Passing the water dish He just circled the yard and ran a bit.
Going home
Oh no he peed
Playing with Hyzzie's boyfriend She went and reclaimed it after.
Hey dog
Pua trying to get Eldorado Eldorado wanting to get back out. We went out again once he let me put the harness back on because Pua wasn't in the mood to go out yet.
In the hamper He climbed in on his own to check it out.
I'm sorry mom
Eldorado got himself stuck behind Pua's washer. I had the flashlight to look back there and Pua was upset about it of course. Well she growled and hit my arm. I'm sure she wasn't aiming for me and I just got in the way but I put her in the crate till Eldorado felt safe enough to come out again.
He tries so hard to win her over but she's not budging on this
Warning though it's 8 minutes plus and not so great since I set the camera down to film us
Eldorado playing with me. He plays gentler than he used to but still pinches pretty hard when he grabs me so I mostly want him getting the toys instead. After all that play I think he mostly just needs his nails dulled a bit more and play will be more pleasant.
Oh and what wasn't seen was his holding my finger then sniffing and rubbing his nose on my finger. I don't know quite what he was thinking. Stewie used to do that but he'd then force his mouth over my finger to suck on it. He was a big baby.
Kat in the crate
Just after Eldorado tried to go in and stepped on her. Scared him more than her. Pua then yelled at him.
Trying the ladder
He backed down after the photo
We had been playing and I went to get the camera.
Monkey man
He discovered he can climb on the ceiling.
Did you bring a treat?
I figured out why Pua doesn't like him. He's got clammy palms, ew, lol Think he sweats through his hands & feet. They get moist when playing. I thought he was getting pee on them somehow at first. Sometimes his tail is moist too but just the end.Seems others get sweaty palms too. Funny I don't remember Stewie having sweaty palms, may just be forgetting. Pua doesn't get sweaty palms. Princesses don't sweat.
Eldorado found my milk on the desk when he was exploring. Anteaters should not have plain milk due to the lactose. The lactose in cheese and other fermented milk products has been broken down. But this fellow is food possessive and will whack you for messing with what is his. He was spilling it though so foolish me tried to hold the cup for him and once he noticed he tried to whack me, lol. I got it from him when he tipped the cup again and lost his grip. Must remember to put food and drinks away before letting him out.
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Kat likes the crate too But she came out when she saw the camera.
So Pua seems to be in heat for sure now. She is very hyper and showed interest in herself last night. However instead of being more receptive to Eldorado she took to yelling at him from across the room for breathing to loud. Anteater PMS?
Pua got up at 8 which is quite early for her and ran around till about 10 then went into the washer. When she didn't come out I let Eldorado out and he played with me a long time and then ransacked my closet shelves. Then he went to eat and I went and played with Pua when she came out.
Then she didn't want to eat unless I stood there with her. When Eldorado came back out I would play with him and come back to her now and then. Pua would beg like crazy for me to come back to her with one or two hisses at me for touching him but since he stayed on his side of the room she was content.
He hadn't slept in his hammock for a few days so stuck the new one in thinking the old one may be too dirty for his tastes.
Inspecting the new hammock
It's good. now go away.
After play nap
He fell asleep while I pet him
Sleeping with a raccoon
Pua wants not to be left out
At three am I woke to the shock of an anteater on the bed. I though Eldorado had escaped at first since Pua hasn't come down in so long other than to go after Eldorado but it was my girl. She had opened the fridge and then came to play with me then of course she demanded a bed time treat.
Eldorado was up and making a racket so I tried him out again, once she went to bed, but this time he went right for Pua's tower. I carried him away and he went right back so I put him away with a distraction.