Around the house
Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: animal, anteater, cute, exotic, girl, pets, pua, Tamandua, муравьеда, アリクイPreorder Anteater calenders!! I'm having them professionally made this time so they will be like real store calendars. So please order and tell your friends as that would be an expensive waist if you don't ;) We even have some holiday themed months this time. Check out or store page to order

Eating in his new food tray
Also added a hammock for him.
Mandua eating in his new tray
Also he ignored the hammock that night but has since used it some nights.
Jake chillin on the closet wall
He just startled himself by finding Mandua on the closet shelf before moving here.
Mandua in the cat house
He only napped there for awhile
Pua in the safari hammock
She broke her princess hammock, again. She claws(picks at) at the one corner of it all the time.
Pua licks her safari hammock
She had been likcing it all over before I started filming.
Mandua plays in the back room
He played with me back there today and yesterday. First day came to an end when he wanted to dig a burrow in the carpet under the bed to nap like he dug under the shed outside.
Trying to dig
Anteater stand off
Getting ready to leap at me. I also like poking their bellies when they do this. Short because the battery died on me.
Here he comes
cheese in a bottle
Anteater enrichment
Put a bit of cheese in an empty bottle.
Pua in her hammock
Peeking out
since Mandua was in the closet I brought her rope for her trick but she dropped the rope after getting the cup.
Anteaters can dig crazy fast
Mandua had fun digging under the shed. Till now he just dug around today he dug a burrow.
Mandua's burrow. I filled it back in so he can dig it out again another time. I don't want him getting to deep.
Pua and Mandua
Sept 27
P&M doing a wee bit better. Last night was similar to night before but not as intense. With lots of hissing Pua came over but once close quieted down to asses the situation. P&M sniffed and M wanted to jump on her, in play I believe since I was playing with him. She reared up and I grabbed his tail to hold him back. She then sniffed him again went to all 4s sniffed again then ran passed.
The problem arose when I went to open the window for her and M followed me and jumped on Pua. Not understanding his bold play tactics she fought back so then he defended himself. So what we have here is a failure to communicate. They both thought they were defending themselves. But it was the only tiff that night.
Sept 28
Pua came by as new usual & as I tried to avoid her getting M I talked her into playing with me. So playing with on on each hand. She grabbed his tail while playing he returned the play. There was a split second of mutual play till she realized OMG it's him! She chased him into the closet and I pulled her out. She kept coming back but wasn't as intense growling and such. I tried backing off and Mandua's tactic was the same after he decided she was "playing" to hard. Then he ran behind me for help so I put him on his food shelf.
Sept 29
Went well tonight Pua was more interested and less intense. M tried to be more obvious about his play gestures. He did this by laying on his back with hands up rather than standing. She'd stand and sniff and check him out then avoid him and go play under the bed. She kinda sorta played with him a little.
He'd play & she would hiss/growl a little but not totally beat him up. So he'd play some before backing off as she wasn't "playing" so rough then she'd go back under the bed to play. She left first then after a bit he was done with me and went to eat & Pua got 1 on 1 play with me.
Sept 30
Pua didn't come down that night but she did decide to go to the closet at 7am for her cheese treat. Mandua growled at her when she stuck her head in his house. She had her cheese treat in peace but he'd growl if she tried to come back on the shelf to get down. After ignoring my offers of help she snuck along the wall and then came down the door frame.
No more interactions till the 2nd and it was brief and Pua wasn't to nice. Nothing since unless he gets into her area. Seems she lost interest when she came out of heat.
Mandua has been getting up during the day to play with me again. This includes chasing each other up and down the hall.
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