Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Young starling with white feathers
Pua and Grandma
My mother closes her eyes when you take a picture like the cat does.
Pua napping with grandma
she wanted to get away from Stewie for awhile.
Stewie in the play pen in the morning
Stewie named this one. That's him starting his walk in the yard.
Going past last years garden
On the wood pile
I'm out'a here
Those fun tires
What's inside?
Nothing good in here
Off to find better things
exploring the woodpile
Going in
He wasn't to interested in the yard tonight
Exploring the great indoors
this was more his style
Looks like a long way down
What's behind curtain number one?
Posing pretty
Deadly claws
What are you?
forgot this one i had posted it out of order(him and Kat)
Stewie and Hyzzie
Waking up
Ew, what's that smell
The little twerp undid the dryer vent tube last night so when I dried some stuff today and it vented into the house and smelled worse than you'd expect.
So laid back *yawn*
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Hanging from the clothes rod
Helping disorganize the closet
cute little gnome
Top shelf of the closet
Quasi on duty
"that looks like trouble"
That bunny cage wasn't made for that
Stewie flashing the camera
play fight spills into the bunny cage
Jupiter wondering what they are doing
Hey, let go
A bored Quasi
Push and shove
I'll get your tail
Happy Pua
Is there room for two in there?
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Please mister postman, bring me a dream. Bring me the cutest boy that you've ever seen.
So I mangled a couple songs together and that's not quite how they are delivered, but, Ha
heard noise in the back of the shop and there he was scratching at the bottum of the box
He's coming to get you Pua
Stewie in the chair
Pua on top
Stewie picking at the chair
He will scratch like a cat. Had to move him from the couch to the cat condo tonight
Pro wrestling moves
Up side down fighting
there's that heart shape again
Stewie has the upper hand this time
A kick to the head
Now you see me, now you don't
Lazy play
Pua just sat there a bit and defended herself
grooming time out
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