Pua's new man is now in Florida and will be on his way to us soon. And he's already been givien his first worming.
Probable name is Kamena Tupi for Bushman (kaa=bush) (mena=male animal which sounded better than the word for male human).
I made him a hammock the other day
So Pua's new man wont have to sleep in pink. It's thinner and longer than normal but fits well in the cage.
Pua in the new hammock
She's not too impressed
Cheese bribes work well
Quasi models a new sweater
Got it for Pua's new man but don't know if he'll even fit in it yet.
It's got a bear claw on the pocket
Pua and melon
Pua and melon video
Blue cheese in a bottle
Pua in her hammock
5:10 AM
This is exciting news! Kamena is a great name, although I worry that in my mind he'll always be Pua's New Man (or Newman for short, I s'pose, or maybe even Pua Newman). Anyway. He looks like a handsome young fellow. He'll swoon when he sees voluptuous, platinum-blonde Pua.
Unless... unless he falls for Hyzzie. Because, I mean, who wouldn't?
7:38 PM
Newman is cute. Never even occurred to me though lol.
Hyzzie is more of a femme fatale. Gotta be on your toes with her.