Eldorado has left the house
Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: animal, anteater, cute, exotic, pets, TamanduaA day cleared up so we did the trade a bit sooner than expected. The night before He was being sweet and while I was playing with Pua felt something on my leg. He had come up behind me and touched my leg with his paws wanting me to play with him too.
Later though Pua showed us why he was better off going.
Pua had a normal night and raided the fridge and played in the closet and had cheese there. Then she sought out Eldorado. I thought we were turning a corner but it was a corner into a dark alley I think. She fooled Eldorado too. He came to great her but apparently she wasn't coming to say hi but was hunting him down.
Our last photo of him

Goodbye Eldorado
Really sad to see him go but things were only getting worse instead of better. Really miss him already so maybe we'll bring him back if she hates the new guy who's here on trial but if he can be happy else where I will likely spare him that. Quite torn really but we'll see if Pua likes one of her own kind better.
song is: not meant to be by theory of a deadman
He clawed at the crate the whole drive up and I let him run around the car some when we got there till we met for the trade off. Seems he slept on the ride home for them. Sounds like he is settling in pretty well there after his first night. Taking treats and got out to explore.
Mr. Mandua is finding it a little hard to adjust. He's fine to handle as he's a type C personality, in contrast to Eldorado's type A. He's scared and depressed but he should come around. He's taken treats but spent the first night sleeping in the cave. He moved to the dirt box to sleep and sit there. He started to come out once but heard my dad clear his throat in the other room and darted back in.

He was sleeping with his head on the wood but forgot the flash and it popped up and woke him.

He did respond to my hand squeezes by giving me a couple finger pokes but then curls back up. He liked a neck rub a little better.

At the back fence
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