Baby Tamandua one week old

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , ,

Yeah, I got Attitude already
Yeah, I got Attitude already

Baby riding mom lesson. You get a C-

Mom riding baby lesson

In the right spot now
Baby Cinco on mom

Baby tamandua Cinco

Pua is coming
Pua is coming

Pua and Aurora
Pua and Aurora

Pua and Aurora

Pua didn't care about them she just wanted to sniff out the window. Aurora wanted to make friends still so was sniffing so little bratty Pua growled at her.

Aurora is still worried I will steal her baby so warns me verbally when I change the food but never swipes at me. She was really complaining when she ran out of food this morning. She ate a whole container in one night.

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More baby Tamandua photos

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , ,

Looks like awkward nursing

Looks like awkward nursing
Mom didn't want to get up I guess, so just lift the arm.

Aurora and Cinco 4 days old
Aurora and Cinco 4 days old
Aurora: Someone's peeping at us!
Cinco: Where's the nipple?

Dinner will not be interrupted
Dinner will not be interrupted
Pua was sleeping in her hammock and woke everyone with her crying. She wouldn't stop so I went and checked on Mom and baby. Aurora was upset by Pua so kept standing up but Cinco would not let his meal be disturbed and stayed latched on to that nipple. Yep, must be a boy, ha.

My best guess is Pua had a nightmare. Took lots of arm and had rubbing and treats to calm her down.

Baby on mom's butt - 5.5 days old
Baby on mom's butt
Baby has taken the next step in development and is clinging to Aurora's butt. Aurora seems to have missed that memo and was freaking out because she couldn't find baby. Poor girls was all over looking for her baby. I tried a few times taking him from her and sticking him back in the nest so she could find him and she'd calm down till he "disappeared" again. At one point she felt something on her and tried to groom it off but clawing at baby's hands when he's clinging to you way up high is a bad thing. I moved them to the cage for safety and she settled into the hammock after a half hour or so and settled in with baby. Spent the day cleaning up the closet.

Pua was jealous of them getting extra attention and peed in her hammock. She did give my hands a good sniffing after my handling baby though.

Cinco holding on while mom eats
Cinco holding on while mom eats

Baby Cinco riding Aurora
Baby Cinco riding Aurora

Where's Baby Tamandua

Cinco with Aurora in hammock
Cinco with Aurora in hammock

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Baby Cinco

Posted by: Pua / Category: , , , , , , , ,

Aurora holding baby

Aurora holding baby
She's been keeping him wrapped up most of the time but she sometimes lays on her back to nurse him or go to the food.

Baby rarely squeals any more but squeaks sometimes.

Aurora eating
Aurora eating
Looks like she made a baby barricade with the towel

This was the only other photo I got the second day since she kept curled up around him all the time like a living incubator.
Aurora and baby no flash

Not the most flattering shot from the 25th
Baby photo

Better baby photo
Better baby photo
Aurora was sniffing the camera to see if I brought anything good. So I brought some of the few ants I have left and got to touch baby a little, just brushed my finger on his back.

Baby is 14oz. I regret the few moments of panic I caused but all is well. I set scale up on shelf under them and moved baby to basket causing baby cries. Oh no, momma looks for baby but it's gone. I tried to put baby back but it wouldn't let go of basket so put basket in nest on side. basket does not = baby to momma so she thinks it fell and starts down(baby had stopped crying). Finally baby gets out of basket and I make it cry and momma comes back. Aurora was sweet and just sniffing at me looking for her baby not trying to attack. She just wanted baby back.

I progressed slowly to see what she was okay with and she didn't mind me touching her or baby. She ignored me when I came up while she was eating but the crying was the problem. She's really settled in since having baby and since she's in my room my scent is everywhere anyway so touching isn't an issue.

I didn't get a second weight yet because she has been a little more protective and comes back from eating if she notices me and I want her to eat, but did get a peak under the tail and looks like a boy though his little bit is the size of a fruit fly so not 100% sure but sure enough he'll be Cinco unless I see different once he has a little more to look at. Cinco would be the 5th male tamandua to grace us with his presence.

Nursing baby tamandua
Nursing baby tamandua
At least I think so. Was best I could do from outside the closet so as not to disturbed them. Love the tail.

Oh no, not laundry day! The 26th - Pua
Oh no, not laundry day!
I'm to comfy to move

Pua has been good and keeping to her castle area.

Baby tamandua nose
Baby tamandua nose

Preparing to nurse
Prepairing to nurse
With a lovely yawn included

Tamandua baby nursing

Mom helps baby find nipple with a gentle nudge then cleans his ears. Darker than it looked on the view finder, sorry. I'll have to see if they don't mind the light plugged in.

But mom is hiding the action

Baby Cinco
Baby Cinco

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Aurora had her baby

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , ,

Just before 11 last night I heard the first squeals. Aurora had her baby.

Gender unknown for now. Born eyes and ears closed but shortly eyes and ears opened up.

He/she had a good set of lungs on it. Quieted down after a bit.

Mom is doing a good job. Read the instinct is to squeal if not on mom so she comes to get it. Still hear a squeal now and then but she keeps baby close.

Aurora's baby

Aurora's baby

Aurora's baby

New Born Baby Tamandua

Hyzzie is whining in the background afraid something is wrong. She thinks she's house nurse.

Aurora's baby
You can see an ear

New born baby tamandua 2

Not much of him/her this time but you get some of his face and see the ears have opened up

Pua sitting quietly taking this event in
Pua sitting quietly taking this event in
She peeked out of the washer when she heard baby cry. She got up later and didn't want to play or have treats and sat there sniffing and listening. She did eat later though.

a little bloody as she had passed the placenta and was eating it.
Aurora and baby

Possibly the first photo of a tamandua eating her placenta. I put a white towel down when she was done for a nicer place to lay and check for bleeding which she wasn't.
Aurora eating placenta

Baby under arm
Baby under arm

Baby being sat on
Baby being sat on

Baby on board
Baby on board

Aurora eating
Aurora eating
She ate a lot before and after. Making a baby builds up an appetite.

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Aurora and Pua

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , ,

So it's been a bit since I updated here. Most of the news is how Pua and Aurora are getting along or trying too but this just in via FB and Twitter: "Chasing Tail Aurora is a rescue/rehome. We know she was part of a captive breeding group, but not a "pet." She is indeed pregnant. The balance of her "past" is still a mystery. Exactly how far along she is we do not know, but she is due soon." So you all know just about as much as I do now.

Okay so Thursday was laundry day so Pua was sleeping in the hammock when Aurora got let out.

Aurora and Pua

Aurora tried to climb in with her to snuggle but Pua said no way and chased her out so she just stayed close.
Aurora and Pua

She tried laying under the hammock but Pua noticed her sniffing the hammock so chased her off again.
Aurora and Pua

Later Pua got up and went back to the washer since laundry was done. Aurora took to sleeping on the washer to try and be close to Pua.

Aurora from above
Aurora from above

Aurora and Pua
Aurora and Pua
Pua was telling Aurora off for disturbing her sleep but when Pua got up later she ignored A and just got her treat and play. Aurora settled into the princess hammock and then was defending that and hissing at us for making noise but Pua would just dart past her to get from one side of castle to the other.

Aurora from side
Aurora from side
She smelled a cat near by. It shows that she does need some more weight on her in this shot(when you ignore the belly).

Aurora's vulva
Aurora's vulva
You can see the extra skin in back where she stretched for a past baby. Pua's is just a tiny bump in comparison.

Aurora sleeping on the washer, to be close to Pua inside, after her meal, which she is wearing.
Aurora sleeping on the washer

Aurora digs into real food

I don't think she ate any but she had fun

Aurora tries real food

She only takes a couple nibbles before settling in for a nap, then hears someone in the kitchen.

Later she was too tired and had to have time out in the cage because she was cranky and jumpy, so Aurora spent half the night sleeping in one of the den boxes before moving to the hammock, but she got more time out Saturday. She spent some time trying to make friends with the other species.

This thing is weird
This thing is weird
Quasi was laying there and she crept up on him and sniffed then reared up "OMG it's a dog!" She did that a few times then circled around back, which is why Quasi sat up.

Being fierce
Being friece
Because sleeping elderly cats are so scary. She later changed her mind and came back. Aurora tried to befriend Kat. She sniffed her all over, face and belly, then tried to lift her tail to sniff. Kat did not like. I took Aurora way. She came back and tried to groom Kat but when grooming involved claw Kat did not like. Kat expressed her displeasure with a firm mew.

Aurora figured out how to open the washer though she still struggles with it. She climbed in with Pua first time and was chased back out. Aurora keeps trying then naps on the washer after giving up. I tried letting them work it out but eventually put Aurora away so Pua could come out and eat and have a break. It might go better if they are up at the same time. Aurora gets up a lot earlier than Pua. Pua did just ignore her when she was up early on laundry day and Aurora was on the washer lid then later in the hammock.

Pua and Aurora tamandua

Hugging herself with her tail
Hugging herself with her tail

Resting in den box #3
Resting in den box #3

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Aurora explores

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , ,

So Aurora got up and was standing by the cage door. I let her out to explore and she went right for the closet and went to sleep on the top shelf. That wasn't what I ad planned but guess it was what she had planned.

Here she is coming down to explore some

Checking out the closet

On the clothes
On the clothes

Checking Pua's Pink Gator
Checking Pua's Pink Gator

OH and I never shared a story of Pua and the gator. One night she was hissing at me a lot but I thought she was just being cranky and wanting treats. I didn't notice anything when I glanced over at her. Well I looked in on her the next day and she had the gator stuck on her claw. I cut the squeaker hole out so that would not happen again.

Moning on to explore more
Moning on to explore more

Coming down
Coming down

On top of the shelves
On top of the shelves

I warned her climbing the curtain was a bad idea
I warned her climbing the curtain was a bad idea
I helped her down by holding her tail as she climbed the door frame


Napping in the basket
Nappig in the basket

Aurora in the pet clothes basket

She's still not sure about this whole house pet thing. She growls when I pick her up but it's all bluff.

Checking out Pua's hammock
Checking out Pua's hammock

Anteater attitude
Anteater attitude

Still easily startled
Still easily startled
On the other hand when I let her out of the cage she walked right between my legs.

Aurora's first yawn photo
Aurora's first yawn photo
Just caught the end of it.

I wish she was like Eldorado and thought of cage as home. He'd happily go back to it when tired. She's like Mandua instead. She wants to sleep in the closet. I'm contemplating letting her but made her go back to the cage last night. It's where her food is.

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