Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Some of these leaves were big enough for pet blankets

view of the river

Quasi down the bunny trail

Wait for grandma? But we got to out run the monsters!

Poor Hyzzie has just not been the same in the woods since her seizure, so nervouse.
There's something in the bushes

so I excitedly pointed out this gopher hole and she was happy to dig it up for me

then she decided to look for chipmonks

a better scenic picture with some fall color

the high bridge has always made her nervouse due to her fear of water. So she has always hurried over it.

Quasi likes to go slow, walk next to thw rail, and stop occasionaly to look out over the water.

can you spot the wood pecker?

Here it is cropped

after the woods they wanted to go in the park a ways too. Hyzzie mostly went in circles tooking in the bushes for chipmunks

down to the beach

I really want a chipmunk

Heading back to the car

smaller pic of fall flowers

Larger pc of flowers

Waiting for grandma and groceries

Digging a better seat, really digging is his idea of fun
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Even after a walk Hyzzie wanted to play and kept going out the pet door then coming back and looking at me. I finaly got out her skunk toy and she snagged it and went out.

She was very happy to get some yard time with me.

*grrr* give it back

Fetching her skunk


Starting to tire out

But wont give up the toy

Quasi as always just supervised while sitting in the sun

Mmm burnt egg pan

A good breakfast to start the day
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Pua under cover

Getting ready to yawn

Finishing her yawn. This is about a third of her tongue's length when full out

I thought with the close face shots now would be a good time to point out one of my observations. Pua's skin, face, paws, tail and certain private bits of skin are all darker than before most much darker.

These shots are from the hight of her anteater pox. Even that scar is gone.

Hyzzie disgusted at me for not giving in to her stair and giving her food.

Quasi looked away when I pointed the camera at him

But he uses the please feed me stair too. They gang up on you.

Pua ready for battle in the closet. Again my battery was low so was just blindly pointing and clicking due to no view screen.

Pua thought she got a peice of me when she got hold of this pant leg so pulled on it awhile

Prepaired for my next move

In this case she lunged at me insted. She will stand up tall then fling herself at me somtimes coming back up and doing a sort of snake strike thing.

Stopping for some toe licking

Gotta get the little toe too

All right, let's try this again
VideoShe was a little restless so explored my room a bit.

Based on these picture seems there is a reason to sweep under the bed sometimes.

And a gormet dinner

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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
My computer took a tumble and hit it's head as result it will be sent to a kind computer doc to replace the screen. This is what happens when you drop a laptop onto cement and the screen cracks. I suppose it's not to bad but will only get worse. So will be gone awhile. though there is a desk top at the house if anything exciting happens.

I weighed Pua in this box and she seemed happy in it so left her in it awhile but Jupiter loves soft blankies so hopped in ontop. I took the pick then took him out and gave him pets so he wouldn't disturb Pua.

Day light saving's did not agree with Pua. She did eat a bit realizing we weren't going home when we should and talked her into peeing in the bathroom on a pad but it was cold and she didn't know what to do with herself here so borrowed a coat and she explored a bit.

She was sniffing along the base board maybe hoping for ants.

Pua was much ahppier once we got home.

A good meal and she was ready for a fight.

but always time out for a tail scritch

Feeling sleepy

Sitting on the window sill ready to rumble again.

We also had a good battle in the closet and she is lick happy tonight licking my belly a bunch and going for my toes too.
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