Huggy Pua
Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category: anteater, dogs, exotic, mini pin, pet, pets, Tamandua, アリクイAre you Done yet?
Sleeping baby
so snuck up on her quietly later and got this
Sleeping Beauty
Zoomed in on her sleeping
sleeping on couchmore of a face shot
You're done now, right?
It's time for you to join me
*HUGS*Pua loves to hug
Fuzzy Hug
But so sweet
Pole Climber
This one reminds me of a toy where this bear is holding a pole and bounces down the pole.
So Sad
Hyzzie was tired but wanting some attention too
Rub My Belly
Dinette Set
Pua's newest bowl holder. Think she might not tip this one.
Drinks too
She smelled my water so had to open it for her and she drank with her tongue through the little hole
Hole's to small
That's better
Took the lid off for her
Paw over snout
foot not hand
The ever dashing Quasimoto
She loves all of Kat's things. She finaly got her wish and marked it as her's the other night when I was in the shower.
6:15 PM
Fantastic pictures! I love the huggy ones, they are adorable.
There's such a contradiction between her snuggling and those huge claws...they look so dangerous, but she is so fuzzy and cute!