An evening of Pua in a sweater 1
Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: animal, anteater, chihuahua, cute, dogs, exotic, girl, pets, play, sweater, Tamandua, toy, treat, wrestling, アリクイPua in her new sweater
Checking out dirt
What's left of a log
The sweater makes it look like she has cleavage
Hyzzie and Pua
Never near each other for long
It's time for my juice
Troll in a sweater
Juice time - Notice the tongue
A claw shot
A little hard to groom in this
She didn't want it off so I scratched under it for her
I think it's riding up
Happy girl
Hand squeezing
Finger poking
Up side down finger poking
Finger poking is an important tamandua bonding ritual
Ready to rumble
*Poke poke*
Double poking