Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Oh boy she went somewhere new. We let her go off path behind the statiuon and follow the fence line only problem we had was on the way back(the end was flooded out by the road) she started climbing the fence(chainlink) and had to pry her off a few times. She gets more ornery when tired but hates to give up her time out.
Pua trying to head off the beaten path

Through the tall grass

Checking out an old stump

Leaving the stump she rarely stops for long

Happy tail

Kinda tired and a little "Jumpy"
She froze for a moment like when she hears an odd noise bu then closed her eyes and had a five second nap

On the run
Love that I caught her in mid gallop as one big website claims tamanduas can't gallop.
How hight the tail curls up is also a indicator of mood. She is very happy and excited here.
Across the lawn

Where the brick path ends

But I want to go that way
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Pua was very playful last night and discovered a new game with her. I've never managed to get a pic of it but one of the games she will play with her self is to interlock her two big claws together and pull in a battle with herself. So we tried that. When she got her claw hooked with my finger I pulled and we had a tug-o-war that way. We did get to doing it with toys a bit too.

Some compiled photos from some more recent nights of play(I'm catching up here)
You're allowed to use your feet in anteater Tug-O-War

And then she lunged for the camera

Come Play with me right now
About to leap into the toy pit
Like the ball pit at the pizza place but more fun

Her favorite toy

It works for tug games too

Pua and her honey Kong
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
The making of Pua food album
Warning complete with insect photos
Naughty Pua
Pua thought I wasn't paying enough attention to her and went over to the crib of toys and peed in it. What a mess! Nearly killed the washer too as one of the small stuffies got sucked into the machine and got jammed inside. That stuffy is now dead but we managed to save the machine. Lesson learned small stuffies go in pillow cases.
anyway she saw all these toys laying on the desk to dry and got excited and had to go check them out.
Pua in the crib
Not peeing this time, lol. we played for a bit.

Making herself pretty

Licky grooming of that hard to reach spot

Pua doing something new. Sitting still, LOL.
Taking a break from grooming.

Underarm grooming

After Bath Groom
So the next night after all that licking grooming she got a bath. We are both happier now. Seemed we were both getting itchy. I'm a little allergic to her and was starting to break out from her dander and she was more licky and sratchy than normal.
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