Queen Pua's hike as common folk

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Pua tries to ditch the paparazzi by dressing as the common working class.

Looking cool, Pua

Looking cool, Pua
She looks to be in motion but she sat like that not moving for while before she decided to come out.

Following the signs
Following the signs
She took a short trip through the parking lot

A brief pit stop
A brief pit stop

Bouncy Pua
Bouncy Pua

Crossing the bridge
Crossing the bridge

Snow wont stop her
Snow wont stop her
It was a nice sunny day and warm only some snow left in the shady woods from last weeks snow.

Crossing tree limbs
Crossing tree limbs
Just missed her on the downed tree

Sniffing about
Sniffing about

Wait here. I'm gonna be busy awhile
Wait here. I'm gonna be busy awhile

Digging in hallow tree roots
Digging in hallow tree roots

Go? But I'm not done yet.
Go? But I'm not done yet.

Heading back
Heading back
If I run to get ahead of her for a shot like this she speeds up to catch me.

Crossing the bridge back
Crossing the bridge back

We made it out just in time
We made it out just in time
They didn't really close the gate but park closes at dusk. I've only seen the gate closed one winter when ice all over the trees made the danger of falling limbs

Quasi and Hyzzie sleeping together
Q&H Passed out

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Baby Cinco

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , ,

Been putting off posting awhile thinking I could 100% verify age first. I just don't seem to be trusting my eyes on his small little bit. See Baby has a line, which could mean a girl but Stewie had a obvious, distinct line too and was a boy. I think I need some close up photos but will have to see when both mom and baby cooperate.

But I'm 80-85% sure this is a boy with the photo Below since I got lucky and you can see his bits. It's just not a detailed close up. That's not a sexual opening under his tail there but his anus. That much has been obvious all along. He's got a big well defined anal ring.

The sexual mound is a bit less obvious as on males the underside slopes down into the anus. Every male I've had due to this winds up with a spot of poop on the under side from time to time. They can have a line under where a female would have line that, on a girl, opens up along the mound, like a half globe shape. A gentle probing didn't open up the line but then again my finger tends to hide everything.

Anyway you can see the tip here and unless a girl with really big clitoris, they do have them, looks to be a boy.

Our warrior baby

Warrior baby

Baby grooming
Baby grooming
Not gotten requested photos of foot and hand pad close ups yet but you can zoom in on his foot fairly clearly here.

Aurora telling Pua off.
Aurora telling Pua off.
Aurora did not let Pua into the closet tonight at all but chased her back before she even got off the cage. Pua then moved into the cage hammock and set there awhile and drank the cage water before leaving.

Sleeping baby
Sleeping baby

My new friend
My new friend
He gave a small growl at me when I pet him and lunged at me but then I rubbed his hand and he curled up around my finger to sleep. This was after I withdrew.

PS this was before I did the nightly changing of the pee pad in there. Also when I put it in it had been soft side up. Someone remodeled.

Where's my baby?!!
Where's my baby?!!
Having lost her baby again Aurora began searching my room for him.

Last night Aurora kept crying. I changed her food, changed the bedding changed her food a few more times. She kept crying. Tired and having a busy day planned I finally tried ignoring her. I was later startled by a hiss at my ear.

Aurora was standing on two legs by the bed. I showed her my hand to sniff and she moved on. Turn out she was looking for baby, who was on her butt. I didn't figure it out right away because I thought that issue was settled. She approached Pua castle and growled at her. "Give me my baby back!" Pua hissed back. "I don't have your baby you crazy lady"

So I tried caging her but then she started screaming, like baby but deeper and horrifying, so I let her out. She retreated to the closet and kept crying so I went and pried baby off her butt and put him in the nest then showed him to her. That made her happy and she settled in the bed with him. I still don't get how you fail to notice a baby on your butt.

That was all uploaded on the 17th

Now for a cat break

Feb 18th
Aurora and baby stretching out
Aurora and baby stretching out

At least were not just sitting at the food bowl
At least were not just sitting at the food bowl

Hey Mom, What ya eatin'?
Hey Mom, What ya eatin'?
Baby looking to see what Aurora is eating. When I first brought the food and she got up he was pouncing and whacking her wanting to play.

Seems I slept through a demand for food & bedding change last night. I woke up to Aurora at the base of the drier hissing at Pua, Pua hissing back, which made Aurora growl. Aurora did have baby on her butt but maybe she though since I failed to feed her Pua should feed her. I carried her back to the other side of the room and she returned to the closet. I changed her bedding and gave her fresh food and she settled in.

Pua occasionally will try to go in the closet and Aurora chases her off. She never tries more than once in a night.

Feb 20th
Time to change this bedding
Time to change this bedding
Looks like Cinco is trying to change it himself


Baby Cinco licking my fingers
Baby Cinco licking my fingers

Tasting food
Tasting food
Sort of. Mom had loose poop and spent a lot of time away from baby so I spent a lot of time with him when not with her. I mixed up a batch of food minus beef so it's basically formula and a bit of cheese, cereal and vitamins to entice Aurora an be easier on her stomach (maybe added to much beef to fast). Since he was licking my fingers I offered the bowl and he took a little lick but that was all and he had more fun poking at the bowl with his claws.

Mom's milk is best he just seemed interested so I let him check it out and he only had a taste. He went back to licking my fingers after.

Aurora hasn't pooped since, a good thing, and regained her appetite. She stayed with baby last night, only coming to the wall to ask for food.

Cinco taken last night
I put the tiny rubber ducky in there but don't think he played with it. Mom did push it to the front of the cave though.

From today
Upside down baby
Upside down baby

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Pua's snow day and baby stuff

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , ,

First a few videos I haven't posted yet.

Sleepy Aurora tamandua with baby Feb 8

Mommy yawns
. I just noticed his baby bit does look pointy(manly) when he flips up and gives a glimpse. Had to use the original file and pause it at just the right split second to really see though. I plan to have a real look Sunday as he'll be a month old then.

Baby tamandua on mom while she eats

Feb 12
Aurora ushers baby to the back of the cave

Aurora ushers baby to the back of the cave

Baby looking baby fat
Baby looking baby fat

Baby Tamandua nursing
Baby nursing
Baby tamandua nursing

Baby Tamandua Nursing

It looks like he fell asleep with the nipple in his mouth in the first half but in the second half you can see his mouth move sucking some before he lets go. It's shaky as I'm holding the camera up over my head. I tried moving it to be braced on the wall but that looked like it might have disturbed them so I backed off.

Pua preparing for her role as Buddha
Preparing for her role as Buddha


Long boring anteater video

Pua snuggling with me. I thought she was going to yawn but she held it in. She doesn't seem to like to yawn on camera.

Feb 13th

I thought we were going for a ride
I thought we were going for a ride
Just hanging in while Aurora eats

New novel nursing positions
New novel nursing positions

You taking pictures, AGAIN?
You taking pictures, AGAIN?
Pua digging a nest in the pet basket

Pua sleeping in the pet basket
Pua sleeping in the pet basket


Baby anteaters aren't scared of the boggy man, They come prepared to kick his butt
Baby anteaters aren't scared of the boggy man
A little halfhearted as he was being good with me but then mom growled at the container of food I brought so he growled and threatened. I just caught the end of it and not his full threat stance.

OMG the world's turning white and cold!
OMG the world's turning white and cold!

The power went out so my door was open to allow heat from the wood stove in. Pua decided to get up and take advantage.

Fire wood inspection
Fire wood inspection

I found something interesting here
I found something interesting here

Anteater in the snow
Anteater in the snow
It was colder than she expected but she was determined to keep going till she found the good weather.

Coming from the clear place
Coming from the clear place
She peed under the shed too

Aw I wanted to go back out
Aw I wanted to go back out
Who sealed the pet door?

Maybe I could reach that
Maybe I could reach that

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