Posted by: Tamandua.Girl / Category:
Jake went to the vet today and got his first shot. He'll get another in a month then the last one in another month or when he's neutered, depending. He also got wormed topically with something new that kills tapes too. Maybe I should have been more skeptical of something new but I liked the idea of the one worming and being done.
I put a harness on him and brought his crate incase he freaked out, as normal cats do. He loved it. He climbed up on my shoulder to look out, tried to explore the car but I wouldn't let him in the front then napped. She didn't find any air still under his skin and he only had a tiny red spot left by his belly button instead of the big bruise he had. She said maybe a dog bit him and the pulling of the skin by the tooth could let air under the skin but I think he'd be in a lot worse shape if he got bit by a dog. Seems to me he fell out of the tree, at least part way. Hit his chest on a limb forcing some air from his lung, a minor bruised lung can sometimes be symptom free though most cases aren't minor. I never found any wounds either except for the bruise. The important part we agreed on which is he's just fine so I didn't bother explaining my bruise lung theory. He loved the vet and kept climbing up onto her shoulder. He was a hit being in a harness where everyone could see him and not screaming in a crate.
After the vet he was hungry so he had some of the Iams kitten that came in his welcome kitty package and ate it from my hand. This is not a normal cat, lol. Then he got restless and meowing so when we stopped at the store Dad walked him and he pooped under a bush while we bought some more food for him. He slept most of the ride home.
Really sorry I forgot my camera because it went so well.
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Pua has been sleeping in and night-owling so not much to report though she still talks me into playing with her a bit.
The Jaguar roars
He's probably about three months old. Looks like he got all his baby teeth but has lost the front two. The front four adult teeth grow in 3.5-4 months.
Posing in a sun spot
The litter stuck on his feet is from the time he spent at the neighbors. We don't use clumping because it sticks like that.
Grooming after a meal

Two tone kitty?
A little clingy
I squatted down to get a photo and he climbed in my lap
Testing out a dog bed
Hyzzie wants to play too
Almost got it that time
Reaching for the sky
Just looking cute
He's got big ears
Hyzzie wants to play
Jake tried by holding his paw down but neither knew what to do from there.
Almost got you
He kept falling over trying to catch it
Showing off his big paws
Hyzzie keeps trying to play with him
Ah no more tickling
I don't wanna play dog
Tired of Hyzzie he got away from her
I think he's at least part Bombay cat. I'm sure lots of people with a black cat think that but He looks a lot like them and he has the personality of one to a T. The basic description was bred to look like a mini black leopard, contended, purrs almost all the time, wants to be with people all the time, heat seekers(he wants to be on you preferably around your neck or head). He is always purring when with someone which he tries to always be with someone. He may have gotten left behind when a neighbor on another street moved.
They have this gorgeous black cat in a fancy collar sometimes maybe he was a kitten from that cat or they got him before moving. I thought I saw a kitten there once before they moved but they moved weeks ago.
The other option is a trailer park kitty. Most of them run wild but are friendly though they had some feral trapping for spay neuter this summer. There is one overly friendly black cat there that might have sired him but that fellow doesn't have the same distinctive look so I lean to the first option.
May never know. Though suppose i could try asking him. Dad said he's a Christmas present and jump out of Santa's sleigh to soon and fell into that tree :D
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Posted by: Tamandua.Girl / Category:
Good morning Pua
She looked so snuggly in there. She fought me coming out because she thought it was laundry day again but we took her for a hike instead.
Walk time
Picking up speed
Heading for the wild path
Taking a pause in the bushes
Then she seemed to get spooked by some noises and turned back.
She wants to take an SUV home
Time to go home already?
She looks depressed
It had been her idea to go back but we decided to try stopping at her favorite trail on the way home.
She seemed trilled
She ran to the trail head.
Pausing for a photo
Checking a log
She spent a lot of time checking logs for ants
I was happy she still fits this sweater
Heading down the fall trail
Mossy logs are fun
Checking out a burrow
Maybe this log goes somewhere fun
Diggin in the tree
Saw dust is lots of digging fun
Going up
Taken to show she is actually in good shape. Not so round as other photos make her look.
Trying to look sexy in dust
Short of Pua digging - video
Lots of digging fun

Pua playing in a hallow tree - video

Exploring more
Tasting for ants on the air

Tongue tip sticking out
I can't find any bugs
Stick sniffing
Marking a log
She rubs her chest on them to mark them. Not as effective with a shirt on.
She loves mossy logs
Heading home
Driver take me to the house
Trying for a close up
Riding so nicely with me
Till we were halfway home them she started pinching my butt to try and get us home quicker.
Butler open the door
Grooming the wood dust from her fur
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