his meal be disturbed and stayed latched on to that nipple. Yep, must be a boy, ha.

My best guess is Pua had a nightmare. Took lots of arm and had rubbing and treats to calm her down.

Baby on mom's butt - 5.5 days old
Baby on mom's butt
Baby has taken the next step in development and is clinging to Aurora's butt. Aurora seems to have missed that memo and was freaking out because she couldn't find baby. Poor girls was all over looking for her baby. I tried a few times taking him from her and sticking him back in the nest so she could find him and she'd calm down till he "disappeared" again. At one point she felt something on her and tried to groom it off but clawing at baby's hands when he's clinging to you way up high is a bad thing. I moved them to the cage for safety and she settled into the hammock after a half hour or so and settled in with baby. Spent the day cleaning up the closet.

Pua was jealous of them getting extra attention and peed in her hammock. She did give my hands a good sniffing after my handling baby though.

Cinco holding on while mom eats
Cinco holding on while mom eats

Baby Cinco riding Aurora
Baby Cinco riding Aurora

Where's Baby Tamandua

Cinco with Aurora in hammock
Cinco with Aurora in hammock

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