Pua woke up late last night after her big day out
She did a lot of grooming to wake up
She did a lot of grooming to wake up

Tried a few times letting her climb down me but she wouldn't let go with her tail so in the end it didn't work since she thought I might drop her

So she lowered herself till she felt the floor with her tail then sort of used the tail as a thrid leg to help hold her as she let go of the beam

She played a bit, sat in the window slept some more then finaly ate some and some time in the middle of the night she checked the doors but didn't worry at them and came back to bed.
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We took them to the ranger station

Then Hyzzie wanted to go up the road but it started sprinkling so we turned back to take the main trail back so the trees could protect us from the rain

Hyzzie ran into the boogie-man when she was cresting a hill. It turned out to be a ranger but not in uniform. He asked what we were picking. We had to explain the bag was a poop bag with stuff for the pets plus my mom's unbrealla before he finaly realized we weren't his suspects, ha. Someone had been picking and kicking over mushrooms along the trail but we weren't his mushroom poachers.
Here's one that mostly survived. A pretty weird hairy mushroom

Hyzzie thought after being falsly accused we should get to take the ranger's hybrid SUV home as compansation. When I said no she went to the other door and asked again, lol. Sorry kid auto theft is an even bigger offense than mushroom poaching.

Good thing we got everyone out yesterday it's been pouring all day today.
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