Spring Walk with Pua Tamandua

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Walk time

Walk time

Having fun today

Having fun today

Anteater tree sniffing

Anteater tree sniffing

Mossy logs

Mossy logs

I want to climb it

I want to climb it

Pua goes wild

Pua goes wild

Yea I'm climbing

Yea I'm climbingShe went up and along then it got near the ground and got off and it sprung back up.

Checking under the moss

Checking under the moss

Yea tree time

Yeah tree timeI had some acrobatics keeping up with her but more so when she was on the ground off trail. I saw this tree when nowhere so no risk of running off in the tree tops

Anteater in hallow tree

Anteater in hallow tree

Wait I got an itch

Wait I got an itch

Did I hear a jaguar?

Did I hear a jaguar?

fairy slipper

fairy slipperI don't know what it is but looks like a tiny ballet slipper. Pua does not like to stop so I did my best.

Speaking of Fairies

fairy flower bloomed

farry flower bloomed

complete fairy garden

complete ferry garden

the root system

the root system

The fancy leaves

fancy leaves

and the moss I added

april14 004