Pua playtime & some Hyzzie & naps

Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I'm ready for play time
I'm ready for play time

Oh, I'm so gonna pinch that
Oh, I'm so gonna pinch that

Half a tamandua
Half a tamandua

Is there a foot in that sock
Is there a foot in that sock
I could go for some toe pinching.

She was still dirty from her hike that day
She was still dirty from her hike that day

Time out for tail itch
Time out for tail itch

Pua's coming to get you!
Pua's coming to get you!

I was just inspecting your box spring
I was just inspecting your box spring

There's a raccoon in the yard!!
There's a raccoon in the yard!!

Please let me go chase the coon
Please let me go chase the coon

It's about time you came to snuggle
It's about time you came to snuggle

Anteater snuggles
Anteater snuggles

Lovey Pua
Lovey Pua

Anteater Pillow
Anteater Pillow
This was not anticipated when I started playing with her there.

After meal nap
After meal nap

Getting ketchup from Grampa
Getting ketchup from Grampa

Will get every lick of ketchup
Will get every lick of ketchup

Grampa gives the best belly rubs
Grampa gives the best belly rubs

Playin' grrr snap with grampa
Playin' grrr snap with grampa

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