Ori's first walk in the park + Ori&Pua

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Aug 6th
(Pua's mommy)Took Ori for a walk at a little park. She didn't really relax till I let her climb on my head and then off again on her own. Then she was thrilled. She just needed to know her nanny was there to protect her. I kept my eyes shielded. I'm parnoid about that but her claws never got close to my face.

Doing the I don't wanna dance

Doing the I don't wanna dance
Ori fighting the harness because she wanted back in the car. She wasn't sure about this whole walk thing.

Okay I'll check this out
Okay I'll check this out
Unfortunately we weren't in the park yet and that was someone's yard she wanted to go in.

Tamandua on boulder
Tamandua on boulder
Ori at the entrance to the park

She's not ready for in the woods but this park is unkempt so is fun to explore.

She kept wanting to climb up my leg but figured the tree would be okay too

Coming down
Coming down
Her butt looks caramel here but looks mocha in other lighting. Guess it's caramel mocha.

Happy run
Happy run
I finally gave in and let Ori climb on my head. She felt safe after that so had fun.

walking along the fence line
walking along the fence line

Ori Cinco Tamandua's first real walk

She's practiced in the yard now she got to go to a park. Yeah that guy is asking me not to let my "dog" poop by his fence, only person we ran into, the park has homes around it. I said she's an anteater and just poops once a day so he didn't have to worry about that. Of course he needed me to repeat that and I pick her up and I'm saying how she only poops once a day so isn't going to and poop comes falling out of her butt, lol, thanks perfect timing.(They actually poop every other day on average).

Aug 8th
oh boy a buggy apple. Yay, apple season

Aug 9th

Ori came to visit by herself last night though she was just exploring and didn't really want my company or grooming. So I left her for my tower and defended it from her when she tried to come up.

Ori followed Aurora down to the closet floor then Aurora play attacked. ORi fled back up. She thought they were going to explore and didn't want to play there.

Ori came back and gave in to play for a bit but then ran off again. Aurora came by me and Ori ran over and hopped on for a ride. Aurora took it as a play attempt and went at her, lol.

Ori is such a klutz she tripped on the food bowl and sent food flying but not the bowl and got it all over her legs and belly.

Aurora and Ori are crazy hyper tonight

Pua and Ori
Pua and Ori

Aurora looking cheeky
Aurora looking cheeky

Ori Cinco as Tarzan
Ori Cinco as Tarzan

I can do this
I can do this

Hey there
Hey there
Pua was trying to get Aurora to play. Aurora was in the hammock.

Pua sleeping on the sink
Pua sleeping on the sink
With a bit of cheese behind her ear for later.

Pua and Ori kinda

Pua and young Ori Cinco

Pua's new Y-Leg Harness
Pua's new Y-Leg Harness
So cute looks like she's wearing suspenders. The flowers have glitter on them.

Pua's harness broke and the store had no H harnesses. I was a fan of the H-harness but this is very snug around the arms don't think she'll slip out easy. We'll try it out on a walk soon.
Pua's new Y-Leg Harness

Pua wants to play

Pua wants to play with Aurora but Aurora just want s quiet nap in the hammock away from her crazy baby.

Pua explores
Pua explores

Trying to sleep in a hallow tree
Trying to sleep in a hallow tree

Trying to sleep under a boulder
Trying to sleep under a boulder

She took a pretty good walk and posed cute quite a bit but my camera battery was dead. I got stabbed in the back by a bee and she had to pose for a fan at the end of her walk. She is spoiled and doesn't like to stop outside.

Quasi and Jake got their check ups. On the ride to the vet Jake wanted to cuddle with Quasi for moral support. Quasi wasn't thrilled "Dude why are you in my face? You're gonna give me cat cooties" He was to tired to care on the ride home.

Pua Tamandua takes a run

She was happy to get out.

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More explorations and friendly grooming

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Aug 2nd
Aurora came by last night but she ignored me and went up the tower and into the hammock. So I followed her up and into the hammock. She growled and smacked me but I stayed and she settled down but next time I moved she growled and smacked me again. I thought she'd settle again so waited but she got more fierce instead so I fled. Guess she wanted to be alone.

Aurora took Ori on a quick tour of the house but she had trouble keeping her balance under her heavy load. She'd growl at Ori when she lost her balance but she didn't physically so anything about it.

Aurora went again and Ori was going to come along but got distracted by a piece of avocado. Aurora got to explore in leisure.

Sniffing the trash can

Sniffing the trash can
She is so tall. Pua would not reach that high.

Aurora in the kitchen
Aurora in the kitchen

Aurora checking under the couch
Aurora checking under the couch
She was trying to fit under

Aurora in the corner
Aurora in the corner

Aurora takes Ori out
Aurora takes Ori out

Heading down the hall
Heading down the hall

Scraping off baby
Scraping off baby

Mom, the dog is making faces at me
Mom, the dog is making faces at me

This place smells funny
This place smells funny

"I told you to quit running off"
I told you to quit running off

Anything inside here?
Anything inside here?

Tasty toilet paper
Tasty toilet paper

Tamandua anteater and toilet paper

Ori plays with the toilet paper.

Pua grooms Aurora
Pua grooms Aurora

Upside down grooming
Upside down grooming
She was grooming her armpit before.

I'll make it better *kisses*
I'll make it better *kisses*
Pua grooms a moody Aurora.
Pua grooming Aurora

Woe is me
Woe is me
Aurora wanted in the hammock but Pua was in there and she didn't want to get in with her.

She tried to sleep there like that for a bit
Woe is me

Poor aurora was so hungry but Ori kept hogging the bowl so I had to give them 2

Then Ori went to her mom's bowl after awhile anyway

Aug 3rd
I took it easy tonight but Aurora explored the house and talked mom into a couple short trips into the yard.

Oh hey there
Oh hey there
Ori pushing her way in from under her mom

Pua grooms Ori
Pua grooms Ori
Pua was less enthusiastic about it, like; something's wrong with your rump tonight, Aurora.

Who closed the door
Who closed the door
Aurora wanting to go back outside

Aurora climbing the door
Aurora climbing the door
I let her out for a bit(Supervised of course) and she wanted to go out again. I grabbed her off right after this. She would have tried to climb on the molding and broke it.

Aug 5th
Ori raided the fridge last night and devoured the remaining piece of avocado in there.

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Some exploration

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , ,

July 28th
Mom found a little grasshopper with one leg in the garden. It was yummy.

Family dinner

Family dinner

Pillow bed
Pillow bed
Aurora pulled the pillow out of her bed cover.

Taking baby for a ride
Taking baby for a ride
Aurora and her 6 month old girl Ori(11 pounds at the time)

I can't get in
I can't get in
Aurora sat on it then tried to lift the top to get inside.

This belongs in the closet
This belongs in the closet
Could you move it back now

Aurora explores
Aurora explores

Checking out the old house
Checking out the old house

Toilet paper
Toilet paper

Pua says hello
Pua says hello

Pua tries to take a ride
Pua tries to take a ride
I had guessed Aurora as the younger one but she does treat Pua like a child on account of her being "special", you know not knowing anteater manners and hanging out with people.

Aurora take Ori to the playground
Check it out

Hey mom, wait for me
Hey mom, wait for me

I go where you go
I go where you go

What you doing under there?
What you doing under there?

Should I climb up
Should I climb up

I think I'll go down
I think I'll go down

July 29th
I opened the fridge last night and got to eat as many tomatoes as I wanted. Mom is contemplating putting a latch on the new fridge like she had the old one.

Hey I'm at my summer weight 15 pounds. Well it was 15.5 but I figure the .5 falls into the margin of error ;)

July 30th
(Pua's mommy) Ori is a spoiled pudgy bully. Aurora wanted to eat but she would come to the bowl and lick and get in the way every time. She didn't want to eat when Aurora left. I think she knows it bugs her mom. So played with her some then took her and carried her around the room till her mom was done.
She's not scared now but occasionally hissed a complaint because she's spoiled and didn't want to be held. Over all she was good with it. She even squirmed up and licked my ear but then tried to get down, trying to sweet talk me maybe.

I'm sleeping late tonight but last night Aurora visited. She went on the tower and I tried getting in the hammock to share but she left. She came back later to sleep for a bit in the hammock. Ori was running around on her own and went behind my washer. I tried joining her but she didn't want me too.

July 31st
Aurora and Ori under the desk
Aurora and Ori under the desk

Aurora wants to play
Aurora wants to play
So Ori ran away.

I was sleeping in the hammock and Aurora came to visit me. I hung out of the hammock and started playing with her. She growled but I figured it was a play growl. She moved away so I got out and followed her and tried to play some more. She finally stood up and boxed with me. She looked confused by my moves and saw the empty hammock so climbed in.
So I climbed in with her. She growled but I hugged my tail around her to cheer her up and sat ready to play if wanted. We shared for a bit but then she got out and sat on the platform moping.

So I came over and climbed on top of her and gave her a big bear hug and said I love her and declared her my new mommy. She growled but I know she was just sharing her frustrations on having a bad day. Not sure why she tried to paw me off though. I figured a ear cleaning would help cheer her up but she lowered her head so I gave up and left her to her bad mood and back into the hammock.

Mom gave her some food so I wanted a treat. Aurora leaned up and tried to share the cheese cup but couldn't so left her bowl in disgust and mom offered her a treat cup too but she was all sour grapes and said too little to late and wouldn't take it and left. She went and ate food on her shelf instead.

Pua grooms Aurora
Pua grooms Aurora

You're my new mommy
You're my new mommy
Pua climbed up on Aurora. Aurora tried to pull her off by grabbing her hands but Pua was insistent.

I love you
I love you
Aurora being mugged by Pua, after a failed ear cleaning attempt.

Sharing the hammock
Sharing the hammock
Sort of. Aurora didn't really want Pua in there with her but Pua didn't get the hint.

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