Snuggle, walk, play time and tooth

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Laundry day blues

Laundry day blues
She was shivering so gave her the heating pad and a blanket on top. She was just waking up here.

You got my blue cheese ready?
You got my blue cheese ready?

Everyone likes this new bed
Everyone likes this new bed

Feeling bashful
Feeling bashful

Let's try that dance move one more time
Let's try that dance move one more time

Time for a walk
Time for a walk
Pua woke up at 12:30 and wanted to go. It was chilly but once we got on the trail)past this mud) she had fun.

Freaky Fungi
Freaky Fungi

In her favorite tree
In her favorite tree

I think these termites are having a party
I think these termites are having a party
Is it possible to get second hand drunk?

Nice considering how far away they were.

This back area is interesting
This back area is interesting

Found something yummy here.
Found something yummy here.

I'm ready for a nap now
I'm ready for a nap now

Clothes back on and heading back
Clothes back on and heading back

We better be home soon or else..
We better be home soon or esle..

On the way out we came up on a fisherman that was trading spots and Pua was running so I called out excuse me and he jumped and said I scared him then saw Pua and asked if she was a possum. Well it's better than aardvark possums and tamanduas are similar size(if possums make it to old age), similar tail and ears and short legs. So we passed him and then she slowed down so he walked out behind us but I held her so he could get a photo to show his kids before letting her in the car.

Hyzzie's tooth
Hyzzie's tooth
It apparently cracked last night below the gum when she was playing tug of war with Quasi. She made faces and would paw at her mouth sometimes after that but I could see nothing wrong till she spit this out today. She seems much relieved to have it out. Will talk to the vet Monday. It's an incisor.

Hyzzie with ear up
Hyzzie with ear up

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