Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Little nutto Stewie went outside yesterday but he was smart enough to keep it breif.
Nice log
Sweet sunshine
Smelling the rug
Pua was cold and this was the sweater I found. So had to remedy that. but in the mean time she made tis tattered thing look cute
Rambo impression
Sweat hearts
I adjusted this one to fit her finally. She perked up once warmed up. It says: Sweet Heart Team
Sweaters mean I go out right?
We made a deal before if she wasn't cold and I dressed her up she gets to go out. She says she wasn't cold cuz se had the red one on and I switched it.
You go first
No way, Pua, it's dark out there.
Okay, I'm going out
Alright I'm out'a here
Oh-oh a noise
Hyzzie was kicking leaves around
It's colder than I expected
Frozen in place
Weird noises and just to cold
I think my blood froze
time to go in.
How rude
She didn't get to finish her walk
Could we go back out now
How quick we forget
Hey blue cheese just grew on this
A distraction sometimes works
Hey, stewie you ever think about things?
Caught in mid flight
Take that and that and this
Stewie plays dirty by grabbing her sleave
Cage battle
Free of her sweater, Pua catches up on grooming.
I took it off since her sleeve was pulled down over her hand but she was warmed up now anyway.
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
But no pictures, oh my.
Pua's feet are doing great. Some of the dead skin peeled off her foot blister but the skin under it looks good. She's really healing well.
Pua came out this evening tore at a log and joined me on the couch laying half on me half on Hyzzie, Quasi at my feet and Stewie running circles in the living room. So relaxing Pua hugging one hand and Hyzzie using the other as a pillow.
Worst moment of the night, Stewie snuck behind the curtain and pooped. Quasi was discovered trying to dispose of the evidence. He was standing over less than half an anteater poop. Boys can be such brats.
Stewie keeps playing in the cat box but thankfully the new one my dad devised doesn't get tipped over.
It was oddly amusing to the whole family when Stewie was offered a drink then paused after to wipe his mouth with his claws. Can't have a wet face
Pua had cherry baby food and blue cheese but has become such a beggar. We may need to try training her again and see how she takes to it.
I keep waking up to one of my bedroom curtains on the floor, need to adjust them to hang better. I hear the curtain rattling and looked back and Pua was on the rod picking at the hook holding one end. Obviously saintly Pua wouldn't drop the curtains. She was just doing an inspection.
Then she went and joined Stewie on the top "bunk" of the closet. She was complaining about the cover situation and pestering Stewie forcing him to wake and play battle with her so I had to tuck the covers back on the self. Then she cleaned Stewie's ear wit her tongue till he gave in.
Well she just came back, can't decide who to stay with tonight.
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
It appears the release date of Dr. Dolittle 4 with Pua and Stewie playing a role is March 4th so keep an eye out you may be able to preorder soon from some websites or stores. Not that we get anything from you buying it except the satisfaction you got to see them and enjoy it :) Hmm but hey when you do see it it might not hurt to write them a note and say you want to see the anteater character back for number 5, lol they do have one planned so it's worth a shot ;) *giggle*
This tree is oddly shaped
we brought in the wreath to do away with it.
This fruit is stale
Pua was disappointed when she tore into this fruit only to find it was Styrofoam.
Stewie checks out the wreath
Stewie knows more about fruit than Pua and never touched the fake ones. Pua has just learned to like fruit.
At least The pinecones are real
Stewie did play with them some
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Unfortunately her long walk had unforeseen consequences. I noticed her feet looked red on the walk back and checked them and they looked worn raw but more pink up close. So she got stuck in her bag but they didn't look to bad. She wasn't happy and clawed me through the bag. When get got home things looked worse.
She blistered and bruised her feet and both her knuckles blistered. Une knuckle is open and uncovered the other is still sealed. Her feet were popped open but not uncovered.
I would have thought she'd give some indication if her feet hurt but guess she was to excited to feel it. Will have to check her feet regularly next time.
She didn't have this problem last spring after being cooped up but in hind site she hasn't gotten to really run around since June due to all that's gone on with her.
I had to mention it since it will be visiable in pictures for awhile. It doesn't look as bad in person as in the photos somehow.
After walk grooming
Got to comb the cold out of the fur
First tongue shot in awhile
Enjoying a scratch by her unseen foot
Blistered knuckles :(

All that was blister on her foot but it's half that size today. Her other foot drained and the knuckle blister is smaller and the open knuckle not so red. There wasn't much irritated redness at all today and rubbed cream on them all even though they all seem closed except for the one knuckle. It's a good sign to her over all health now that she seems to be healing quickly from this instead of having lingering sores. She was making a point of walking in a way to keep her knuckles off the ground when she could last night so she was feeling it after the walk anyway. Didn't slow her down though she still had a good play battle with Stewie. She got a good amount of cherry baby food too, she decided she likes baby food fruits.
I've thought about booties but not sure how to work it so she'd have her claws free. My best idea for the hands would be use the bandage wrap with some gauze for padding then wean her down to bare feet again. I might be able to devise a booty for her back feet.
That was writen around noon as of now it's looking even better.
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
It crept above 40 and was sunny so we headed to the fish hatchery, the warmest spot nearby and Took Pua for a walk in her purple parka.
She started out behind the museum
She's fast
Picking up speed
We have happy tail
You can't fit in there with your coat on
Something of interest
Checking out the tube
More happy tail
Happy but a litte unsure of Some noise
Scary noises coming from the fish hachery
She froze wit her tail still up
Winter flowers
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