Late Valentine Presents

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

We got Valentines gifts. just a bit late. Pua got hers later since she sleeps all day.

Oh a big box for us!

Oh a big box for us!

Which treats are mine?
Which treats are mine?

Hurry I need presents!
Hurry I need presents!

Pet bed and blanket
Pet bed and blanket

Quasi avoiding the flash
Quasi avoiding the flash

Jake on the blanket
Jake on the blanket

Q&H in the bed
Q&H in the bed

Treats are coming
Treats are coming

Sniffing the candle - Hyzzie
Sniffing the candle - Hyzzie

Sniffing the candle - Quasi
Sniffing the candle - Quasi

Is this all?
Is this all?

Does Grampa have treats?
Does Grampa have treats?

Pua's stuff
Pua's stuff
I sniffed the blue cheese it was still good. Bad blue cheese smells real funky.

Hyzzie and the flower toy
Hyzzie and the flower toy

Laundry day and Valentines gifts
Laundry day and Valentines gifts
Added the blanket to the laundry pile and made the boy happy.

Jake passed out
Jake passed out

Kat in the new bed
Kat in the new bed

More blue cheese sauce?
More blue cheese sauce?

Pua having ketchup
Pua having ketchup

Do I get the whole bottle now?
Do I get the whole bottle now?

Some morning grooming

Some morning grooming

Hyzzie relaxing
Hyzzie relaxing

Her squeaky dog toy
Her squeeky dog toy
Used as a kong with ketchup inside
Pua and hot dog toy