Anteater around the house

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Taking a nap
Taking a nap

Is that comfy?
Is that comfy?

Sleeping on the headboard
Sleeping on the headboard

Sleepy amazon queen

Sleepy amazon queen

Wearing a red white and blue arm band/bracelet

"OMG, she didn't?"
"OMG, she didn't?"
Eaves dropping on the neighbors.

Morning Stretch
Morning Stretch

Pua and Quasi
Pua and Quasi

Anteater in the window
Anteater in the window

Sleepy girl
Sleepy girl

I heard something
I heard something


Feeling down
Feeling down

Pua sometimes checks the cage to see if I've put a new friend in there for her yet. But most of the time she is fine.
So sad

Kat visiting my room
Kat visiting my room

Checking out a new log
Checking out a new log

I think there are some ants in here
I think there are some ants in here

You peeking at me?
You peeking at me?

a little evening drink
a little evening drink

a little evening drink

To tired to climb into bed
To tired to climb into bed

Goodnight Pua
Goodnight Pua

And a good time to mention they came and filmed us for an amazing animals special of "Amazing Stories" for Japanese TV. Sort of a Day in the life of Pua but will be about a 10 min segment of the show. So if you happen to be in Japan keep an eye out. They filmed her going for a walk in the woods and filmed me making her food, so they could show some of the responsibility involved. They will send a DVD after it airs and will see if they will allow me the share it, but it will be in Japanese :)

Dragonfly eating a fly
Dragonfly eating a fly

Dragonfly eating a fly