Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
And apparently he's nearly two years old. He said they found him about a year and a half ago as a little baby bunny wandering around in Eugene. He used to be a house bunny. They used to have two house bunnies but Jupiter was never as well trained to the litter box as the other. He's had a couple accidents outside of his cage but now that I know a bit more about bunnies they weren't really acidents and with some work on my part we can learn to avoid them. Plus neutering will help as most of it is marking.
They currently had been letting him hop around the nursery out back of their store. Which is all closed off except for one spot they found. Makes it sound like an accident but here's the thing. He said Jupiter's been escaping for a couple months now but has always returned before. He said he called once and got no answer so figured who ever found him could keep and enjoy him. He said I could still return him if I didn't want to deal with him but said I'd like to keep him now since he grew on me.
I wasn't planning to at first. In part because my father said no more animals other than my tamandua once he gets here. But he's the one who first started saying I could keep him if I wanted. So I let him into my heart. So Jupiter has an apointment to be nutered Tuesday.
Jupiter likes everyone here too. He even tried grooming Q&H. First his started licking Hyzzie and she looked shocked then her lip started twitching so I moved him away. Later he tried grooming Quasi but he took it worse. He snraked and snapped at him. Neither knew what to make of this thing licking them. Hyzzie might get used to it but Quasi is a little grump and never even let Hyzzie groom him. They all seem to want to get along but bunnies and puppies don't speak the same language. But they'll learn to understand this little alien thing eventualy.
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:

My dad went down to the garden shop, to see if they had any sod to use in Jupiter's cage. Well, turns out jupiter is there's. Apparently they had him in a litte yard with a three foot wall and he got out. They say they saw the ad and tried to call. I did put my shop number instead of my cell but it's been nearly two weeks since it was in the paper so they can't have wanted him back to bad. They did tell my dad I could keep him if I really wanted. He is a remarkably well socialized bunny so they did good with him but will want to keep him. Hopefully they are open toarrow and I'll go speak with them. They're nice enough people but two kids and just got a crazy lab puppy and as pointed out above they didn't try vary hard to get their bunny back.
It's really remarkable he made it all the way to my shop. It's at least a mile down the busy highway but on the same side so at least he didn't have to cross.
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:

Well it was sunny today. Was a shock to wake up and have it light outside. Q&H took a nice morning walk then we drove to a hiking trail and took a walk in the woods. This one went right along the river. Was a real hiking trail leaves all over the path rocks and lots of ups and down and even some washed out places. They found some nice smells marked a few things even went over a small wooden bridge. Unfortunatly I forgot my camera(pick from previouse hike on groomed trail) but it was still worth sharing. Some canandian geese flew by. Heard some birds and squirrels and crows but saw no deer. think Q&H smelled them but with the leaves you couldn't see any tracks. Hyzzie was more cautiouse than normal with it being a more wild trail so once she started looking worried asked if she wanted to turn around and she did a sharp u-turn. On the trip back those crow and squirrel noises became monster sounds in her mind and she got jumpy. She didn't feel safe again till in the car. She's got a vivid imagination. All are napping now and i'm tempted too it was sunny but still cold so it made me sleepy.
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Now that Jupiter has settled in. He has peed and pooped on my bed and in Q&H's playpen/bed thing. He messed his own whcker bed, everyone knows about that, he sliced through my mic cable below. One bite and right through. Gotta keep electricle cables well out of his reach

He was flippiung up the pee pads and chewing them so put a board over them for now on that side. He also chewed some teeth off of my sleeping bag.
Then he started chewing up his towle in his bed.
bye-bye towel, hello newspaper. Guess it's time to break down and get this boy some hay.
Newspapers not to bad, at least he seemed to like it and made a nest

Hyzzie saw Jupiter chewing on the new's paper and assumed it was food so was asking for some.
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
So I have crickets for sale in the store for people's reptiles and fish. Well I had the clever idea to stick them in giant plastic bags. It worked well easier to catch them when people bought them. Well, the crickets were more clever than me and chewed a whole in the bag. I didn't even know till a couple kids buying rat food pointed out a couple escapees. Arg there were crickets everywhere. I know I didn't catch them all either.
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Changed the name of my blog since it's not about me. It's more of a photo album scrap book mostly.
so bunny was a naughty bunny. Eww. He's been hiding this under the cushion till he left it flipped over this morning. For those who aren't sure yes that's normal bunny pee color. Guess I'll have to try filling the top with litter now too.
Okay a cute bunny pic to make up for that :P
Might make a seperate blog for more spersonal stuff seperate from the scrap book, hmm
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Sadly the found bunny mystery has been solved. The kind man that let me know the bunny was out there said he saw several more on the highschool foot ball feild this morning. So someone let them go at the school hoping kids would bring them home :( Poor bunny guess he's here to stay then.
And on that note I thought of a name for him. Jupiter. Was looking at his pic and he reminded me of the petting zoo goat Jupiter. She was one of the coolest goats too. Girlfriend to Lupe, liked to suck her own beard and teets, lol and cuddle in your lap.

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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:

He acts like a well manered house bunny. He doesn't pee or poop outside of his cage, hasn't yet anyway, and he knows his way around furniture. He's hopped on and off the couch on his own and on and off my bed. My bed has a trunk next to it for my dogs convenience. He has an easier time getting up and down than they do and they're bigger. He was up and down several times. He was hopping around his cage so tried opening the door and just sitting back on the bed, since Hyzzie was acting decent. She did better without me hoovering over them.

Quasi and the bunny. Well at least I tried to get a pic of them together while out :P

Bunny and the empty treat jar Hyzzie had been playing with.

I'm still not so sure about this ting ~ Hyzzie

Okay I admit to being a slob but the pee pad in the cage is just stained not soiled or I'd change it :P It's actualy paint.
Hyzzie and the bunny!! Oh my!

Hyzzie woofs at the bunny sometimes when it eats it's kibble. She thinks she should have it.
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:
Quasi and the bunny are getting along Hyzzie isn't sure what it is yet. She thinks she deserves it's food though and woofed at it so quasi went back to guarding the bunny cage just now. I haven't had a chance to try them together again since this morning. Kat came in and looked at bunny this morning but she wasn't to impressed. I'm not worried about her she used to have a wild bunny friend. Next time I get it out I'll be mean and check it's gender.
Well tried the bunny out tonight. First it just wanted to cuddle so I held it awhile and watched tv with it in the living room. So I took the opportunity to give it a grope and it's a boy compleate with dangly bits lol. When it woke up from it's cuddle nap I let it explore the couch and Quasi is fine with it but Hyzzie was licking her lips a lot. She wagged her tail and was sort of doing play bows but still didn't feel it was a good sign. Tried letting it explore my room a bit with me hovering over it. Hyzzie ran if it came in her dirrection but otherwise she kept sneaking up and snapping at it. No stopped her and she'd look guilty then do it again. So far it's still only bluffs and bunny just ignored her but it's not going well so far.
Oh and bunny seems to thing the little cat house bed makes a nice litter box as there were several piles in there. On the other hand it's been napping next to the real litter box.
Kat came in and looked at it for awhile yesterday then left. Didn't seem to impressed. I had some time home this morning due to not feeling well yesterday, dad's running the shop. So let bunny out for a bit to check out the house. Kat did come say hi and sniffed it. Couldn't tell if she liked it but I know she wont be a problem since she had a wild bunny she used to groom and play with.
Hyzzie is still being preditory. She listens when I say no but is really upset I wont let her eat it. she's still just snapping near it but I can't let it continue. Will try a squirt bottle next.
Quasi is a good boy. Bunny has bumped right into him several times and he doesn't mind. He is a little jelouse of any attention I give it though.
Bunny still thinks the best place to poop is in the house bed. Guess it needs a covered litter pan.
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:

Evening of 10/26 ....and bunny loves Quasi. Poor Quasi is still sitting in his bed there whining for it to be let out and it is right up against the cage next to him. They wanna cuddle.
Please mom let her out?

He's obsessed with it. He and the bunny are now sleeping next to each other through the cage. When I first put it in it went right into the bed/house but it would rather lay next to Quasi now.
My Kat used to play with a wild bunny that befriended her. They did that in the yard, kinda. she'd groom it then it tried to suckle. It looked to be a full gron bunny but she's a BIG kitty, lol. She swat it then it would bounce all around the yard then stop infront of her and wait to be swatted awain then hop around. Kat was to lazy to run herself. It didn't always try to suckle first but that's how the game got started.
I did take it out for a little bit and
Quasi was more cautiouse without bars between them. He needed my hand on him for reasurance. Hyzzie on the other hand was acting a little preditory so didn't keep it out long. When I went to put it baqck it hid it's face in my arm and fell asleep. It's a very sweet bunny and has eaten more so don't think I need to worry now.
it was restless so tried it out again for a bit. It's set at the moment so when I let it out the cage door while open kept the dogs away. It hopped in Hyzzie's dirrection and she scrambled to get away, HA. I let them together with very close supervision but only for a few seconds as both are still jumpy around it when out. They both sniffed and no one attacked. Hyzzie is of the mind that the best defense is a good offense though so need to watch her close with her being so nervouse. Hyzzie has prooven to be a mouser so she's got a lot of issues to keep an eye on. It would be doubly disasterouse if it got injured then the owners came to claim it.
I guess if it winds up staying we'll have to name it Esmerelda cuz that was the name of Quasimoto's love in the story. That's assuming it's a girl. I haven't been rude enough to flip it over and check yet. Bunnies are a bit difficult to sex.
I did try it out a few times with close supper vision but Hyzzie is acting very iffy with it. First tried it on my bed and though quasi just sniffed she growled and lunged at it though was a bluff. She got in trouble. She's tried that a couple times though. Let it out on the floor and it hopped in her dirrection and she scrambled away. So Hyzzie's emotions are still mixed. I tried this morning for a bit too and she was better but still not trust worthy. Quasi's a little more nervouse when there aren't the bars between them but he was nice to it and just sniffed. He whines at me to let it out then gets all shy when I do, lol.
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Posted by: Tamandua Girl / Category:

Well should make an intro post but maybe I'll do that later.
Well she was sitting out front. Well next door but either way right by the high way! Poor thing. So had to take her in. She would have nothing to do with a water bottle so gave her a lid of water she only took a sip and turned her nose up at the water. This just after lady today said how she let two bunnies go across the river. She thought she was being kind by setting them free rather than be stuck in a cage all winter. Hoping it's the neighbors. I let them a note. Will tell the paper tomarrow if not and get a found bunny posted. Then if no one claims it sell it I guess.
later that same day
Was someone's house bunny it made it's self right at home here. She hasn't eaten yet but doesn't seem dehydrated. She might have drank as she splashed a bit around the box at the store but I didn't see her do it. Over all she looks okay so I'll just let her settle in for now. At least I had a cage to stick her in.
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