Odd news event - Pua up during the day

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Up on laundry day

Up on laundry day

Up during the day
Up furing the day
a rare occurrence

Kat likes an open window too
Kat likes an open window too

Just up after a long days nap
Just up after a long days nap

Getting ants and ketchup - video(wouldn't upload to YT)
Getting ants and ketchup

Who needs a man anyway?
Who needs a man anyway?

What am I doing up?
What am I doing up
2pm on another day

Yummy, gimme
Yummy, gimme
Sparkling organic pomegranate juice imported from Italy

Still hasn't learned how to hold the glass
Still hasn't learned how to hold the glass

Anteater juice drinking action